6 research outputs found

    Cluster tilting modules and noncommutative projective schemes

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    In this paper, we study the relationship between equivalences of noncommutative projective schemes and cluster tilting modules. In particular, we prove the following result. Let AA be an AS-Gorenstein algebra of dimension dβ‰₯2d\geq 2 and tails A{\mathsf{tails}\,} A the noncommutative projective scheme associated to AA. If gldim⁑(tails A)<∞\operatorname{gldim}({\mathsf{tails}\,} A)< \infty and AA has a (dβˆ’1)(d-1)-cluster tilting module XX satisfying that its graded endomorphism algebra is N\mathbb N-graded, then the graded endomorphism algebra BB of a basic (dβˆ’1)(d-1)-cluster tilting submodule of XX is a two-sided noetherian N\mathbb N-graded AS-regular algebra over B0B_0 of global dimension dd such that tails B{\mathsf{tails}\,} B is equivalent to tails A{\mathsf{tails}\,} A.Comment: 16 page

    Auslander's Theorem for permutation actions on noncommutative algebras

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    When A=k[x1,…,xn]A = \mathbb{k}[x_1, \ldots, x_n] and GG is a small subgroup of GL⁑n(k)\operatorname{GL}_n(\mathbb{k}), Auslander's Theorem says that the skew group algebra A#GA \# G is isomorphic to End⁑AG(A)\operatorname{End}_{A^G}(A) as graded algebras. We prove a generalization of Auslander's Theorem for permutation actions on (βˆ’1)(-1)-skew polynomial rings, (βˆ’1)(-1)-quantum Weyl algebras, three-dimensional Sklyanin algebras, and a certain graded down-up algebra. We also show that certain fixed rings AGA^G are graded isolated singularities in the sense of Ueyama

    Ample Group Action on AS-regular Algebras and Noncommutative Graded Isolated Singularities

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    In this paper, we introduce a notion of ampleness of a group action GG on a right noetherian graded algebra AA, and show that it is strongly related to the notion of AGA^G to be a graded isolated singularity introduced by the second author of this paper. Moreover, if SS is a noetherian AS-regular algebra and GG is a finite ample group acting on SS, then we will show that Db(tails⁑SG)β‰…Db(modβ‘βˆ‡Sβˆ—G){\mathcal D}^b(\operatorname{tails} S^G)\cong {\cal D}^b(\operatorname{mod} \nabla S*G) where βˆ‡S\nabla S is the Beilinson algebra of SS. We will also explicitly calculate a quiver QS,GQ_{S, G} such that Db(tails⁑SG)β‰…Db(mod⁑kQS,G){\mathcal D}^b(\operatorname{tails} S^G)\cong {\mathcal D}^b(\operatorname{mod} kQ_{S, G}) when SS is of dimension 2.Comment: 25 page

    Stable Categories of Graded Maximal Cohen-Macaulay Modules over Noncommutative Quotient Singularities

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    Tilting objects play a key role in the study of triangulated categories. A famous result due to Iyama and Takahashi asserts that the stable categories of graded maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over quotient singularities have tilting objects. This paper proves a noncommutative generalization of Iyama and Takahashi's theorem using noncommutative algebraic geometry. Namely, if SS is a noetherian AS-regular Koszul algebra and GG is a finite group acting on SS such that SGS^G is a "Gorenstein isolated singularity", then the stable category CM⁑‾Z(SG){\underline {\operatorname {CM}}}^{\Bbb Z}(S^G) of graded maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules has a tilting object. In particular, the category CM⁑‾Z(SG){\underline {\operatorname {CM}}}^{\Bbb Z}(S^G) is triangle equivalent to the derived category of a finite dimensional algebra.Comment: 28 pages, an error in the previous version has been correcte

    Local cohomology associated to the radical of a group action on a noetherian algebra

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    An arbitrary group action on an algebra RR results in an ideal r\mathfrak{r} of RR. This ideal r\mathfrak{r} fits into the classical radical theory, and will be called the radical of the group action. If RR is a noetherian algebra with finite GK-dimension and GG is a finite group, then the difference between the GK-dimensionsof RR and that of R/rR/\mathfrak{r} is called the pertinency of the group action. We provide some methods to find elements of the radical, which helps to calculate the pertinency of some special group actions. The r\mathfrak{r}-adic local cohomology of RR is related to the singularities of the invariant subalgebra RGR^G. We establish an equivalence between the quotient category of the invariant RGR^G and that of the skew group ring Rβˆ—GR*G through the torsion theory associated to the radical r\mathfrak{r}. With the help of the equivalence, we show that the invariant subalgebra RGR^G will inherit certain Cohen-Macaulay property from RR.Comment: 26 page

    Pertinency of Hopf actions and quotient categories of Cohen-Macaulay algebras

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    We study invariants and quotient categories of fixed subrings of Artin-Schelter regular algebras under Hopf algebra actions.Comment: to appear at JNC