3 research outputs found

    Meta-Learning across Meta-Tasks for Few-Shot Learning

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    Existing meta-learning based few-shot learning (FSL) methods typically adopt an episodic training strategy whereby each episode contains a meta-task. Across episodes, these tasks are sampled randomly and their relationships are ignored. In this paper, we argue that the inter-meta-task relationships should be exploited and those tasks are sampled strategically to assist in meta-learning. Specifically, we consider the relationships defined over two types of meta-task pairs and propose different strategies to exploit them. (1) Two meta-tasks with disjoint sets of classes: this pair is interesting because it is reminiscent of the relationship between the source seen classes and target unseen classes, featured with domain gap caused by class differences. A novel learning objective termed meta-domain adaptation (MDA) is proposed to make the meta-learned model more robust to the domain gap. (2) Two meta-tasks with identical sets of classes: this pair is useful because it can be employed to learn models that are robust against poorly sampled few-shots. To that end, a novel meta-knowledge distillation (MKD) objective is formulated. There are some mistakes in the experiments. We thus choose to withdraw this paper.Comment: There are some mistakes in the experiments. We thus choose to withdraw this pape

    High-order structure preserving graph neural network for few-shot learning

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    Few-shot learning can find the latent structure information between the prior knowledge and the queried data by the similarity metric of meta-learning to construct the discriminative model for recognizing the new categories with the rare labeled samples. Most existing methods try to model the similarity relationship of the samples in the intra tasks, and generalize the model to identify the new categories. However, the relationship of samples between the separated tasks is difficultly considered because of the different metric criterion in the respective tasks. In contrast, the proposed high-order structure preserving graph neural network(HOSP-GNN) can further explore the rich structure of the samples to predict the label of the queried data on graph that enables the structure evolution to explicitly discriminate the categories by iteratively updating the high-order structure relationship (the relative metric in multi-samples,instead of pairwise sample metric) with the manifold structure constraints. HOSP-GNN can not only mine the high-order structure for complementing the relevance between samples that may be divided into the different task in meta-learning, and but also generate the rule of the structure updating by manifold constraint. Furthermore, HOSP-GNN doesn't need retrain the learning model for recognizing the new classes, and HOSP-GNN has the well-generalizable high-order structure for model adaptability. Experiments show that HOSP-GNN outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on supervised and semi-supervised few-shot learning in three benchmark datasets that are miniImageNet, tieredImageNet and FC100

    Few-shot Learning with LSSVM Base Learner and Transductive Modules

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    The performance of meta-learning approaches for few-shot learning generally depends on three aspects: features suitable for comparison, the classifier ( base learner ) suitable for low-data scenarios, and valuable information from the samples to classify. In this work, we make improvements for the last two aspects: 1) although there are many effective base learners, there is a trade-off between generalization performance and computational overhead, so we introduce multi-class least squares support vector machine as our base learner which obtains better generation than existing ones with less computational overhead; 2) further, in order to utilize the information from the query samples, we propose two simple and effective transductive modules which modify the support set using the query samples, i.e., adjusting the support samples basing on the attention mechanism and adding the prototypes of the query set with pseudo labels to the support set as the pseudo support samples. These two modules significantly improve the few-shot classification accuracy, especially for the difficult 1-shot setting. Our model, denoted as FSLSTM (Few-Shot learning with LSsvm base learner and Transductive Modules), achieves state-of-the-art performance on miniImageNet and CIFAR-FS few-shot learning benchmarks.Comment: 9 pages,3 figures,3 table