626 research outputs found

    Symmetric measures via moments

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    Algebraic tools in statistics have recently been receiving special attention and a number of interactions between algebraic geometry and computational statistics have been rapidly developing. This paper presents another such connection, namely, one between probabilistic models invariant under a finite group of (non-singular) linear transformations and polynomials invariant under the same group. Two specific aspects of the connection are discussed: generalization of the (uniqueness part of the multivariate) problem of moments and log-linear, or toric, modeling by expansion of invariant terms. A distribution of minuscule subimages extracted from a large database of natural images is analyzed to illustrate the above concepts.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/07-BEJ6144 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Minimum Description Length Principle for Maximum Entropy Model Selection

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    Model selection is central to statistics, and many learning problems can be formulated as model selection problems. In this paper, we treat the problem of selecting a maximum entropy model given various feature subsets and their moments, as a model selection problem, and present a minimum description length (MDL) formulation to solve this problem. For this, we derive normalized maximum likelihood (NML) codelength for these models. Furthermore, we prove that the minimax entropy principle is a special case of maximum entropy model selection, where one assumes that complexity of all the models are equal. We apply our approach to gene selection problem and present simulation results.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables, submitted to Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligenc

    Wasserstein Introspective Neural Networks

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    We present Wasserstein introspective neural networks (WINN) that are both a generator and a discriminator within a single model. WINN provides a significant improvement over the recent introspective neural networks (INN) method by enhancing INN's generative modeling capability. WINN has three interesting properties: (1) A mathematical connection between the formulation of the INN algorithm and that of Wasserstein generative adversarial networks (WGAN) is made. (2) The explicit adoption of the Wasserstein distance into INN results in a large enhancement to INN, achieving compelling results even with a single classifier --- e.g., providing nearly a 20 times reduction in model size over INN for unsupervised generative modeling. (3) When applied to supervised classification, WINN also gives rise to improved robustness against adversarial examples in terms of the error reduction. In the experiments, we report encouraging results on unsupervised learning problems including texture, face, and object modeling, as well as a supervised classification task against adversarial attacks.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2018 (Oral

    A survey of exemplar-based texture synthesis

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    Exemplar-based texture synthesis is the process of generating, from an input sample, new texture images of arbitrary size and which are perceptually equivalent to the sample. The two main approaches are statistics-based methods and patch re-arrangement methods. In the first class, a texture is characterized by a statistical signature; then, a random sampling conditioned to this signature produces genuinely different texture images. The second class boils down to a clever "copy-paste" procedure, which stitches together large regions of the sample. Hybrid methods try to combine ideas from both approaches to avoid their hurdles. The recent approaches using convolutional neural networks fit to this classification, some being statistical and others performing patch re-arrangement in the feature space. They produce impressive synthesis on various kinds of textures. Nevertheless, we found that most real textures are organized at multiple scales, with global structures revealed at coarse scales and highly varying details at finer ones. Thus, when confronted with large natural images of textures the results of state-of-the-art methods degrade rapidly, and the problem of modeling them remains wide open.Comment: v2: Added comments and typos fixes. New section added to describe FRAME. New method presented: CNNMR
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