139,388 research outputs found

    Distributed self-(star) minimum connected sensor cover algorithms

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    Wireless ad-hoc sensor networks are composed of a large number of tiny sensors with embedded microprocessors, that have very limited resources and yet must coordinate amongst themselves to form a connected network. Every sensor has a certain sensing radius, Rs, within which it is capable of covering a particular region by detecting or gathering certain data. Every sensor also has a communication radius, R c, within which it is capable of sending or receiving data; Given a query over a sensor network, the minimum connected sensor cover problem is to select a minimum, or nearly minimum, set of sensors, called a minimum connected sensor cover, such that the selected sensors cover the query region, and form a connected network amongst themselves. In this thesis, we use present three fully distributed, strictly localized, scalable, self-* solutions to the minimum connected sensor cover problem

    Self-* distributed query region covering in sensor networks

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    Wireless distributed sensor networks are used to monitor a multitude of environments for both civil and military applications. Sensors may be deployed to unreachable or inhospitable areas. Thus, they cannot be replaced easily. However, due to various factors, sensors\u27 internal memory, or the sensors themselves, can become corrupted. Hence, there is a need for more robust sensor networks. Sensors are most commonly densely deployed, but keeping all sensors continually active is not energy efficient. Our aim is to select the minimum number of sensors which can entirely cover a particular monitored area, while remaining strongly connected. This concept is called a Minimum Connected Cover of a query region in a sensor network. In this research, we have designed two fully distributed, robust, self-* solutions to the minimum connected cover of query regions that can cope with both transient faults and sensor crashes. We considered the most general case in which every sensor has a different sensing and communication radius. We have also designed extended versions of the algorithms that use multi-hop information to obtain better results utilizing small atomicity (i.e., each sensor reads only one of its neighbors\u27 variables at a time, instead of reading all neighbors\u27 variables). With this, we have proven self-* (self-configuration, self-stabilization, and self-healing) properties of our solutions, both analytically and experimentally. The simulation results show that our solutions provide better performance in terms of coverage than pre-existing self-stabilizing algorithms

    A Distributed Query Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Abstract. In wireless sensor networks, query execution over a specific geographical region is an essential function for collecting sensed data. However, sensor nodes deployed in sensor networks have limited battery power. Hence, the minimum number of connected sensor nodes that covers the queried region in a sensor network must be determined. This paper proposes an efficient distributed protocol to find a subset of connected sensor nodes to cover the queried region. Each node determines whether to be a sensing node to sense the queried region according to its priority. The proposed protocol can efficiently construct a subset of connected sensing nodes and respond the query request to the sink node. In addition, the proposed protocol is extended to solve the k-coverage request. Simulation results show that our protocol is more efficient and has a lower communication overhead than the existing protocol

    An ant colony optimization approach for maximizing the lifetime of heterogeneous wireless sensor networks

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    Maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a challenging problem. Although some methods exist to address the problem in homogeneous WSNs, research on this problem in heterogeneous WSNs have progressed at a slow pace. Inspired by the promising performance of ant colony optimization (ACO) to solve combinatorial problems, this paper proposes an ACO-based approach that can maximize the lifetime of heterogeneous WSNs. The methodology is based on finding the maximum number of disjoint connected covers that satisfy both sensing coverage and network connectivity. A construction graph is designed with each vertex denoting the assignment of a device in a subset. Based on pheromone and heuristic information, the ants seek an optimal path on the construction graph to maximize the number of connected covers. The pheromone serves as a metaphor for the search experiences in building connected covers. The heuristic information is used to reflect the desirability of device assignments. A local search procedure is designed to further improve the search efficiency. The proposed approach has been applied to a variety of heterogeneous WSNs. The results show that the approach is effective and efficient in finding high-quality solutions for maximizing the lifetime of heterogeneous WSNs

    K-coverage in regular deterministic sensor deployments

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    An area is k-covered if every point of the area is covered by at least k sensors. K-coverage is necessary for many applications, such as intrusion detection, data gathering, and object tracking. It is also desirable in situations where a stronger environmental monitoring capability is desired, such as military applications. In this paper, we study the problem of k-coverage in deterministic homogeneous deployments of sensors. We examine the three regular sensor deployments - triangular, square and hexagonal deployments - for k-coverage of the deployment area, for k ≥ 1. We compare the three regular deployments in terms of sensor density. For each deployment, we compute an upper bound and a lower bound on the optimal distance of sensors from each other that ensure k-coverage of the area. We present the results for each k from 1 to 20 and show that the required number of sensors to k-cover the area using uniform random deployment is approximately 3-10 times higher than regular deployments
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