1,867 research outputs found

    Efficient techniques for partitioning software development tasks

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    This research examines the problem of assigning software development tasks to teams. The goal of this study is to model the most efficient way of module assignments in order to reduce the communication and coordination delays among software teams that arise from the improper distribution of software modules. The study quantifies the module interactions using software coupling design measure and models these interactions using Linear Programming and Cluster Analysis techniques. The performance of the two techniques is evaluated to find the one that offers the most favorable set of module assignments that can be used by software practitioners in the real world. The results obtained from this research suggest that though Linear Programming is the most optimal technique for obtaining the solution, it cannot provide solutions for large problems. With an increase in the number of modules, the computational time required for Linear Programming model increased considerably. Cluster Analysis, on the other hand, provided solutions which were not as optimal as Linear Programming but generated module assignments for large module count problems. Two types of Cluster Analysis techniques, namely agglomerative clustering and partitional clustering were implemented in this research. Of the two, agglomerative cluster analysis technique offered the most efficient and practical solution for module assignments. This research is an attempt to improve the decision making capabilities of software practitioners who often make use of intuitions and their past experiences in the process of assigning modules to software development teams

    Software Metrics for Package Remodularisation

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    There is a plethora of software metrics \cite{Lore94a, Fent96a, Hend96a, Han00a, Lanz06a} and a large amount of research articles. Still there is a lack for a serious and practically-oriented evaluation of metrics. Often metrics lack the property that the software reengineer or quality expert can easily understand the situation summarized by the metrics. In particular, since the exact notion of coupling and cohesion is complex, a particular focus on such point is important. In the first chapter of the present document, we present a list of software metrics, that are commonly used to measure object-oriented programs. In the second chapter we present our proposition for package metrics that capture package aspects such as information hiding and change impact limits

    Annotated bibliography of software engineering laboratory literature

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    An annotated bibliography is presented of technical papers, documents, and memorandums produced by or related to the Software Engineering Laboratory. The bibliography was updated and reorganized substantially since the original version (SEL-82-006, November 1982). All materials were grouped into eight general subject areas for easy reference: (1) The Software Engineering Laboratory; (2) The Software Engineering Laboratory: Software Development Documents; (3) Software Tools; (4) Software Models; (5) Software Measurement; (6) Technology Evaluations; (7) Ada Technology; and (8) Data Collection. Subject and author indexes further classify these documents by specific topic and individual author

    Structured Review of the Evidence for Effects of Code Duplication on Software Quality

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    This report presents the detailed steps and results of a structured review of code clone literature. The aim of the review is to investigate the evidence for the claim that code duplication has a negative effect on code changeability. This report contains only the details of the review for which there is not enough place to include them in the companion paper published at a conference (Hordijk, Ponisio et al. 2009 - Harmfulness of Code Duplication - A Structured Review of the Evidence)

    Assessing architectural evolution: A case study

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2011 SpringerThis paper proposes to use a historical perspective on generic laws, principles, and guidelines, like Lehman’s software evolution laws and Martin’s design principles, in order to achieve a multi-faceted process and structural assessment of a system’s architectural evolution. We present a simple structural model with associated historical metrics and visualizations that could form part of an architect’s dashboard. We perform such an assessment for the Eclipse SDK, as a case study of a large, complex, and long-lived system for which sustained effective architectural evolution is paramount. The twofold aim of checking generic principles on a well-know system is, on the one hand, to see whether there are certain lessons that could be learned for best practice of architectural evolution, and on the other hand to get more insights about the applicability of such principles. We find that while the Eclipse SDK does follow several of the laws and principles, there are some deviations, and we discuss areas of architectural improvement and limitations of the assessment approach

    Annotated bibliography of Software Engineering Laboratory literature

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    An annotated bibliography of technical papers, documents, and memorandums produced by or related to the Software Engineering Laboratory is given. More than 100 publications are summarized. These publications cover many areas of software engineering and range from research reports to software documentation. All materials have been grouped into eight general subject areas for easy reference: The Software Engineering Laboratory; The Software Engineering Laboratory: Software Development Documents; Software Tools; Software Models; Software Measurement; Technology Evaluations; Ada Technology; and Data Collection. Subject and author indexes further classify these documents by specific topic and individual author

    Using Modularity Metrics to assist Move Method Refactoring of Large System

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    For large software systems, refactoring activities can be a challenging task, since for keeping component complexity under control the overall architecture as well as many details of each component have to be considered. Product metrics are therefore often used to quantify several parameters related to the modularity of a software system. This paper devises an approach for automatically suggesting refactoring opportunities on large software systems. We show that by assessing metrics for all components, move methods refactoring an be suggested in such a way to improve modularity of several components at once, without hindering any other. However, computing metrics for large software systems, comprising thousands of classes or more, can be a time consuming task when performed on a single CPU. For this, we propose a solution that computes metrics by resorting to GPU, hence greatly shortening computation time. Thanks to our approach precise knowledge on several properties of the system can be continuously gathered while the system evolves, hence assisting developers to quickly assess several solutions for reducing modularity issues

    Annotated bibliography of software engineering laboratory literature

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    An annotated bibliography of technical papers, documents, and memorandums produced by or related to the Software Engineering Laboratory is given. More than 100 publications are summarized. These publications cover many areas of software engineering and range from research reports to software documentation. This document has been updated and reorganized substantially since the original version (SEL-82-006, November 1982). All materials have been grouped into eight general subject areas for easy reference: the Software Engineering Laboratory; the Software Engineering Laboratory-software development documents; software tools; software models; software measurement; technology evaluations; Ada technology; and data collection. Subject and author indexes further classify these documents by specific topic and individual author

    Software (re)modularization: Fight against the structure erosion and migration preparation

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    Software systems, and in particular, Object-Oriented sys- tems are models of the real world that manipulate representa- tions of its entities through models of its processes. The real world is not static: new laws are created, concurrents offer new functionalities, users have renewed expectation toward what a computer should offer them, memory constraints are added, etc. As a result, software systems must be continuously updated or face the risk of becoming gradually out-dated and irrelevant [34]. In the meantime, details and multiple abstraction levels result in a high level of com- plexity, and completely analyzing real software systems is impractical. For example, the Windows operating system consists of more than 60 millions lines of code (500,000 pages printed double-face, about 16 times the Encyclopedia Universalis). Maintaining such large applications is a trade- off between having to change a model that nobody can understand in details and limiting the impact of possible changes. Beyond maintenance, a good structure gives to the software systems good qualities for migration towards modern paradigms as web services or components, and the problem of architecture extraction is very close to the classical remodularization problem