12 research outputs found

    pde2path - version 2.0: faster FEM, multi-parameter continuation, nonlinear boundary conditions, and periodic domains - a short manual

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    pdepath 2.0 is an upgrade of the continuation/bifurcation package pde2path for elliptic systems of PDEs over bounded 2D domains, based on the Matlab pdetoolbox. The new features include a more efficient use of FEM, easier switching between different single parameter continuations, genuine multi-parameter continuation (e.g., fold continuation), more efficient implementation of nonlinear boundary conditions, cylinder and torus geometries (i.e., periodic boundary conditions), and a general interface for adding auxiliary equations like mass conservation or phase equations for continuation of traveling waves. The package (library, demos, manuals) can be downloaded at www.staff.uni-oldenburg.de/hannes.uecker/pde2pat