3 research outputs found

    Mean Field Equilibria for Competitive Exploration in Resource Sharing Settings

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    We consider a model of nomadic agents exploring and competing for time-varying location-specific resources, arising in crowdsourced transportation services, online communities, and in traditional location based economic activity. This model comprises a group of agents, and a set of locations each endowed with a dynamic stochastic resource process. Each agent derives a periodic reward determined by the overall resource level at her location, and the number of other agents there. Each agent is strategic and free to move between locations, and at each time decides whether to stay at the same node or switch to another one. We study the equilibrium behavior of the agents as a function of dynamics of the stochastic resource process and the nature of the externality each agent imposes on others at the same location. In the asymptotic limit with the number of agents and locations increasing proportionally, we show that an equilibrium exists and has a threshold structure, where each agent decides to switch to a different location based only on their current location's resource level and the number of other agents at that location. This result provides insight into how system structure affects the agents' collective ability to explore their domain to find and effectively utilize resource-rich areas. It also allows assessing the impact of changing the reward structure through penalties or subsidies.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, to appear in proceedings of the 25th International World Wide Web Conference(WWW2016

    Extending Kolkata Paise Restaurant Problem to Dynamic Matching in Mobility Markets

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    In mobility markets – especially vehicle for hire markets – drivers offer individual transportation by car to customers. Drivers individually decide where to go to pick up customers to increase their own utilization (probability of carrying a customer) and utility (profit). The utility drivers retrieve from customers comprises both costs of driving to another location and the revenue from carrying a customer and is thus not shared between different drivers. In this thesis, I present the Vehicle for Hire Problem (VFHP) as a generalization of the Kolkata Paise Restaurant Problem (KPRP) to evaluate different strategies for drivers in vehicle for hire markets. The KPRP is a multi-round game model presented by Chakrabarti et al. (2009) in which daily laborers constitute agents and restaurants constitute resources. All agents decide simultaneously, but independently where to eat. Every restaurant can cater only one agent and agents cannot divert to other resources if their first choice is overcrowded. The number of agents equals the number of resources. Also, there is a ranking of restaurants all agents agree upon, and no two resources yield the same utility. The VFHP relaxes assumptions on capacity and utility: Resources (customers) are grouped in districts, agents (drivers) can redirect to other resources in the same district. As the distance between agent and resource reduces the agent’s utility and the location is not identical for all agents, the utility of a given resource is not identical for all agents. To study the impact of the different assumptions, I build four different model variants: Individual Preferences (IP) replaces the shared utility of the KPRP with uniformly distributed utilities per agent. The Mixed Preferences (MP) model variant uses the utility assumption of the VFHP, but the capacity of all districts remains 1. The Individual Preferences with Multiple Customers per District (IPMC) model variant groups customers in districts, and uses the uniform utilities introduced in the IP model variant. Mixed Preferences and Multiple Customers per District (MPMC) implements all assumptions of the VHFP. In this thesis, I study different strategies for the KPRP and all variants of the VFHP to build a foundation for an incentive scheme for dynamic matching in mobility markets. The strategies comprise history-dependent and utility-dependent strategies. In history-dependent strategies, agents incorporate their previous decisions and the utilization of resources in previous iterations in their decision. Agents adapting utility-dependent strategies choose the resource offering the highest utility with a given probability. Keywords: vehicle for hire markets; distributed decision making; agent-based modelling; congestion game; limited rationalit