1 research outputs found

    Message from the 3M4SE 2011 Chairs

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    Recent developments in metamodeling and model transformation techniques have led to increasing adoption of model-driven engineering practices. The increase in interest and significance of the model-driven approach has also accelerated its application in the development of large distributed IT systems to support collaborative enterprises in developing and exchanging services. Shifting attention from source code to models permits enterprises to focus on their core concerns, such as business processes, services and collaborations, without being forced to simultaneously consider the underlying technologies. Different concerns are typically addressed by different models, with transformations between the models and ultimately to the source code. Although the model-driven approach offers theoretical benefits for the development, maintenance and evolution of enterprise computing systems and corresponding service-oriented solutions, a number of issues for the practical application of the approach still exist. In order to solve these issues further advances in models business goals, pragmatic interoperability, semantic interoperability and model-driven methods design concepts, languages, metamodels, profiles, specification frameworks are necessary