2 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional maps and subgroup growth

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    In this paper we derive a generating series for the number of cellular complexes known as pavings or three-dimensional maps, on nn darts, thus solving an analogue of Tutte's problem in dimension three. The generating series we derive also counts free subgroups of index nn in Δ+=Z2∗Z2∗Z2\Delta^+ = \mathbb{Z}_2*\mathbb{Z}_2*\mathbb{Z}_2 via a simple bijection between pavings and finite index subgroups which can be deduced from the action of Δ+\Delta^+ on the cosets of a given subgroup. We then show that this generating series is non-holonomic. Furthermore, we provide and study the generating series for isomorphism classes of pavings, which correspond to conjugacy classes of free subgroups of finite index in Δ+\Delta^+. Computational experiments performed with software designed by the authors provide some statistics about the topology and combinatorics of pavings on n≤16n\leq 16 darts.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; computational experiments added; a new set of author

    Telescopic groups and symmetries of combinatorial maps

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    In the present paper, we show that many combinatorial and topological objects, such as maps, hypermaps, three-dimensional pavings, constellations and branched coverings of the two--sphere admit any given finite automorphism group. This enhances the already known results by Frucht, Cori -- Mach\`i, \v{S}ir\'{a}\v{n} -- \v{S}koviera, and other authors. We also provide a more universal technique for showing that ``any finite automorphism group is possible'', that is applicable to wider classes or, in contrast, to more particular sub-classes of said combinatorial and geometric objects. Finally, we show that any given finite automorphism group can be realised by sufficiently many non-isomorphic such entities (super-exponentially many with respect to a certain combinatorial complexity measure).Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures; final version to appear in Algebraic Combinatorics https://alco.centre-mersenne.or