5,544 research outputs found

    Nonparametric estimation of the purity of a quantum state in quantum homodyne tomography with noisy data

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    The aim of this work is to estimate a quadratic functional of a unknown Wigner function from noisy tomographic data. The Wigner function can be seen as the representation of the quantum state of a light beam. The estimation of a quadratic functional is done from result of quantum homodyne measurement performed on identically prepared quantum systems. We start by constructing an estimator of a quadratic functional of the Wigner function. We show that the proposed estimator is optimal or nearly optimal in a minimax sense over a class of infinitely differentiable functions. Parametric rates are also reached for some values of the smoothness parameters and the asymptotic normality is given. Then, we construct an adaptive estimator that does not depend on the smoothness parameters and prove it is minimax over some set-ups

    Nonquadratic estimators of a quadratic functional

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    Estimation of a quadratic functional over parameter spaces that are not quadratically convex is considered. It is shown, in contrast to the theory for quadratically convex parameter spaces, that optimal quadratic rules are often rate suboptimal. In such cases minimax rate optimal procedures are constructed based on local thresholding. These nonquadratic procedures are sometimes fully efficient even when optimal quadratic rules have slow rates of convergence. Moreover, it is shown that when estimating a quadratic functional nonquadratic procedures may exhibit different elbow phenomena than quadratic procedures.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000147 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Minimax estimation of linear and quadratic functionals on sparsity classes

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    For the Gaussian sequence model, we obtain non-asymptotic minimax rates of estimation of the linear, quadratic and the L2-norm functionals on classes of sparse vectors and construct optimal estimators that attain these rates. The main object of interest is the class s-sparse vectors for which we also provide completely adaptive estimators (independent of s and of the noise variance) having only logarithmically slower rates than the minimax ones. Furthermore, we obtain the minimax rates on the Lq-balls where 0 < q < 2. This analysis shows that there are, in general, three zones in the rates of convergence that we call the sparse zone, the dense zone and the degenerate zone, while a fourth zone appears for estimation of the quadratic functional. We show that, as opposed to estimation of the vector, the correct logarithmic terms in the optimal rates for the sparse zone scale as log(d/s^2) and not as log(d/s). For the sparse class, the rates of estimation of the linear functional and of the L2-norm have a simple elbow at s = sqrt(d) (boundary between the sparse and the dense zones) and exhibit similar performances, whereas the estimation of the quadratic functional reveals more complex effects and is not possible only on the basis of sparsity described by the sparsity condition on the vector. Finally, we apply our results on estimation of the L2-norm to the problem of testing against sparse alternatives. In particular, we obtain a non-asymptotic analog of the Ingster-Donoho-Jin theory revealing some effects that were not captured by the previous asymptotic analysis.Comment: 32 page

    Optimal adaptive estimation of a quadratic functional

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    Adaptive estimation of a quadratic functional over both Besov and LpL_p balls is considered. A collection of nonquadratic estimators are developed which have useful bias and variance properties over individual Besov and LpL_p balls. An adaptive procedure is then constructed based on penalized maximization over this collection of nonquadratic estimators. This procedure is shown to be optimally rate adaptive over the entire range of Besov and LpL_p balls in the sense that it attains certain constrained risk bounds.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000000849 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Rate optimal estimation of quadratic functionals in inverse problems with partially unknown operator and application to testing problems

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    We consider the estimation of quadratic functionals in a Gaussian sequence model where the eigenvalues are supposed to be unknown and accessible through noisy observations only. Imposing smoothness assumptions both on the signal and the sequence of eigenvalues, we develop a minimax theory for this problem. We propose a truncated series estimator and show that it attains the optimal rate of convergence if the truncation parameter is chosen appropriately. Consequences for testing problems in inverse problems are equally discussed: in particular, the minimax rates of testing for signal detection and goodness-of-fit testing are derived.Comment: Corrected some typo

    Quadratic functional estimation in inverse problems

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    We consider in this paper a Gaussian sequence model of observations YiY_i, i≥1i\geq 1 having mean (or signal) θi\theta_i and variance σi\sigma_i which is growing polynomially like iγi^\gamma, γ>0\gamma >0. This model describes a large panel of inverse problems. We estimate the quadratic functional of the unknown signal ∑i≥1θi2\sum_{i\geq 1}\theta_i^2 when the signal belongs to ellipsoids of both finite smoothness functions (polynomial weights iαi^\alpha, α>0\alpha>0) and infinite smoothness (exponential weights eβire^{\beta i^r}, β>0\beta >0, 0<r≤20<r \leq 2). We propose a Pinsker type projection estimator in each case and study its quadratic risk. When the signal is sufficiently smoother than the difficulty of the inverse problem (α>γ+1/4\alpha>\gamma+1/4 or in the case of exponential weights), we obtain the parametric rate and the efficiency constant associated to it. Moreover, we give upper bounds of the second order term in the risk and conjecture that they are asymptotically sharp minimax. When the signal is finitely smooth with α≤γ+1/4\alpha \leq \gamma +1/4, we compute non parametric upper bounds of the risk of and we presume also that the constant is asymptotically sharp

    Minimax testing of a composite null hypothesis defined via a quadratic functional in the model of regression

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    We consider the problem of testing a particular type of composite null hypothesis under a nonparametric multivariate regression model. For a given quadratic functional QQ, the null hypothesis states that the regression function ff satisfies the constraint Q[f]=0Q[f]=0, while the alternative corresponds to the functions for which Q[f]Q[f] is bounded away from zero. On the one hand, we provide minimax rates of testing and the exact separation constants, along with a sharp-optimal testing procedure, for diagonal and nonnegative quadratic functionals. We consider smoothness classes of ellipsoidal form and check that our conditions are fulfilled in the particular case of ellipsoids corresponding to anisotropic Sobolev classes. In this case, we present a closed form of the minimax rate and the separation constant. On the other hand, minimax rates for quadratic functionals which are neither positive nor negative makes appear two different regimes: "regular" and "irregular". In the "regular" case, the minimax rate is equal to n−1/4n^{-1/4} while in the "irregular" case, the rate depends on the smoothness class and is slower than in the "regular" case. We apply this to the issue of testing the equality of norms of two functions observed in noisy environments
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