466 research outputs found

    Computing wrench-feasible paths for cable-driven hexapods

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    Motion paths of cable-driven hexapods must carefully be planned to ensure that the lengths and tensions of all cables remain within acceptable limits, for a given wrench applied to the platform. The cables cannot go slack -to keep the control of the robot- nor excessively tight -to prevent cable breakage- even in the presence of bounded perturbations of the wrench. This paper proposes a path planning method that accommodates such constraints simultaneously. Given two configurations of the robot, the method attempts to connect them through a path that, at any point, allows the cables to counteract any wrench lying in a predefined uncertainty region. The feasible C-space is placed in correspondence with a smooth manifold, which facilitates the definition of a continuation strategy to search this space systematically from one configuration, until the second configuration is found, or path non-existence is proved at the resolution of the search. The force Jacobian is full rank everywhere on the C-space, which implies that the computed paths will naturally avoid crossing the forward singularity locus of the robot. The adjustment of tension limits, moreover, allows to maintain a meaningful clearance relative to such locus. The approach is applicable to compute paths subject to geometric constraints on the platform pose, or to synthesize free-flying motions in the full six-dimensional C-space. Experiments are included that illustrate the performance of the method in a real prototype.Postprint (published version

    Solving the nearest rotation matrix problem in three and four dimensions with applications in robotics

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins ei 31/5/2022Since the map from quaternions to rotation matrices is a 2-to-1 covering map, this map cannot be smoothly inverted. As a consequence, it is sometimes erroneously assumed that all inversions should necessarily contain singularities that arise in the form of quotients where the divisor can be arbitrarily small. This misconception was clarified when we found a new division-free conversion method. This result triggered the research work presented in this thesis. At first glance, the matrix to quaternion conversion does not seem to be a relevant problem. Actually, most researchers consider it as a well-solved problem whose revision is not likely to provide any new insight in any area of practical interest. Nevertheless, we show in this thesis how solving the nearest rotation matrix problem in Frobenius norm can be reduced to a matrix to quaternion conversion. Many problems, such as hand-eye calibration, camera pose estimation, location recognition, image stitching etc. require finding the nearest proper orthogonal matrix to a given matrix. Thus, the matrix to quaternion conversion becomes of paramount importance. While a rotation in 3D can be represented using a quaternion, a rotation in 4D can be represented using a double quaternion. As a consequence, the computation of the nearest rotation matrix in 4D, using our approach, essentially follow the same steps as in the 3D case. Although the 4D case might seem of theoretical interest only, we show in this thesis its practical relevance thanks to a little known mapping between 3D displacements and 4D rotations. In this thesis we focus our attention in obtaining closed-form solutions, in particular those that only require the four basic arithmetic operations because they can easily be implemented on microcomputers with limited computational resources. Moreover, closed-form methods are preferable for at least two reasons: they provide the most meaningful answer because they permit analyzing the influence of each variable on the result; and their computational cost, in terms of arithmetic operations, is fixed and assessable beforehand. We have actually derived closed-form methods specifically tailored for solving the hand-eye calibration and the pointcloud registration problems which outperform all previous approaches.Dado que la función que aplica a cada cuaternión su matrix de rotación correspondiente es 2 a 1, la inversa de esta función no es diferenciable en todo su dominio. Por consiguiente, a veces se asume erróneamente que todas las inversiones deben contener necesariamente singularidades que surgen en forma de cocientes donde el divisor puede ser arbitrariamente pequeño. Esta idea errónea se aclaró cuando encontramos un nuevo método de conversión sin división. Este resultado desencadenó el trabajo de investigación presentado en esta tesis. A primera vista, la conversión de matriz a cuaternión no parece un problema relevante. En realidad, la mayoría de los investigadores lo consideran un problema bien resuelto cuya revisión no es probable que proporcione nuevos resultados en ningún área de interés práctico. Sin embargo, mostramos en esta tesis cómo la resolución del problema de la matriz de rotación más cercana según la norma de Frobenius se puede reducir a una conversión de matriz a cuaternión. Muchos problemas, como el de la calibración mano-cámara, el de la estimación de la pose de una cámara, el de la identificación de una ubicación, el del solapamiento de imágenes, etc. requieren encontrar la matriz de rotación más cercana a una matriz dada. Por lo tanto, la conversión de matriz a cuaternión se vuelve de suma importancia. Mientras que una rotación en 3D se puede representar mediante un cuaternión, una rotación en 4D se puede representar mediante un cuaternión doble. Como consecuencia, el cálculo de la matriz de rotación más cercana en 4D, utilizando nuestro enfoque, sigue esencialmente los mismos pasos que en el caso 3D. Aunque el caso 4D pueda parecer de interés teórico únicamente, mostramos en esta tesis su relevancia práctica gracias a una función poco conocida que relaciona desplazamientos en 3D con rotaciones en 4D. En esta tesis nos centramos en la obtención de soluciones de forma cerrada, en particular aquellas que solo requieren las cuatro operaciones aritméticas básicas porque se pueden implementar fácilmente en microcomputadores con recursos computacionales limitados. Además, los métodos de forma cerrada son preferibles por al menos dos razones: proporcionan la respuesta más significativa porque permiten analizar la influencia de cada variable en el resultado; y su costo computacional, en términos de operaciones aritméticas, es fijo y evaluable de antemano. De hecho, hemos derivado nuevos métodos de forma cerrada diseñados específicamente para resolver el problema de la calibración mano-cámara y el del registro de nubes de puntos cuya eficiencia supera la de todos los métodos anteriores.Postprint (published version

