284 research outputs found

    A transfer principle and applications to eigenvalue estimates for graphs

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    In this paper, we prove a variant of the Burger-Brooks transfer principle which, combined with recent eigenvalue bounds for surfaces, allows to obtain upper bounds on the eigenvalues of graphs as a function of their genus. More precisely, we show the existence of a universal constants CC such that the kk-th eigenvalue λknr\lambda_k^{nr} of the normalized Laplacian of a graph GG of (geometric) genus gg on nn vertices satisfies λknr(G)Cdmax(g+k)n,\lambda_k^{nr}(G) \leq C \frac{d_{\max}(g+k)}{n}, where dmaxd_{\max} denotes the maximum valence of vertices of the graph. This result is tight up to a change in the value of the constant CC, and improves recent results of Kelner, Lee, Price and Teng on bounded genus graphs. To show that the transfer theorem might be of independent interest, we relate eigenvalues of the Laplacian on a metric graph to the eigenvalues of its simple graph models, and discuss an application to the mesh partitioning problem, extending pioneering results of Miller-Teng-Thurston-Vavasis and Spielman-Tang to arbitrary meshes.Comment: Major revision, 16 page

    Optimal Kullback-Leibler Aggregation via Information Bottleneck

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    In this paper, we present a method for reducing a regular, discrete-time Markov chain (DTMC) to another DTMC with a given, typically much smaller number of states. The cost of reduction is defined as the Kullback-Leibler divergence rate between a projection of the original process through a partition function and a DTMC on the correspondingly partitioned state space. Finding the reduced model with minimal cost is computationally expensive, as it requires an exhaustive search among all state space partitions, and an exact evaluation of the reduction cost for each candidate partition. Our approach deals with the latter problem by minimizing an upper bound on the reduction cost instead of minimizing the exact cost; The proposed upper bound is easy to compute and it is tight if the original chain is lumpable with respect to the partition. Then, we express the problem in the form of information bottleneck optimization, and propose using the agglomerative information bottleneck algorithm for searching a sub-optimal partition greedily, rather than exhaustively. The theory is illustrated with examples and one application scenario in the context of modeling bio-molecular interactions.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Riemann Surfaces and 3-Regular Graphs

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    In this thesis we consider a way to construct a rich family of compact Riemann Surfaces in a combinatorial way. Given a 3-regualr graph with orientation, we construct a finite-area hyperbolic Riemann surface by gluing triangles according to the combinatorics of the graph. We then compactify this surface by adding finitely many points. We discuss this construction by considering a number of examples. In particular, we see that the surface depends in a strong way on the orientation. We then consider the effect the process of compactification has on the hyperbolic metric of the surface. To that end, we ask when we can change the metric in the horocycle neighbourhoods of the cusps to get a hyperbolic metric on the compactification. In general, the process of compactification can have drastic effects on the hyperbolic structure. For instance, if we compactify the 3-punctured sphere we lose its hyperbolic structure. We show that when the cusps have lengths > 2\pi, we can fill in the horocycle neighbourhoods and retain negative curvature. Furthermore, the last condition is sharp. We show by examples that there exist curves arbitrarily close to horocycles of length 2\pi, which cannot be so filled in. Such curves can even be taken to be convex.Comment: M.Sc. Thesis (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology), 55 Pages, Under the Direction of Robert Brook