4 research outputs found

    Measuring the response bias induced by an experience and application research center

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    In recent years we have observed the rise of Experience and Application Research centers (EARC). These EARCs simulate realistic environments and are used for the empirical evaluation of interactive systems in a controlled setting. Such laboratory environments are intended to facilitate data collection without influencing the data itself. Accumulated experience in the use of EARCs has raised concerns that test participants could be impressed by the environments and have raised expectations for advanced systems they expect to encounter; this brings about the danger of systematic bias in subjective report data collected with EARCs. To evaluate the impact of an EARC as an instrument, a controlled experiment with 40 test participants was conducted. This experiment involved the replication of a traditional usability test in both the EARC and a traditional laboratory environment. The results of this study provide evidence regarding the validity and reliability of EARCs as instruments for evaluating interactive systems

    Measuring the response bias induced by an experience and application research center

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    In recent years we have observed the rise of Experience and Application Research centers (EARC). These EARCs simulate realistic environments and are used for the empirical evaluation of interactive systems in a controlled setting. Such laboratory environments are intended to facilitate data collection without influencing the data itself. Accumulated experience in the use of EARCs has raised concerns that test participants could be impressed by the environments and have raised expectations for advanced systems they expect to encounter; this brings about the danger of systematic bias in subjective report data collected with EARCs. To evaluate the impact of an EARC as an instrument, a controlled experiment with 40 test participants was conducted. This experiment involved the replication of a traditional usability test in both the EARC and a traditional laboratory environment. The results of this study provide evidence regarding the validity and reliability of EARCs as instruments for evaluating interactive systems

    Ambient intelligence:Plenty of challenges by 2010

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    Keynote.- Ambient Intelligence 2.0: Towards Synergetic Prosperity.- Sensing.- Behavior Analysis Based on Coordinates of Body Tags.- MobiDiC: Context Adaptive Digital Signage with Coupons.- Slice&Dice: Recognizing Food Preparation Activities Using Embedded Accelerometers.- Reasoning and Sensing.- The Ambient Tag Cloud: A New Concept for Topic-Driven Mobile Urban Exploration.- Constructing Topological Maps of Displays with 3-D Positioning Information.- Activity Recognition for Personal Time Management.- Getting Places: Collaborative Predictions from Status.- Ambient Technology.- Place Enrichment by Mining the Web.- Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition in a Multi-user Scenario.- Amelie: A Recombinant Computing Framework for Ambient Awareness.- Bug-Free Sensors: The Automatic Verification of Context-Aware TinyOS Applications.- Semi-automatic Story Creation System in Ubiquitous Sensor Environment.- SAGE: A Logical Agent-Based Environment Monitoring and Control System.- Using Video with Active Markers.- Ambient Assisted Living.- An Event-Driven Approach to Activity Recognition in Ambient Assisted Living.- EMon: Embodied Monitorization.- Interoperation Modeling for Intelligent Domotic Environments.- Intertwining Implicit and Explicit Awareness of Wellbeing to Support Peace of Mind and Connectedness.- NICA: Natural Interaction with a Caring Agent.- Applications and Studies.- Ambient Rabbits Likeability of Embodied Ambient Displays.- Contextual Interaction Design: The Case of Pause Buddy.- Creating a Development Support Bubble for Children.- I Bet You Look Good on the Wall: Making the Invisible Computer Visible.- AmIQuin - An Ambient Mannequin for the Shopping Environment.- Designing an Awareness Display for Senior Home Care Professionals.- Methods and Tools.- A Framework to Develop Persuasive Smart Environments.- Measuring the Response Bias Induced by an Experience and Application Research Center.- The Assisted User-Centred Generation and Evaluation of Pervasive Interfaces.- Reasoning and Adaptation.- Increased Robustness in Context Detection and Reasoning Using Uncertainty Measures: Concept and Application.- Synthetic Training Data Generation for Activity Monitoring and Behavior Analysis.- Adaptive User Profiles in Pervasive Advertising Environments. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo