50,669 research outputs found

    Training Dynamic Exponential Family Models with Causal and Lateral Dependencies for Generalized Neuromorphic Computing

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    Neuromorphic hardware platforms, such as Intel's Loihi chip, support the implementation of Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) as an energy-efficient alternative to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). SNNs are networks of neurons with internal analogue dynamics that communicate by means of binary time series. In this work, a probabilistic model is introduced for a generalized set-up in which the synaptic time series can take values in an arbitrary alphabet and are characterized by both causal and instantaneous statistical dependencies. The model, which can be considered as an extension of exponential family harmoniums to time series, is introduced by means of a hybrid directed-undirected graphical representation. Furthermore, distributed learning rules are derived for Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian criteria under the assumption of fully observed time series in the training set.Comment: Published in IEEE ICASSP 2019. Author's Accepted Manuscrip

    Utility-Probability Duality of Neural Networks

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    It is typically understood that the training of modern neural networks is a process of fitting the probability distribution of desired output. However, recent paradoxical observations in a number of language generation tasks let one wonder if this canonical probability-based explanation can really account for the empirical success of deep learning. To resolve this issue, we propose an alternative utility-based explanation to the standard supervised learning procedure in deep learning. The basic idea is to interpret the learned neural network not as a probability model but as an ordinal utility function that encodes the preference revealed in training data. In this perspective, training of the neural network corresponds to a utility learning process. Specifically, we show that for all neural networks with softmax outputs, the SGD learning dynamic of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) can be seen as an iteration process that optimizes the neural network toward an optimal utility function. This utility-based interpretation can explain several otherwise-paradoxical observations about the neural networks thus trained. Moreover, our utility-based theory also entails an equation that can transform the learned utility values back to a new kind of probability estimation with which probability-compatible decision rules enjoy dramatic (double-digits) performance improvements. These evidences collectively reveal a phenomenon of utility-probability duality in terms of what modern neural networks are (truly) modeling: We thought they are one thing (probabilities), until the unexplainable showed up; changing mindset and treating them as another thing (utility values) largely reconcile the theory, despite remaining subtleties regarding its original (probabilistic) identity

    Probabilistic spiking neural networks : Supervised, unsupervised and adversarial trainings

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    Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), or third-generation neural networks, are networks of computation units, called neurons, in which each neuron with internal analogue dynamics receives as input and produces as output spiking, that is, binary sparse, signals. In contrast, second-generation neural networks, termed as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), rely on simple static non-linear neurons that are known to be energy-intensive, hindering their implementations on energy-limited processors such as mobile devices. The sparse event-based characteristics of SNNs for information transmission and encoding have made them more feasible for highly energy-efficient neuromorphic computing architectures. The most existing training algorithms for SNNs are based on deterministic spiking neurons that limit their flexibility and expressive power. Moreover, the SNNs are typically trained based on the back-propagation method, which unlike ANNs, it becomes challenging due to the non-differentiability nature of the spike dynamics. Considering these two key issues, this dissertation is devoted to develop probabilistic frameworks for SNNs that are tailored to the solution of supervised and unsupervised cognitive tasks. The SNNs utilize rich model, flexible and computationally tractable properties of Generalized Linear Model (GLM) neuron. The GLM is a probabilistic neural model that was previously considered within the computational neuroscience literature. A novel training method is proposed for the purpose of classification with a first-to-spike decoding rule, whereby the SNN can perform an early classification decision once spike firing is detected at an output neuron. This method is in contrast with conventional classification rules for SNNs that operate offline based on the number of output spikes at each output neuron. As a result, the proposed method improves the accuracy-inference complexity trade-off with respect to conventional decoding. For the first time in the field, the sensitivity of SNNs trained via Maximum Likelihood (ML) is studied under white-box adversarial attacks. Rate and time encoding, as well as rate and first-to-spike decoding, are considered. Furthermore, a robust training mechanism is proposed that is demonstrated to enhance the resilience of SNNs under adversarial examples. Finally, unsupervised training task for probabilistic SNNs is studied. Under generative model framework, multi-layers SNNs are designed for both encoding and generative parts. In order to train the Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), the standard ML approach is considered. To tackle the intractable inference part, variational learning approaches including doubly stochastic gradient learning, Maximum A Posterior (MAP)-based, and Rao-Blackwellization (RB)-based are considered. The latter is referred as the Hybrid Stochastic-MAP Variational Learning (HSM-VL) scheme. The numerical results show performance improvements using the HSM-VL method compared to the other two training schemes

    Lightweight Probabilistic Deep Networks

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    Even though probabilistic treatments of neural networks have a long history, they have not found widespread use in practice. Sampling approaches are often too slow already for simple networks. The size of the inputs and the depth of typical CNN architectures in computer vision only compound this problem. Uncertainty in neural networks has thus been largely ignored in practice, despite the fact that it may provide important information about the reliability of predictions and the inner workings of the network. In this paper, we introduce two lightweight approaches to making supervised learning with probabilistic deep networks practical: First, we suggest probabilistic output layers for classification and regression that require only minimal changes to existing networks. Second, we employ assumed density filtering and show that activation uncertainties can be propagated in a practical fashion through the entire network, again with minor changes. Both probabilistic networks retain the predictive power of the deterministic counterpart, but yield uncertainties that correlate well with the empirical error induced by their predictions. Moreover, the robustness to adversarial examples is significantly increased.Comment: To appear at CVPR 201
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