6 research outputs found

    Adaptivity and Optimality: A Universal Algorithm for Online Convex Optimization

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    In this paper, we study adaptive online convex optimization, and aim to design a universal algorithm that achieves optimal regret bounds for multiple common types of loss functions. Existing universal methods are limited in the sense that they are optimal for only a subclass of loss functions. To address this limitation, we propose a novel online method, namely Maler, which enjoys the optimal O(T)O(\sqrt{T}), O(dlog⁑T)O(d\log T) and O(log⁑T)O(\log T) regret bounds for general convex, exponentially concave, and strongly convex functions respectively. The essential idea is to run multiple types of learning algorithms with different learning rates in parallel, and utilize a meta algorithm to track the best one on the fly. Empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Adaptive Regret of Convex and Smooth Functions

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    We investigate online convex optimization in changing environments, and choose the adaptive regret as the performance measure. The goal is to achieve a small regret over every interval so that the comparator is allowed to change over time. Different from previous works that only utilize the convexity condition, this paper further exploits smoothness to improve the adaptive regret. To this end, we develop novel adaptive algorithms for convex and smooth functions, and establish problem-dependent regret bounds over any interval. Our regret bounds are comparable to existing results in the worst case, and become much tighter when the comparator has a small loss

    Dynamic Local Regret for Non-convex Online Forecasting

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    We consider online forecasting problems for non-convex machine learning models. Forecasting introduces several challenges such as (i) frequent updates are necessary to deal with concept drift issues since the dynamics of the environment change over time, and (ii) the state of the art models are non-convex models. We address these challenges with a novel regret framework. Standard regret measures commonly do not consider both dynamic environment and non-convex models. We introduce a local regret for non-convex models in a dynamic environment. We present an update rule incurring a cost, according to our proposed local regret, which is sublinear in time T. Our update uses time-smoothed gradients. Using a real-world dataset we show that our time-smoothed approach yields several benefits when compared with state-of-the-art competitors: results are more stable against new data; training is more robust to hyperparameter selection; and our approach is more computationally efficient than the alternatives.Comment: NeurIPS2019. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1905.0885

    Dual Adaptivity: A Universal Algorithm for Minimizing the Adaptive Regret of Convex Functions

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    To deal with changing environments, a new performance measure---adaptive regret, defined as the maximum static regret over any interval, is proposed in online learning. Under the setting of online convex optimization, several algorithms have been successfully developed to minimize the adaptive regret. However, existing algorithms lack universality in the sense that they can only handle one type of convex functions and need apriori knowledge of parameters. By contrast, there exist universal algorithms, such as MetaGrad, that attain optimal static regret for multiple types of convex functions simultaneously. Along this line of research, this paper presents the first universal algorithm for minimizing the adaptive regret of convex functions. Specifically, we borrow the idea of maintaining multiple learning rates in MetaGrad to handle the uncertainty of functions, and utilize the technique of sleeping experts to capture changing environments. In this way, our algorithm automatically adapts to the property of functions (convex, exponentially concave, or strongly convex), as well as the nature of environments (stationary or changing). As a by product, it also allows the type of functions to switch between rounds

    Bandit Convex Optimization in Non-stationary Environments

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    Bandit Convex Optimization (BCO) is a fundamental framework for modeling sequential decision-making with partial information, where the only feedback available to the player is the one-point or two-point function values. In this paper, we investigate BCO in non-stationary environments and choose the \emph{dynamic regret} as the performance measure, which is defined as the difference between the cumulative loss incurred by the algorithm and that of any feasible comparator sequence. Let TT be the time horizon and PTP_T be the path-length of the comparator sequence that reflects the non-stationarity of environments. We propose a novel algorithm that achieves O(T3/4(1+PT)1/2)O(T^{3/4}(1+P_T)^{1/2}) and O(T1/2(1+PT)1/2)O(T^{1/2}(1+P_T)^{1/2}) dynamic regret respectively for the one-point and two-point feedback models. The latter result is optimal, matching the Ξ©(T1/2(1+PT)1/2)\Omega(T^{1/2}(1+P_T)^{1/2}) lower bound established in this paper. Notably, our algorithm is more adaptive to non-stationary environments since it does not require prior knowledge of the path-length PTP_T ahead of time, which is generally unknown

    DriftSurf: A Risk-competitive Learning Algorithm under Concept Drift

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    When learning from streaming data, a change in the data distribution, also known as concept drift, can render a previously-learned model inaccurate and require training a new model. We present an adaptive learning algorithm that extends previous drift-detection-based methods by incorporating drift detection into a broader stable-state/reactive-state process. The advantage of our approach is that we can use aggressive drift detection in the stable state to achieve a high detection rate, but mitigate the false positive rate of standalone drift detection via a reactive state that reacts quickly to true drifts while eliminating most false positives. The algorithm is generic in its base learner and can be applied across a variety of supervised learning problems. Our theoretical analysis shows that the risk of the algorithm is competitive to an algorithm with oracle knowledge of when (abrupt) drifts occur. Experiments on synthetic and real datasets with concept drifts confirm our theoretical analysis.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to NeurIPS 2020. Replaced to include revision of Lemma 2 and additional experimental result