5 research outputs found

    Permissive strategies in timed automata and games

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    Timed automata are a convenient framework for modelling and reasoning about real-time systems. While these models are now well-understood, they do not offer a convenient way of taking timing imprecisions into account. Several solutions (e.g. parametric guard enlargement) have been proposed over the last ten years to take such imprecisions into account. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for handling robust reachability, based on permissive strategies. While classical strategies propose to play an action at an exact point in time, permissive strategies consider intervals of possible dates when to play the selected action. In other words, the controller specifies an interval of time delays for actions to be executed in a more flexible way. With such a permissive strategy, we associate a penalty, which is the inverse of the length of the proposed interval, and accumulates along the run. We show that in that setting, optimal strategies can be computed in polynomial time for one-clock timed automata

    Nondeterministic Strategies and their Refinement in Strategy Logic

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    Nondeterministic strategies are strategies (or protocols, or plans) that, given a history in a game, assign a set of possible actions, all of which are winning. An important problem is that of refining such strategies. For instance, given a nondeterministic strategy that allows only safe executions, refine it to, additionally, eventually reach a desired state of affairs. We show that strategic problems involving strategy refinement can be solved elegantly in the framework of Strategy Logic (SL), a very expressive logic to reason about strategic abilities. Specifically, we introduce an extension of SL with nondeterministic strategies and an operator expressing strategy refinement. We show that model checking this logic can be done at no additional computational cost with respect to standard SL, and can be used to solve a variety of problems such as synthesis of maximally permissive strategies or refinement of Nash equilibria

    Permissive Controller Synthesis for Probabilistic Systems

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    We propose novel controller synthesis techniques for probabilistic systems modelled using stochastic two-player games: one player acts as a controller, the second represents its environment, and probability is used to capture uncertainty arising due to, for example, unreliable sensors or faulty system components. Our aim is to generate robust controllers that are resilient to unexpected system changes at runtime, and flexible enough to be adapted if additional constraints need to be imposed. We develop a permissive controller synthesis framework, which generates multi-strategies for the controller, offering a choice of control actions to take at each time step. We formalise the notion of permissivity using penalties, which are incurred each time a possible control action is disallowed by a multi-strategy. Permissive controller synthesis aims to generate a multi-strategy that minimises these penalties, whilst guaranteeing the satisfaction of a specified system property. We establish several key results about the optimality of multi-strategies and the complexity of synthesising them. Then, we develop methods to perform permissive controller synthesis using mixed integer linear programming and illustrate their effectiveness on a selection of case studies

    Measuring Permissivity in Finite Games

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    In this paper, we extend the classical notion of strategies in turn-based finite games by allowing several moves to be selected. We define and study a quantitative measure for permissivity of such strategies by assigning penalties when blocking transitions. We prove that for reachability objectives, most permissive strategies exist, can be chosen memoryless, and can be computed in polynomial time, while it is in NP ∩ coNP for discounted and mean penalties