6 research outputs found

    Minimizing Seed Set Selection with Probabilistic Coverage Guarantee in a Social Network

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    A topic propagating in a social network reaches its tipping point if the number of users discussing it in the network exceeds a critical threshold such that a wide cascade on the topic is likely to occur. In this paper, we consider the task of selecting initial seed users of a topic with minimum size so that with a guaranteed probability the number of users discussing the topic would reach a given threshold. We formulate the task as an optimization problem called seed minimization with probabilistic coverage guarantee (SM-PCG). This problem departs from the previous studies on social influence maximization or seed minimization because it considers influence coverage with probabilistic guarantees instead of guarantees on expected influence coverage. We show that the problem is not submodular, and thus is harder than previously studied problems based on submodular function optimization. We provide an approximation algorithm and show that it approximates the optimal solution with both a multiplicative ratio and an additive error. The multiplicative ratio is tight while the additive error would be small if influence coverage distributions of certain seed sets are well concentrated. For one-way bipartite graphs we analytically prove the concentration condition and obtain an approximation algorithm with an O(logn)O(\log n) multiplicative ratio and an O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) additive error, where nn is the total number of nodes in the social graph. Moreover, we empirically verify the concentration condition in real-world networks and experimentally demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm comparing to commonly adopted benchmark algorithms.Comment: Conference version will appear in KDD 201

    Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Adaptive Seed Minimization

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    As a dual problem of influence maximization, the seed minimization problem asks for the minimum number of seed nodes to influence a required number η\eta of users in a given social network GG. Existing algorithms for seed minimization mostly consider the non-adaptive setting, where all seed nodes are selected in one batch without observing how they may influence other users. In this paper, we study seed minimization in the adaptive setting, where the seed nodes are selected in several batches, such that the choice of a batch may exploit information about the actual influence of the previous batches. We propose a novel algorithm, ASTI, which addresses the adaptive seed minimization problem in O(η(m+n)ε2lnn)O\Big(\frac{\eta \cdot (m+n)}{\varepsilon^2}\ln n \Big) expected time and offers an approximation guarantee of (lnη+1)2(1(11/b)b)(11/e)(1ε)\frac{(\ln \eta+1)^2}{(1 - (1-1/b)^b) (1-1/e)(1-\varepsilon)} in expectation, where η\eta is the targeted number of influenced nodes, bb is size of each seed node batch, and ε(0,1)\varepsilon \in (0, 1) is a user-specified parameter. To the best of our knowledge, ASTI is the first algorithm that provides such an approximation guarantee without incurring prohibitive computation overhead. With extensive experiments on a variety of datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of ASTI over competing methods.Comment: A short version of the paper appeared in 2019 International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD '19), June 30--July 5, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 18 page