5 research outputs found

    The Demand Absorption Coefficient of a Production Line

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    AbstractIn this article, the demand absorption coefficient is proposed as a measure to quantify the degree of flexibility of a process against the variations of its environment in a context of robust planning. The demand absorption coefficient is defined as the slope on the function relating throughput and demand rates. This coefficient measures how demand disturbances are translated into output production rates depending on the capacity and inventory buffers of the production system. Models of serial production lines with different numbers of machines, capacities and sizes of buffers are solved by means of a decomposition method using phase-type distributions to study the behavior of this coefficient

    The robust single machine scheduling problem with uncertain release and processing times

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    In this work, we study the single machine scheduling problem with uncertain release times and processing times of jobs. We adopt a robust scheduling approach, in which the measure of robustness to be minimized for a given sequence of jobs is the worst-case objective function value from the set of all possible realizations of release and processing times. The objective function value is the total flow time of all jobs. We discuss some important properties of robust schedules for zero and non-zero release times, and illustrate the added complexity in robust scheduling given non-zero release times. We propose heuristics based on variable neighborhood search and iterated local search to solve the problem and generate robust schedules. The algorithms are tested and their solution performance is compared with optimal solutions or lower bounds through numerical experiments based on synthetic data

    Single machine scheduling problems with uncertain parameters and the OWA criterion

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    In this paper a class of single machine scheduling problems is discussed. It is assumed that job parameters, such as processing times, due dates, or weights are uncertain and their values are specified in the form of a discrete scenario set. The Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) aggregation operator is used to choose an optimal schedule. The OWA operator generalizes traditional criteria in decision making under uncertainty, such as the maximum, average, median or Hurwicz criterion. It also allows us to extend the robust approach to scheduling by taking into account various attitudes of decision makers towards the risk. In this paper a general framework for solving single machine scheduling problems with the OWA criterion is proposed and some positive and negative computational results for two basic single machine scheduling problems are provided