2 research outputs found

    Optimization of MIMO detectors: Unleashing the multiplexing gain

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    Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems have recently emerged as a key technology in wireless communication systems for increasing both data rates and system performance. There are many schemes that can be applied to MIMO systems such as space time block codes, space time trellis codes, and the Vertical Bell Labs Space-Time Architecture (V-BLAST). This paper proposes a novel signal detector scheme called MIMO detectors to enhance the performance in MIMO channels. We study the general MIMO system, the general V-BLAST architecture with Maximum Likelihood (ML), Zero- Forcing (ZF), Minimum Mean- Square Error (MMSE), and Ordered Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) detectors and simulate this structure in Rayleigh fading channel. Also compares the performances of MIMO system with different modulation techniques in Fading and AWGN channels. Base on frame error rates and bit error rates, we compare the performance and the computational complexity of these schemes with other existence model.Simulations shown that V-BLAST implements a detection technique, i.e. SIC receiver, based on ZF or MMSE combined with symbol cancellation and optimal ordering to improve the performance with lower complexity, although ML receiver appears to have the best SER performance-BLAST achieves symbol error rates close to the ML scheme while retaining the lowcomplexity nature of the V-BLAST.Comment: Journal of Telecommunications,Volume 1, Issue 1, pp1-5, February 201

    Minimum BER transmit optimization for two-input multiple-output spatial multiplexing

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    Abstract — A two-input multiple-output (TIMO) system represents an important special case of multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) systems and occurs in practical scenarios where there are limitations on cost and/or space to install more antennas, in MIMO with transmit antenna selection which selects two out of multiple transmit antennas and turns MIMO into TIMO, or in cooperative communications with two singleantenna mobiles sharing their antennas. In this paper, minimum bit error rate (MBER) transmit optimization for TIMO spatial multiplexing systems is investigated. Approximate MBER transmit power allocation for a variety of receiver structures is proposed. Transmit beamforming schemes using 4-ary Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation (4-PAM) and Quaternary Phase-Shift-Keying (QPSK) pre-mixing are also proposed, which eliminate error floors in ill-conditioned TIMO channels. It is shown both analytically and by numerical simulations that the proposed schemes offer superior performance over existing schemes. Essentially, the proposed transmit optimization provides a simple and efficient means to utilize partial channel state information at the transmitter. I