    GPU Accelerated Color Correction and Frame Warping for Real-time Video Stitching

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    Traditional image stitching focuses on a single panorama frame without considering the spatial-temporal consistency in videos. The straightforward image stitching approach will cause temporal flicking and color inconstancy when it is applied to the video stitching task. Besides, inaccurate camera parameters will cause artifacts in the image warping. In this paper, we propose a real-time system to stitch multiple video sequences into a panoramic video, which is based on GPU accelerated color correction and frame warping without accurate camera parameters. We extend the traditional 2D-Matrix (2D-M) color correction approach and a present spatio-temporal 3D-Matrix (3D-M) color correction method for the overlap local regions with online color balancing using a piecewise function on global frames. Furthermore, we use pairwise homography matrices given by coarse camera calibration for global warping followed by accurate local warping based on the optical flow. Experimental results show that our system can generate highquality panorama videos in real time

    Planning wrench-feasible motions for cable-driven hexapods

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    Motion paths of cable-driven hexapods must carefully be planned to ensure that the lengths and tensions of all cables remain within acceptable limits, for a given wrench applied to the platform. The cables cannot go slack-to keep the control of the robot-nor excessively tightto prevent cable breakage-even in the presence of bounded perturbations of the wrench. This paper proposes a path-planning method that accommodates such constraints simultaneously. Given two configurations of the robot, the method attempts to connect them through a path that, at any point, allows the cables to counteract any wrench lying in a predefined uncertainty region. The configuration space, or C-space for short, is placed in correspondence with a smooth manifold, which facilitates the definition of a continuation strategy to search this space systematically from one configuration, until the second configuration is found, or path nonexistence is proved by exhaustion of the search. The force Jacobian is full rank everywhere on the C-space, which implies that the computed paths will naturally avoid crossing the forward singularity locus of the robot. The adjustment of tension limits, moreover, allows to maintain a meaningful clearance relative to such locus. The approach is applicable to compute paths subject to geometric constraints on the platform pose or to synthesize free-flying motions in the full 6-D C-space. Experiments illustrate the performance of the method in a real prototype.Postprint (author's final draft

    Gauge Theories of Gravitation

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    During the last five decades, gravity, as one of the fundamental forces of nature, has been formulated as a gauge theory of the Weyl-Cartan-Yang-Mills type. The present text offers commentaries on the articles from the most prominent proponents of the theory. In the early 1960s, the gauge idea was successfully applied to the Poincar\'e group of spacetime symmetries and to the related conserved energy-momentum and angular momentum currents. The resulting theory, the Poincar\'e gauge theory, encompasses Einstein's general relativity as well as the teleparallel theory of gravity as subcases. The spacetime structure is enriched by Cartan's torsion, and the new theory can accommodate fermionic matter and its spin in a perfectly natural way. This guided tour starts from special relativity and leads, in its first part, to general relativity and its gauge type extensions \`a la Weyl and Cartan. Subsequent stopping points are the theories of Yang-Mills and Utiyama and, as a particular vantage point, the theory of Sciama and Kibble. Later, the Poincar\'e gauge theory and its generalizations are explored and special topics, such as its Hamiltonian formulation and exact solutions, are studied. This guide to the literature on classical gauge theories of gravity is intended to be a stimulating introduction to the subject.Comment: 169 pages, pdf file, v3: extended to a guide to the literature on classical gauge theories of gravit

    3D object reconstruction using computer vision : reconstruction and characterization applications for external human anatomical structures

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Informática. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Kinodynamic planning and control of closed-chain robotic systems

