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    A medical terminology server

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    AHMS 144.50: Medical Terminology

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    RADT 150 Medical Terminology

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    The language used in healthcare to describe diseases, medical procedures, and treatments is identified as medical terminology. Learning medical terminology can be problematic owing to its complexity and volume. Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) is an artificial intelligence (AI) language model that can simulate human conversations while providing individualized feedback, making it potentially a viable tool for learning medical terminology. The purpose of this study is to look at the benefits of using ChatGPT to learn medical terminology. A ChatGPT-based group studied medical terminology using the ChatGPT platform, while a traditional study group heard lectures and read textbooks. Following the study sessions, both groups carried out a test to evaluate their understanding and comprehension of medical terms. The study showed that the ChatGPT-based platform was more effective than traditional teaching techniques in increasing students' knowledge and understanding of medical terminology. When compared to the traditional instruction group, the group using the ChatGPT platform demonstrated significant improvements in their test results. ChatGPT offers the opportunity to improve medical terminology learning by providing students with interactive and individualized feedback. The outcomes of this study can assist with the development of novel and successful teaching techniques incorporating artificial intelligence into education.  Article visualizations

    AHMS 144.50: Medical Terminology

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    AHMS 144.50: Medical Terminology

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    Ontology and medical terminology: Why description logics are not enough

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    Ontology is currently perceived as the solution of first resort for all problems related to biomedical terminology, and the use of description logics is seen as a minimal requirement on adequate ontology-based systems. Contrary to common conceptions, however, description logics alone are not able to prevent incorrect representations; this is because they do not come with a theory indicating what is computed by using them, just as classical arithmetic does not tell us anything about the entities that are added or subtracted. In this paper we shall show that ontology is indeed an essential part of any solution to the problems of medical terminology – but only if it is understood in the right sort of way. Ontological engineering, we shall argue, should in every case go hand in hand with a sound ontological theory

    Public comprehension of medical terminology

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenThe quality of doctor-patient communication is critical for the practice of medicine. Studies show that effective communication results in patient satisfaction and improved compliance. To better understand one aspect of this complex phenomenon we estimated the ability of people to comprehend 11 commonly used medical terms. We used multiple choice questions in a telephone survey of 1167 Icelanders aged 16-75 years. Results (% of participants with correct answers): Gastroesophageal reflux (72), emphysema (25), steroids (40), one tablet twice a day (79), side effects (67), bronchitis (68), white blood cells (56), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (33), diabetes mellitus (72), antibiotics (87), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (42). Variables associated with better comprehension were: Female gender (better in 7/10 questions), university degree (10/10) and high income (9/10). Decision tree analysis showed that education had the most impact. The youngest participants (age 16-24) had the worst outcome in seven out of 10 questions. The results define certain medical terms that require more careful explanation than others. They also indicate that those of young age, low socioeconomic status and less educated require more help in understanding medical terms. Interestingly, 21% of participants failed to understand a very simple medication order, emphasizing the importance of explaining these in detail. The data may also have implications for informed consent. A larger study exploring the public comprehension of multiple medical terms should be considered.Samskipti lækna og sjúklinga eru afar mikilvæg. Rannsóknir sýna að fræðsla bætir líðan sjúklinga. Einnig er talið að mörg kærumál á hendur heilbrigðisstarfsmönnum byggist á misskilningi. Útskýringar þurfa að vera vandaðar og skilningur góður til að unnt sé að efla fræðslu og forðast misskilning. Til þess að byrja að kanna þetta flókna samspil rannsökuðum við skilning almennings á 11 orðum úr læknisfræði. Við notuðum símakönnun og lögðum fjölvalsspurningar fyrir 1167 Íslendinga á aldrinum 16-75 ára. Niðurstöður (% þátttakenda með rétt svar): Bakflæði (72), lungnaþemba (25), sterar (40), ein tafla tvisvar á dag (79), aukaverkanir (67), berkjubólga (68), hvít blóðkorn (56), sökk (33), sykursýki (87), langvinn lungnateppa (42). Þættir sem bættu árangur í könnuninni voru: Kyn (konur betri í sjö af tíu spurningum), háskólamenntun (10/10), háar tekjur (9/10). Fjölbreytugreining sýndi að menntun vó þyngst af þessum þáttum. Yngstu þátttakendurnir (16-24 ára) stóðu sig verst í sjö spurningum af tíu. Nýta má niðurstöðurnar til þess að útskýra sérstaklega vel þau orð sem illa skiljast og verja meiri tíma til fræðslu ungs fólks, tekjulágra og lítt skólagenginna. Huga þarf sérstaklega vel að lyfjafyrirmælum þar sem 21% fólks skilur ekki einföldustu fyrirmæli af þessu tagi. Niðurstöðurnar geta einnig nýst til þess að bæta upplýst samþykki. Gera þarf viðameiri rannsókn á því hvernig fólki gengur að skilja algeng orð úr læknisfræði

    Medical terminology and its particularities

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    Nowadays a lot of job offers in the foreign countries more often need the requirements of adequate foreign language professional communication. Highly specialized job positions require the mastery of professional language and the associated professional terminology as well, which is necessary for professional communication in the specific field of work. This is also true in the medical field, where the mastery of professional medical terminology should be the most preciseness. Medical terminology is constantly developing, completing and enhancing as the result of scientific research advance and use of new approaches, methods and the appearance of new diseases and syndromes. There are currently about 170, 000 medical terms. These include drug names, names or identifications of body parts, organs and parts of the organs, the names of body functions, the names of diseases, examinations, operational methods and interventions. The active medical vocabulary should contain at least 6,000 to 8,000 terms. Furthermore, each medical subdiscipline forms its own terminology all the time, but the experts from related fields do not often understand it. In our paper we focus on a brief history of medical terminology, its development, current medical terminology and some particularities of the German medical terminology