903 research outputs found

    How Do You Like Me in This: User Embodiment Preferences for Companion Agents

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    We investigate the relationship between the embodiment of an artificial companion and user perception and interaction with it. In a Wizard of Oz study, 42 users interacted with one of two embodiments: a physical robot or a virtual agent on a screen through a role-play of secretarial tasks in an office, with the companion providing essential assistance. Findings showed that participants in both condition groups when given the choice would prefer to interact with the robot companion, mainly for its greater physical or social presence. Subjects also found the robot less annoying and talked to it more naturally. However, this preference for the robotic embodiment is not reflected in the users’ actual rating of the companion or their interaction with it. We reflect on this contradiction and conclude that in a task-based context a user focuses much more on a companion’s behaviour than its embodiment. This underlines the feasibility of our efforts in creating companions that migrate between embodiments while maintaining a consistent identity from the user’s point of view

    Views from within a narrative : Evaluating long-term human-robot interaction in a naturalistic environment using open-ended scenarios

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    Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited. Date of acceptance: 16/06/2014This article describes the prototyping of human–robot interactions in the University of Hertfordshire (UH) Robot House. Twelve participants took part in a long-term study in which they interacted with robots in the UH Robot House once a week for a period of 10 weeks. A prototyping method using the narrative framing technique allowed participants to engage with the robots in episodic interactions that were framed using narrative to convey the impression of a continuous long-term interaction. The goal was to examine how participants responded to the scenarios and the robots as well as specific robot behaviours, such as agent migration and expressive behaviours. Evaluation of the robots and the scenarios were elicited using several measures, including the standardised System Usability Scale, an ad hoc Scenario Acceptance Scale, as well as single-item Likert scales, open-ended questionnaire items and a debriefing interview. Results suggest that participants felt that the use of this prototyping technique allowed them insight into the use of the robot, and that they accepted the use of the robot within the scenarioPeer reviewe

    Toward Formalizing Teleportation of Pedagogical Artificial Agents

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    Our paradigm for the use of artificial agents to teach requires among other things that they persist through time in their interaction with human students, in such a way that they "teleport" or "migrate" from an embodiment at one time t to a different embodiment at later time t'. In this short paper, we report on initial steps toward the formalization of such teleportation, in order to enable an overseeing AI system to establish, mechanically, and verifiably, that the human students in question will likely believe that the very same artificial agent has persisted across such times despite the different embodiments

    Toward Formalizing Teleportation of Pedagogical Artificial Agents

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    Our paradigm for the use of artificial agents to teach requires among other things that they persist through time in their interaction with human students, in such a way that they “teleport” or “migrate” from an embodiment at one time t to a different embodiment at later time t\u27. In this short paper, we report on initial steps toward the formalization of such teleportation, in order to enable an overseeing AI system to establish, mechanically, and verifiably, that the human students in question will likely believe that the very same artificial agent has persisted across such times despite the different embodiments. The system achieves this by demonstrating to the students that different embodiments share one or more privileged beliefs that only one single agent can possess

    Prototyping Realistic Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction for the Study of Agent Migration

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    Kheng Koay, Dag Sverre Syrdal and Kerstin Dautenhahn, 'Prototyping Realistic Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction for the Study of Agent Migration', paper presented at the IEEE International Symposium . Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA, 26-31 August 2016.This paper examines participants’ experiences of interacting with a robotic companion (agent) that has the ability to move its “mind” between different robotic embodiments to take advantage of the features and functionalities associated with the different embodiments in a process called agent migration. In particular, we focus on identifying factors that can help the companion retain its identity in different embodiments. This includes examining the clarity of the migration behaviour and how this behaviour may contribute to identity retention. Nine participants took part in a long-term study, and interacted with the robotic companion in the smart house twice-weekly over a period of 5 weeks. We used Narrative-based Integrated Episodic Scenario (NIES) framework for designing long-term interaction scenarios that provided habituation and intervention phases while conveying the impression of continuous long-term interaction. The results show that NEIS allows us to explore complex intervention scenarios and obtain a sense of continuity of context across the long-term study. The results also suggest that as participants become habituated with the companion, they found the realisation of migration signaling clearer, and felt more certain of the identity of the companion in later sessions, and that the most important factor for this was the agent’s continuation of tasks across embodiments. This paper is both empirical as well as methodological in nature.Non peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    RNA Nanoparticles and Method of Use Thereof

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    The presently-disclosed subject matter relates to an artificial RNA nanostructure and method of use thereof. In particular, the presently-disclosed subject matter relates to RNA nanoparticles and RNA dendrimers, and methods of disease diagnosis and treatments using the RNA nanostructure and RNA dendrimers

    Nanopore Device for Reversible Ion and Molecule Sensing or Migration

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    Disclosed are methods and devices for detection of ion migration and binding, utilizing a nanopipette adapted for use in an electrochemical sensing circuit. The nanopipette may be functionalized on its interior bore with metal chelators for binding and sensing metal ions or other specific binding molecules such as boronic acid for binding and sensing glucose. Such a functionalized nanopipette is comprised in an electrical sensor that detects when the nanopipette selectively and reversibly binds ions or small molecules. Also disclosed is a nanoreactor, comprising a nanopipette, for controlling precipitation in aqueous solutions by voltage-directed ion migration, wherein ions may be directed out of the interior bore by a repulsing charge in the bore

    Time Enough - Consequences of Human Microchip Implantation

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    Dr. Ramesh argues that microchip implantation is both possible and, for some purposes, desirable and suggests that now is the time to consider strategies for preventing potentially grievous intrusion into personal privacy