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 1/6/2022This work proposes a methodology for kinodynamic planning and trajectory control in robots with closed kinematic chains. The ability to plan trajectories is key in a robotic system, as it provides a means to convert high-level task commands¾like “move to that location'', or “throw the object at such a speed''¾into low-level controls to be followed by the actuators. In contrast to purely kinematic planners, which only generate collision-free paths in configuration space, kinodynamic planners compute state-space trajectories that also account for the dynamics and force limits of the robot. In doing so, the resulting motions are more realistic and exploit gravity, inertia, and centripetal forces to the benefit of the task. Existing kinodynamic planners are fairly general and can deal with complex problems, but they require the state coordinates to be independent. Therefore, they are hard to apply to robots with loop-closure constraints whose state space is not globally parameterizable. These constraints define a nonlinear manifold on which the trajectories must be confined, and they appear in many systems, like parallel robots, cooperative arms manipulating an object, or systems that keep multiple contacts with the environment. In this work, we propose three steps to generate optimal trajectories for such systems. In a first step, we determine a trajectory that avoids the collisions with obstacles and satisfies all kinodynamic constraints of the robot, including loop-closure constraints, the equations of motion, or any limits on the velocities or on the motor and constraint forces. This is achieved with a sampling-based planner that constructs local charts of the state space numerically, and with an efficient steering method based on linear quadratic regulators. In a second step, the trajectory is optimized according to a cost function of interest. To this end we introduce two new collocation methods for trajectory optimization. While current methods easily violate the kinematic constraints, those we propose satisfy these constraints along the obtained trajectories. During the execution of a task, however, the trajectory may be affected by unforeseen disturbances or model errors. That is why, in a third step, we propose two trajectory control methods for closed-chain robots. The first method enjoys global stability, but it can only control trajectories that avoid forward singularities. The second method, in contrast, has local stability, but allows these singularities to be traversed robustly. The combination of these three steps expands the range of systems in which motion planning can be successfully applied.Aquest treball proposa una metodologia per a la planificació cinetodinàmica i el control de trajectòries en robots amb cadenes cinemàtiques tancades. La capacitat de planificar trajectòries és clau en un robot, ja que permet traduir instruccions d'alt nivell com ara ¿mou-te cap aquella posició'' o ¿llença l'objecte amb aquesta velocitat'' en senyals de referència que puguin ser seguits pels actuadors. En comparació amb els planificadors purament cinemàtics, que només generen camins lliures de col·lisions a l'espai de configuracions, els planificadors cinetodinàmics obtenen trajectòries a l'espai d'estats que són compatibles amb les restriccions dinàmiques i els límits de força del robot. Els moviments que en resulten són més realistes i aprofiten la gravetat, la inèrcia i les forces centrípetes en benefici de la tasca que es vol realitzar. Els planificadors cinetodinàmics actuals són força generals i poden resoldre problemes complexos, però assumeixen que les coordenades d'estat són independents. Per tant, no es poden aplicar a robots amb restriccions de clausura cinemàtica en els quals l'espai d'estats no admeti una parametrització global. Aquestes restriccions defineixen una varietat diferencial sobre la qual cal mantenir les trajectòries, i apareixen en sistemes com ara els robots paral·lels, els braços que manipulen objectes coordinadament o els sistemes amb extremitats en contacte amb l'entorn. En aquest treball, proposem tres passos per generar trajectòries òptimes per a aquests sistemes. En un primer pas, determinem una trajectòria que evita les col·lisions amb els obstacles i satisfà totes les restriccions cinetodinàmiques, incloses les de clausura cinemàtica, les equacions del moviment o els límits en les velocitats i en les forces d'actuació o d'enllaç. Això s'aconsegueix mitjançant un planificador basat en mostratge aleatori que utilitza cartes locals construïdes numèricament, i amb un mètode eficient de navegació local basat en reguladors quadràtics lineals. En un segon pas, la trajectòria s'optimitza segons una funció de cost donada. A tal efecte, introduïm dos nous mètodes de col·locació per a l'optimització de trajectòries. Mentre els mètodes existents violen fàcilment les restriccions cinemàtiques, els que proposem satisfan aquestes restriccions al llarg de les trajectòries obtingudes. Durant l'execució de la tasca, tanmateix, la trajectòria pot veure's afectada per pertorbacions imprevistes o per errors deguts a incerteses en el model dinàmic. És per això que, en un tercer pas, proposem dos mètodes de control de trajectòries per robots amb cadenes tancades. El primer mètode gaudeix d'estabilitat global, però només permet controlar trajectòries que no travessin singularitats directes del robot. El segon mètode, en canvi, té estabilitat local, però permet travessar aquestes singularitats de manera robusta. La combinació d'aquests tres passos amplia el ventall de sistemes en els quals es pot aplicar amb èxit la planificació cinetodinàmica.Postprint (published version
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