3 research outputs found

    Meta Learning with Relational Information for Short Sequences

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    This paper proposes a new meta-learning method -- named HARMLESS (HAwkes Relational Meta LEarning method for Short Sequences) for learning heterogeneous point process models from short event sequence data along with a relational network. Specifically, we propose a hierarchical Bayesian mixture Hawkes process model, which naturally incorporates the relational information among sequences into point process modeling. Compared with existing methods, our model can capture the underlying mixed-community patterns of the relational network, which simultaneously encourages knowledge sharing among sequences and facilitates adaptive learning for each individual sequence. We further propose an efficient stochastic variational meta expectation maximization algorithm that can scale to large problems. Numerical experiments on both synthetic and real data show that HARMLESS outperforms existing methods in terms of predicting the future events

    Few-shot Learning for Time-series Forecasting

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    Time-series forecasting is important for many applications. Forecasting models are usually trained using time-series data in a specific target task. However, sufficient data in the target task might be unavailable, which leads to performance degradation. In this paper, we propose a few-shot learning method that forecasts a future value of a time-series in a target task given a few time-series in the target task. Our model is trained using time-series data in multiple training tasks that are different from target tasks. Our model uses a few time-series to build a forecasting function based on a recurrent neural network with an attention mechanism. With the attention mechanism, we can retrieve useful patterns in a small number of time-series for the current situation. Our model is trained by minimizing an expected test error of forecasting next timestep values. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method using 90 time-series datasets

    Quarantines as a Targeted Immunization Strategy

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    In the context of the recent COVID-19 outbreak, quarantine has been used to "flatten the curve" and slow the spread of the disease. In this paper, we show that this is not the only benefit of quarantine for the mitigation of an SIR epidemic spreading on a graph. Indeed, human contact networks exhibit a powerlaw structure, which means immunizing nodes at random is extremely ineffective at slowing the epidemic, while immunizing high-degree nodes can efficiently guarantee herd immunity. We theoretically prove that if quarantines are declared at the right moment, high-degree nodes are disproportionately in the Removed state, which is a form of targeted immunization. Even if quarantines are declared too early, subsequent waves of infection spread slower than the first waves. This leads us to propose an opening and closing strategy aiming at immunizing the graph while infecting the minimum number of individuals, guaranteeing the population is now robust to future infections. To the best of our knowledge, this is the only strategy that guarantees herd immunity without requiring vaccines. We extensively verify our results on simulated and real-life networks