1 research outputs found

    Maximum cuts in edge-colored graphs

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    The input of the Maximum Colored Cut problem consists of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) with an edge-coloring c:E→{1,2,3,…,p}c:E\to \{1,2,3,\ldots , p\} and a positive integer kk, and the question is whether GG has a nontrivial edge cut using at least kk colors. The Colorful Cut problem has the same input but asks for a nontrivial edge cut using all pp colors. Unlike what happens for the classical Maximum Cut problem, we prove that both problems are NP-complete even on complete, planar, or bounded treewidth graphs. Furthermore, we prove that Colorful Cut is NP-complete even when each color class induces a clique of size at most 3, but is trivially solvable when each color induces a K2K_2. On the positive side, we prove that Maximum Colored Cut is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by either kk or pp, by constructing a cubic kernel in both cases.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure