7 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Methods for Industry and Healthcare

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    Adaptiveness and Lock-free Synchronization in Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent

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    The emergence of big data in recent years due to the vast societal digitalization and large-scale sensor deployment has entailed significant interest in machine learning methods to enable automatic data analytics. In a majority of the learning algorithms used in industrial as well as academic settings, the first-order iterative optimization procedure Stochastic gradient descent (SGD), is the backbone. However, SGD is often time-consuming, as it typically requires several passes through the entire dataset in order to converge to a solution of sufficient quality.In order to cope with increasing data volumes, and to facilitate accelerated processing utilizing contemporary hardware, various parallel SGD variants have been proposed. In addition to traditional synchronous parallelization schemes, asynchronous ones have received particular interest in recent literature due to their improved ability to scale due to less coordination, and subsequently waiting time. However, asynchrony implies inherent challenges in understanding the execution of the algorithm and its convergence properties, due the presence of both stale and inconsistent views of the shared state.In this work, we aim to increase the understanding of the convergence properties of SGD for practical applications under asynchronous parallelism and develop tools and frameworks that facilitate improved convergence properties as well as further research and development. First, we focus on understanding the impact of staleness, and introduce models for capturing the dynamics of parallel execution of SGD. This enables (i) quantifying the statistical penalty on the convergence due to staleness and (ii) deriving an adaptation scheme, introducing a staleness-adaptive SGD variant MindTheStep-AsyncSGD, which provably reduces this penalty. Second, we aim at exploring the impact of synchronization mechanisms, in particular consistency-preserving ones, and the overall effect on the convergence properties. To this end, we propose LeashedSGD, an extensible algorithmic framework supporting various synchronization mechanisms for different degrees of consistency, enabling in particular a lock-free and consistency-preserving implementation. In addition, the algorithmic construction of Leashed-SGD enables dynamic memory allocation, claiming memory only when necessary, which reduces the overall memory footprint. We perform an extensive empirical study, benchmarking the proposed methods, together with established baselines, focusing on the prominent application of Deep Learning for image classification on the benchmark datasets MNIST and CIFAR, showing significant improvements in converge time for Leashed-SGD and MindTheStep-AsyncSGD

    Adaptiveness, Asynchrony, and Resource Efficiency in Parallel Stochastic Gradient Descent

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    Accelerated digitalization and sensor deployment in society in recent years poses critical challenges for associated data processing and analysis infrastructure to scale, and the field of big data, targeting methods for storing, processing, and revealing patterns in huge data sets, has surged. Artificial Intelligence (AI) models are used diligently in standard Big Data pipelines due to their tremendous success across various data analysis tasks, however exponential growth in Volume, Variety and Velocity of Big Data (known as its three V’s) in recent years require associated complexity in the AI models that analyze it, as well as the Machine Learning (ML) processes required to train them. In order to cope, parallelism in ML is standard nowadays, with the aim to better utilize contemporary computing infrastructure, whether it being shared-memory multi-core CPUs, or vast connected networks of IoT devices engaging in Federated Learning (FL).Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) serves as the backbone of many of the most popular ML methods, including in particular Deep Learning. However, SGD has inherently sequential semantics, and is not trivially parallelizable without imposing strict synchronization, with associated bottlenecks. Asynchronous SGD (AsyncSGD), which relaxes the original semantics, has gained significant interest in recent years due to promising results that show speedup in certain contexts. However, the relaxed semantics that asynchrony entails give rise to fundamental questions regarding AsyncSGD, relating particularly to its stability and convergence rate in practical applications.This thesis explores vital knowledge gaps of AsyncSGD, and contributes in particular to: Theoretical frameworks – Formalization of several key notions related to the impact of asynchrony on the convergence, guiding future development of AsyncSGD implementations; Analytical results – Asymptotic convergence bounds under realistic assumptions. Moreover, several technical solutions are proposed, targeting in particular: Stability – Reducing the number of non-converging executions and the associated wasted energy; Speedup – Improving convergence time and reliability with instance-based adaptiveness; Elasticity – Resource-efficiency by avoiding over-parallelism, and thereby improving stability and saving computing resources. The proposed methods are evaluated on several standard DL benchmarking applications and compared to relevant baselines from previous literature. Key results include: (i) persistent speedup compared to baselines, (ii) increased stability and reduced risk for non-converging executions, (iii) reduction in the overall memory footprint (up to 17%), as well as the consumed computing resources (up to 67%).In addition, along with this thesis, an open-source implementation is published, that connects high-level ML operations with asynchronous implementations with fine-grained memory operations, leveraging future research for efficient adaptation of AsyncSGD for practical applications

