343 research outputs found

    Generalized SURE for Exponential Families: Applications to Regularization

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    Stein's unbiased risk estimate (SURE) was proposed by Stein for the independent, identically distributed (iid) Gaussian model in order to derive estimates that dominate least-squares (LS). In recent years, the SURE criterion has been employed in a variety of denoising problems for choosing regularization parameters that minimize an estimate of the mean-squared error (MSE). However, its use has been limited to the iid case which precludes many important applications. In this paper we begin by deriving a SURE counterpart for general, not necessarily iid distributions from the exponential family. This enables extending the SURE design technique to a much broader class of problems. Based on this generalization we suggest a new method for choosing regularization parameters in penalized LS estimators. We then demonstrate its superior performance over the conventional generalized cross validation approach and the discrepancy method in the context of image deblurring and deconvolution. The SURE technique can also be used to design estimates without predefining their structure. However, allowing for too many free parameters impairs the performance of the resulting estimates. To address this inherent tradeoff we propose a regularized SURE objective. Based on this design criterion, we derive a wavelet denoising strategy that is similar in sprit to the standard soft-threshold approach but can lead to improved MSE performance.Comment: to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    A CURE for noisy magnetic resonance images: Chi-square unbiased risk estimation

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    In this article we derive an unbiased expression for the expected mean-squared error associated with continuously differentiable estimators of the noncentrality parameter of a chi-square random variable. We then consider the task of denoising squared-magnitude magnetic resonance image data, which are well modeled as independent noncentral chi-square random variables on two degrees of freedom. We consider two broad classes of linearly parameterized shrinkage estimators that can be optimized using our risk estimate, one in the general context of undecimated filterbank transforms, and another in the specific case of the unnormalized Haar wavelet transform. The resultant algorithms are computationally tractable and improve upon state-of-the-art methods for both simulated and actual magnetic resonance image data.Comment: 30 double-spaced pages, 11 figures; submitted for publicatio

    A proximal iteration for deconvolving Poisson noisy images using sparse representations

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    We propose an image deconvolution algorithm when the data is contaminated by Poisson noise. The image to restore is assumed to be sparsely represented in a dictionary of waveforms such as the wavelet or curvelet transforms. Our key contributions are: First, we handle the Poisson noise properly by using the Anscombe variance stabilizing transform leading to a {\it non-linear} degradation equation with additive Gaussian noise. Second, the deconvolution problem is formulated as the minimization of a convex functional with a data-fidelity term reflecting the noise properties, and a non-smooth sparsity-promoting penalties over the image representation coefficients (e.g. ℓ1\ell_1-norm). Third, a fast iterative backward-forward splitting algorithm is proposed to solve the minimization problem. We derive existence and uniqueness conditions of the solution, and establish convergence of the iterative algorithm. Finally, a GCV-based model selection procedure is proposed to objectively select the regularization parameter. Experimental results are carried out to show the striking benefits gained from taking into account the Poisson statistics of the noise. These results also suggest that using sparse-domain regularization may be tractable in many deconvolution applications with Poisson noise such as astronomy and microscopy

    Poisson inverse problems

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    In this paper we focus on nonparametric estimators in inverse problems for Poisson processes involving the use of wavelet decompositions. Adopting an adaptive wavelet Galerkin discretization, we find that our method combines the well-known theoretical advantages of wavelet--vaguelette decompositions for inverse problems in terms of optimally adapting to the unknown smoothness of the solution, together with the remarkably simple closed-form expressions of Galerkin inversion methods. Adapting the results of Barron and Sheu [Ann. Statist. 19 (1991) 1347--1369] to the context of log-intensity functions approximated by wavelet series with the use of the Kullback--Leibler distance between two point processes, we also present an asymptotic analysis of convergence rates that justifies our approach. In order to shed some light on the theoretical results obtained and to examine the accuracy of our estimates in finite samples, we illustrate our method by the analysis of some simulated examples.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000000687 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Image Denoising in Mixed Poisson-Gaussian Noise

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    We propose a general methodology (PURE-LET) to design and optimize a wide class of transform-domain thresholding algorithms for denoising images corrupted by mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise. We express the denoising process as a linear expansion of thresholds (LET) that we optimize by relying on a purely data-adaptive unbiased estimate of the mean-squared error (MSE), derived in a non-Bayesian framework (PURE: Poisson-Gaussian unbiased risk estimate). We provide a practical approximation of this theoretical MSE estimate for the tractable optimization of arbitrary transform-domain thresholding. We then propose a pointwise estimator for undecimated filterbank transforms, which consists of subband-adaptive thresholding functions with signal-dependent thresholds that are globally optimized in the image domain. We finally demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach through extensive comparisons with state-of-the-art techniques that are specifically tailored to the estimation of Poisson intensities. We also present denoising results obtained on real images of low-count fluorescence microscopy
