122 research outputs found

    Effect of placement of droop based generators in distribution network on small signal stability margin and network loss

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    For a utility-connected system, issues related to small signal stability with Distributed Generators (DGs) are insignificant due to the presence of a very strong grid. Optimally placed sources in utility connected microgrid system may not be optimal/stable in islanded condition. Among others issues, small signal stability margin is on the fore. The present research studied the effect of location of droop-controlled DGs on small signal stability margin and network loss on a modified IEEE 13 bus system, an IEEE 33-bus distribution system and a practical 22-bus radial distribution network. A complete dynamic model of an islanded microgrid was developed. From stability analysis, the study reports that both location of DGs and choice of droop coefficient have a significant effect on small signal stability, transient response of the system and network losses. The trade-off associated with the network loss and stability margin is further investigated by identifying the Pareto fronts for modified IEEE 13 bus, IEEE 33 and practical 22-bus radial distribution network with application of Reference point based Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (R-NSGA). Results were validated by time domain simulations using MATLAB. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    New Analysis and Operational Control Algorithms for Islanded Microgrid Systems

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    Driven by technical, economic and environmental benefits for different stakeholders in the power industry, the electric distribution system is currently undergoing a major paradigm shift towards having an increasing portion of its growing demand supplied via distributed generation (DG) units. As the number of DG units increase; microgrids can be defined within the electric distribution system as electric regions with enough generation to meet all or most of its local demand. A microgrid should be able to operate in two modes, grid-connected or islanded. The IEEE standard 1547.4 enumerates a list of potential benefits for the islanded microgrid operation. Such benefits include: 1) improving customers’ reliability, 2) relieving electric power system overload problems, 3) resolving power quality issues, and 4) allowing for maintenance of the different power system components without interrupting customers. These benefits motivate the operation of microgrid systems in the islanded mode. However the microgrid isolation from the main grid creates special technical challenges that have to be comprehensively investigated in order to facilitate a successful implementation of the islanded microgrid concept. Motivated by these facts, the target of this thesis is to introduce new analysis and operational control algorithms to tackle some of the challenges associated with the practical implementation of the islanded microgrid concept. In order to accomplish this target, this study is divided into four perspectives: 1) developing an accurate steady-state analysis algorithm for islanded microgrid systems, 2) maximizing the possible utilization of islanded microgrid limited generation resources, 3) allowing for the decentralized operation of islanded microgrid systems and 4) enabling the islanded microgrid operation in distribution systems with high penetration of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs). First for the steady-state analysis of islanded microgrid systems, a novel and generalized algorithm is proposed to provide accurate power flow analysis of islanded microgrid systems. Conventional power flow tools found in the literature are generally not suitable for the islanded microgrid operating mode. The reason is that none of these tools reflect the islanded microgrid special philosophy of operation in the absence of the utility bus. The proposed algorithm adopts the real characteristics of the islanded microgrid operation; i.e., 1) Some of the DG units are controlled using droop control methods and their generated active and reactive power are dependent on the power flow variables and cannot be pre-specified; 2) The steady-state system frequency is not constant and is considered as one of the power flow variables. The proposed algorithm is generic, where the features of distribution systems i.e. three-phase feeder models, unbalanced loads and load models have been taken in consideration. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, in providing accurate steady-state analysis of islanded microgrid systems, is demonstrated through several case studies. Secondly, this thesis proposes the consideration of a system maximum loadability criterion in the optimal power flow (OPF) problem of islanded microgrid systems. Such consideration allows for an increased utilization of the islanded microgrid limited generation resources when in isolation from the utility grid. Three OPF problem formulations for islanded microgrids are proposed; 1) The OPF problem for maximum loadability assessment, 2) The OPF for maximizing the system loadability, and 3) The bi-objective OPF problem for loadability maximization and generation cost minimization. An algorithm to achieve a best compromise solution between system maximum loadability and minimum generation costs is also proposed. A detailed islanded microgrid model is adopted to reflect the islanded microgrid special features and real operational characteristics in the proposed OPF problem formulations. The importance and consequences of considering the system maximum loadability in the operational planning of islanded microgrid systems are demonstrated through comparative numerical studies. Next, a new probabilistic algorithm for enabling the decentralized operation of islanded microgrids, including renewable resources, in the absence of a microgrid central controller (MGCC) is proposed. The proposed algorithm adopts a constraint hierarchy approach to enhance the operation of islanded microgrids by satisfying the system’s operational constraints and expanding its loading margin. The new algorithm takes into consideration the variety of possible islanded microgrid configurations that can be initiated in a distribution network (multi-microgrids), the uncertainty and variability associated with the output power of renewable DG units as well as the variability of the load, and the special operational philosophy associated with islanded microgrid systems. Simulation studies show that the proposed algorithm can facilitate the successful implementation of the islanded microgrid concept by reducing customer interruptions and enhancing the islanded microgrid loadability margins. Finally, this research proposes a new multi-stage control scheme to enable the islanded microgrid operation in the presence of high PEVs penetration. The proposed control scheme optimally coordinates the DG units operation, the shedding of islanded microgrid power demand (during inadequate generation periods) and the PEVs charging/discharging decisions. To this end, a three-stage control scheme is formulated in order to: 1) minimize the load shedding, 2) satisfy the PEVs customers’ requirements and 3) minimize the microgrid cost of operation. The proposed control scheme takes into consideration; the variability associated with the output power of renewable DG units, the random behaviour of PEV charging and the special features of islanded microgrid systems. The simulation studies show that the proposed control scheme can enhance the operation of islanded microgrid systems in the presence of high PEVs penetration and facilitate a successful implementation of the islanded microgrid concept, under the smart grid paradigm