    Enabling Ubiquitous OLAP Analyses

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    An OLAP analysis session is carried out as a sequence of OLAP operations applied to multidimensional cubes. At each step of a session, an operation is applied to the result of the previous step in an incremental fashion. Due to its simplicity and flexibility, OLAP is the most adopted paradigm used to explore the data stored in data warehouses. With the goal of expanding the fruition of OLAP analyses, in this thesis we touch several critical topics. We first present our contributions to deal with data extractions from service-oriented sources, which are nowadays used to provide access to many databases and analytic platforms. By addressing data extraction from these sources we make a step towards the integration of external databases into the data warehouse, thus providing richer data that can be analyzed through OLAP sessions. The second topic that we study is that of visualization of multidimensional data, which we exploit to enable OLAP on devices with limited screen and bandwidth capabilities (i.e., mobile devices). Finally, we propose solutions to obtain multidimensional schemata from unconventional sources (e.g., sensor networks), which are crucial to perform multidimensional analyses

    Mimir - Streaming operators classification with artificial neural networks

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    Streaming applications are used for analysing large volumes of continuous data. Achieving efficiency and effectiveness in data streaming imply challenges that gen all the more important when different parties (i) define applications\u27 semantics, (ii) choose the stream Processing Engine (SPE) to use, and (iii) provide the processing infrastructure (e.g., cloud or fog), and when one party\u27s decisions (e.g., how to deploy applications or when to trigger adaptive reconfigurations) depend on information held by a distinct one (and possibly hard to retrieve). In this context, machine learning can bridge the involved parties (e.g., SPEs and cloud providers) by offering tools that learn from the behavior of streaming applications and help take decisions. Such a tool, the focus of our ongoing work, can be used to learn which operators are run by a streaming application running in a certain SPE, without relying on the SPE itself to provide such information. More concretely, to classify the type of operator based on a desired level of granularity (from a coarse-grained characterization into stateless/stateful, to a fine-grained operator classification) based on general application-related metrics. As an example application, this tool could help a Cloud provider decide which infrastructure to assign to a certain streaming application (run by a certain SPE), based on the type (and thus cost) of its operators

    Extensible metadata management framework for personal data lake

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    Common Internet users today are inundated with a deluge of diverse data being generated and siloed in a variety of digital services, applications, and a growing body of personal computing devices as we enter the era of the Internet of Things. Alongside potential privacy compromises, users are facing increasing difficulties in managing their data and are losing control over it. There appears to be a de facto agreement in business and scientific fields that there is critical new value and interesting insight that can be attained by users from analysing their own data, if only it can be freed from its silos and combined with other data in meaningful ways. This thesis takes the point of view that users should have an easy-to-use modern personal data management solution that enables them to centralise and efficiently manage their data by themselves, under their full control, for their best interests, with minimum time and efforts. In that direction, we describe the basic architecture of a management solution that is designed based on solid theoretical foundations and state of the art big data technologies. This solution (called Personal Data Lake - PDL) collects the data of a user from a plurality of heterogeneous personal data sources and stores it into a highly-scalable schema-less storage repository. To simplify the user-experience of PDL, we propose a novel extensible metadata management framework (MMF) that: (i) annotates heterogeneous data with rich lineage and semantic metadata, (ii) exploits the garnered metadata for automating data management workflows in PDL – with extensive focus on data integration, and (iii) facilitates the use and reuse of the stored data for various purposes by querying it on the metadata level either directly by the user or through third party personal analytics services. We first show how the proposed MMF is positioned in PDL architecture, and then describe its principal components. Specifically, we introduce a simple yet effective lineage manager for tracking the provenance of personal data in PDL. We then introduce an ontology-based data integration component called SemLinker which comprises two new algorithms; the first concerns generating graph-based representations to express the native schemas of (semi) structured personal data, and the second algorithm metamodels the extracted representations to a common extensible ontology. SemLinker outputs are utilised by MMF to generate user-tailored unified views that are optimised for querying heterogeneous personal data through low-level SPARQL or high-level SQL-like queries. Next, we introduce an unsupervised automatic keyphrase extraction algorithm called SemCluster that specialises in extracting thematically important keyphrases from unstructured data, and associating each keyphrase with ontological information drawn from an extensible WordNet-based ontology. SemCluster outputs serve as semantic metadata and are utilised by MMF to annotate unstructured contents in PDL, thus enabling various management functionalities such as relationship discovery and semantic search. Finally, we describe how MMF can be utilised to perform holistic integration of personal data and jointly querying it in native representations