5,385 research outputs found

    Efficient Algorithms for Privately Releasing Marginals via Convex Relaxations

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    Consider a database of nn people, each represented by a bit-string of length dd corresponding to the setting of dd binary attributes. A kk-way marginal query is specified by a subset SS of kk attributes, and a S|S|-dimensional binary vector β\beta specifying their values. The result for this query is a count of the number of people in the database whose attribute vector restricted to SS agrees with β\beta. Privately releasing approximate answers to a set of kk-way marginal queries is one of the most important and well-motivated problems in differential privacy. Information theoretically, the error complexity of marginal queries is well-understood: the per-query additive error is known to be at least Ω(min{n,dk2})\Omega(\min\{\sqrt{n},d^{\frac{k}{2}}\}) and at most O~(min{nd1/4,dk2})\tilde{O}(\min\{\sqrt{n} d^{1/4},d^{\frac{k}{2}}\}). However, no polynomial time algorithm with error complexity as low as the information theoretic upper bound is known for small nn. In this work we present a polynomial time algorithm that, for any distribution on marginal queries, achieves average error at most O~(ndk/24)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n} d^{\frac{\lceil k/2 \rceil}{4}}). This error bound is as good as the best known information theoretic upper bounds for k=2k=2. This bound is an improvement over previous work on efficiently releasing marginals when kk is small and when error o(n)o(n) is desirable. Using private boosting we are also able to give nearly matching worst-case error bounds. Our algorithms are based on the geometric techniques of Nikolov, Talwar, and Zhang. The main new ingredients are convex relaxations and careful use of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm for constrained convex minimization. To design our relaxations, we rely on the Grothendieck inequality from functional analysis

    Robust 1-Bit Compressed Sensing via Hinge Loss Minimization

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    This work theoretically studies the problem of estimating a structured high-dimensional signal x0Rnx_0 \in \mathbb{R}^n from noisy 11-bit Gaussian measurements. Our recovery approach is based on a simple convex program which uses the hinge loss function as data fidelity term. While such a risk minimization strategy is very natural to learn binary output models, such as in classification, its capacity to estimate a specific signal vector is largely unexplored. A major difficulty is that the hinge loss is just piecewise linear, so that its "curvature energy" is concentrated in a single point. This is substantially different from other popular loss functions considered in signal estimation, e.g., the square or logistic loss, which are at least locally strongly convex. It is therefore somewhat unexpected that we can still prove very similar types of recovery guarantees for the hinge loss estimator, even in the presence of strong noise. More specifically, our non-asymptotic error bounds show that stable and robust reconstruction of x0x_0 can be achieved with the optimal oversampling rate O(m1/2)O(m^{-1/2}) in terms of the number of measurements mm. Moreover, we permit a wide class of structural assumptions on the ground truth signal, in the sense that x0x_0 can belong to an arbitrary bounded convex set KRnK \subset \mathbb{R}^n. The proofs of our main results rely on some recent advances in statistical learning theory due to Mendelson. In particular, we invoke an adapted version of Mendelson's small ball method that allows us to establish a quadratic lower bound on the error of the first order Taylor approximation of the empirical hinge loss function

    Understanding fragility in supercooled Lennard-Jones mixtures. II. Potential energy surface

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    We numerically investigated the connection between isobaric fragility and the properties of high-order stationary points of the potential energy surface in different supercooled Lennard-Jones mixtures. The increase of effective activation energies upon supercooling appears to be driven by the increase of average potential energy barriers measured by the energy dependence of the fraction of unstable modes. Such an increase is sharper, the more fragile is the mixture. Correlations between fragility and other properties of high-order stationary points, including the vibrational density of states and the localization features of unstable modes, are also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, minor revisions, one figure adde