36 research outputs found

    Partial Coherence Estimation via Spectral Matrix Shrinkage under Quadratic Loss

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    Partial coherence is an important quantity derived from spectral or precision matrices and is used in seismology, meteorology, oceanography, neuroscience and elsewhere. If the number of complex degrees of freedom only slightly exceeds the dimension of the multivariate stationary time series, spectral matrices are poorly conditioned and shrinkage techniques suggest themselves. When true partial coherencies are quite large then for shrinkage estimators of the diagonal weighting kind it is shown empirically that the minimization of risk using quadratic loss (QL) leads to oracle partial coherence estimators superior to those derived by minimizing risk using Hilbert-Schmidt (HS) loss. When true partial coherencies are small the methods behave similarly. We derive two new QL estimators for spectral matrices, and new QL and HS estimators for precision matrices. In addition for the full estimation (non-oracle) case where certain trace expressions must also be estimated, we examine the behaviour of three different QL estimators, the precision matrix one seeming particularly robust and reliable. For the empirical study we carry out exact simulations derived from real EEG data for two individuals, one having large, and the other small, partial coherencies. This ensures our study covers cases of real-world relevance

    Multitaper estimation on arbitrary domains

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    Multitaper estimators have enjoyed significant success in estimating spectral densities from finite samples using as tapers Slepian functions defined on the acquisition domain. Unfortunately, the numerical calculation of these Slepian tapers is only tractable for certain symmetric domains, such as rectangles or disks. In addition, no performance bounds are currently available for the mean squared error of the spectral density estimate. This situation is inadequate for applications such as cryo-electron microscopy, where noise models must be estimated from irregular domains with small sample sizes. We show that the multitaper estimator only depends on the linear space spanned by the tapers. As a result, Slepian tapers may be replaced by proxy tapers spanning the same subspace (validating the common practice of using partially converged solutions to the Slepian eigenproblem as tapers). These proxies may consequently be calculated using standard numerical algorithms for block diagonalization. We also prove a set of performance bounds for multitaper estimators on arbitrary domains. The method is demonstrated on synthetic and experimental datasets from cryo-electron microscopy, where it reduces mean squared error by a factor of two or more compared to traditional methods.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure