9,846 research outputs found

    On the Olson and the Strong Davenport constants

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    A subset SS of a finite abelian group, written additively, is called zero-sumfree if the sum of the elements of each non-empty subset of SS is non-zero. We investigate the maximal cardinality of zero-sumfree sets, i.e., the (small) Olson constant. We determine the maximal cardinality of such sets for several new types of groups; in particular, pp-groups with large rank relative to the exponent, including all groups with exponent at most five. These results are derived as consequences of more general results, establishing new lower bounds for the cardinality of zero-sumfree sets for various types of groups. The quality of these bounds is explored via the treatment, which is computer-aided, of selected explicit examples. Moreover, we investigate a closely related notion, namely the maximal cardinality of minimal zero-sum sets, i.e., the Strong Davenport constant. In particular, we determine its value for elementary pp-groups of rank at most 22, paralleling and building on recent results on this problem for the Olson constant

    On the index of length four minimal zero-sum sequences

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    Let GG be a finite cyclic group. Every sequence SS over GG can be written in the form S=(n1g)(nlg)S=(n_1g)\cdot\ldots\cdot(n_lg) where gGg\in G and n_1, \ldots, n_l\in[1, \ord(g)], and the index \ind(S) of SS is defined to be the minimum of (n_1+\cdots+n_l)/\ord(g) over all possible gGg\in G such that g=G\langle g \rangle =G. A conjecture on the index of length four sequences says that every minimal zero-sum sequence of length 4 over a finite cyclic group GG with gcd(G,6)=1\gcd(|G|, 6)=1 has index 1. The conjecture was confirmed recently for the case when G|G| is a product of at most two prime powers. However, the general case is still open. In this paper, we make some progress towards solving the general case. Based on earlier work on this problem, we show that if G=gG=\langle g\rangle is a finite cyclic group of order G=n|G|=n such that gcd(n,6)=1\gcd(n,6)=1 and S=(x1g)(x2g)(x3g)(x4g)S=(x_1g)(x_2g)(x_3g)(x_4g) is a minimal zero-sum sequence over GG such that x1,,x4[1,n1]x_1,\cdots,x_4\in[1,n-1] with gcd(n,x1,x2,x3,x4)=1\gcd(n,x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4)=1, and gcd(n,xi)>1\gcd(n,x_i)>1 for some i[1,4]i\in[1,4], then \ind(S)=1. By using an innovative method developed in this paper, we are able to give a new (and much shorter) proof to the index conjecture for the case when G|G| is a product of two prime powers

    The Large Davenport Constant I: Groups with a Cyclic, Index 2 Subgroup

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    Let GG be a finite group written multiplicatively. By a sequence over GG, we mean a finite sequence of terms from GG which is unordered, repetition of terms allowed, and we say that it is a product-one sequence if its terms can be ordered so that their product is the identity element of GG. The small Davenport constant d(G)\mathsf d (G) is the maximal integer \ell such that there is a sequence over GG of length \ell which has no nontrivial, product-one subsequence. The large Davenport constant D(G)\mathsf D (G) is the maximal length of a minimal product-one sequence---this is a product-one sequence which cannot be factored into two nontrivial, product-one subsequences. It is easily observed that d(G)+1D(G)\mathsf d(G)+1\leq \mathsf D(G), and if GG is abelian, then equality holds. However, for non-abelian groups, these constants can differ significantly. Now suppose GG has a cyclic, index 2 subgroup. Then an old result of Olson and White (dating back to 1977) implies that d(G)=12G\mathsf d(G)=\frac12|G| if GG is non-cyclic, and d(G)=G1\mathsf d(G)=|G|-1 if GG is cyclic. In this paper, we determine the large Davenport constant of such groups, showing that D(G)=d(G)+G\mathsf D(G)=\mathsf d(G)+|G'|, where G=[G,G]GG'=[G,G]\leq G is the commutator subgroup of GG

    Scenery Reconstruction on Finite Abelian Groups

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    We consider the question of when a random walk on a finite abelian group with a given step distribution can be used to reconstruct a binary labeling of the elements of the group, up to a shift. Matzinger and Lember (2006) give a sufficient condition for reconstructibility on cycles. While, as we show, this condition is not in general necessary, our main result is that it is necessary when the length of the cycle is prime and larger than 5, and the step distribution has only rational probabilities. We extend this result to other abelian groups.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure