3 research outputs found

    Minimum projective linearizations of trees in linear time

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    The Minimum Linear Arrangement problem (MLA) consists of finding a mapping π\pi from vertices of a graph to distinct integers that minimizes {u,v}Eπ(u)π(v)\sum_{\{u,v\}\in E}|\pi(u) - \pi(v)|. In that setting, vertices are often assumed to lie on a horizontal line and edges are drawn as semicircles above said line. For trees, various algorithms are available to solve the problem in polynomial time in n=Vn=|V|. There exist variants of the MLA in which the arrangements are constrained. Iordanskii, and later Hochberg and Stallmann (HS), put forward O(n)O(n)-time algorithms that solve the problem when arrangements are constrained to be planar (also known as one-page book embeddings). We also consider linear arrangements of rooted trees that are constrained to be projective (planar embeddings where the root is not covered by any edge). Gildea and Temperley (GT) sketched an algorithm for projective arrangements which they claimed runs in O(n)O(n) but did not provide any justification of its cost. In contrast, Park and Levy claimed that GT's algorithm runs in O(nlogdmax)O(n \log d_{max}) where dmaxd_{max} is the maximum degree but did not provide sufficient detail. Here we correct an error in HS's algorithm for the planar case, show its relationship with the projective case, and derive simple algorithms for the projective and planar cases that run undoubtlessly in O(n)O(n)-time.Comment: Improved connection with previous Iordanskii's work

    Linear-time calculation of the expected sum of edge lengths in random projective linearizations of trees

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    The syntactic structure of a sentence is often represented using syntactic dependency trees. The sum of the distances between syntactically related words has been in the limelight for the past decades. Research on dependency distances led to the formulation of the principle of dependency distance minimization whereby words in sentences are ordered so as to minimize that sum. Numerous random baselines have been defined to carry out related quantitative studies on languages. The simplest random baseline is the expected value of the sum in unconstrained random permutations of the words in the sentence, namely when all the shufflings of the words of a sentence are allowed and equally likely. Here we focus on a popular baseline: random projective permutations of the words of the sentence, that is, permutations where the syntactic dependency structure is projective, a formal constraint that sentences satisfy often in languages. Thus far, the expectation of the sum of dependency distances in random projective shufflings of a sentence has been estimated approximately with a Monte Carlo procedure whose cost is of the order of ZnZn, where nn is the number of words of the sentence and ZZ is the number of samples; the larger ZZ, the lower the error of the estimation but the larger the time cost. Here we present formulae to compute that expectation without error in time of the order of nn. Furthermore, we show that star trees maximize it, and devise a dynamic programming algorithm to retrieve the trees that minimize it

    Bounds of the sum of edge lengths in linear arrangements of trees

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    A fundamental problem in network science is the normalization of the topological or physical distance between vertices, that requires understanding the range of variation of the unnormalized distances. Here we investigate the limits of the variation of the physical distance in linear arrangements of the vertices of trees. In particular, we investigate various problems on the sum of edge lengths in trees of a fixed size: the minimum and the maximum value of the sum for specific trees, the minimum and the maximum in classes of trees (bistar trees and caterpillar trees) and finally the minimum and the maximum for any tree. We establish some foundations for research on optimality scores for spatial networks in one dimension.Comment: Title changed at proof stag