    Voltage stability of power systems with renewable-energy inverter-based generators: A review

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    © 2021 by the authors. The main purpose of developing microgrids (MGs) is to facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) into the power grid. RESs are normally connected to the grid via power electronic inverters. As various types of RESs are increasingly being connected to the electrical power grid, power systems of the near future will have more inverter-based generators (IBGs) instead of synchronous machines. Since IBGs have significant differences in their characteristics compared to synchronous generators (SGs), particularly concerning their inertia and capability to provide reactive power, their impacts on the system dynamics are different compared to SGs. In particular, system stability analysis will require new approaches. As such, research is currently being conducted on the stability of power systems with the inclusion of IBGs. This review article is intended to be a preface to the Special Issue on Voltage Stability of Microgrids in Power Systems. It presents a comprehensive review of the literature on voltage stability of power systems with a relatively high percentage of IBGs in the generation mix of the system. As the research is developing rapidly in this field, it is understood that by the time that this article is published, and further in the future, there will be many more new developments in this area. Certainly, other articles in this special issue will highlight some other important aspects of the voltage stability of microgrids

    Impact of demand side management approaches for the enhancement of voltage stability loadability and customer satisfaction index

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : Data will be made available on request.This research work presents the tri-level optimization framework for the optimal scheduling of grid-connected and autonomous microgrids to diminish power losses and maximize loadability. Since the network's voltage profile depends on the loading level, the flexible load shaping-based demand-side management strategy is incorporated to investigate its impact on microgrid loadability. With the consideration of uncertain parameters related to renewable power generation, load demand, and power loss, voltage limit constraints, the resultant problem is formulated as a stochastic mixed-integer non-linear problem to enhance microgrid loadability and optimize daily operating costs. The interdependency of demand side management program and microgrid loadability is investigated. The seasonal load profiles covering the weekend and weekday loads in winter, summer, and spring/fall seasons are examined in this research work. The enhanced versions of the distribution networks IEEE-33 and IEEE-69 based microgrid test systems are chosen to evaluate the proposed framework in both off-grid and autonomous modes of operation. Simultaneously, the overall customer satisfaction index is evaluated and improved according to the seasonal load profiles winter weekday, winter-weekend, summer-weekday, summer-weekend, spring-weekday, and spring-weekend by 8.68%, 7.97%, 16.7%, 19.62%, 17.14%, 20.50% respectively. The recently reported Whale Optimization Algorithm is adopted to solve the proposed optimization problem, and the obtained simulation results are validated by comparing them with popular metaheuristic algorithms. The computational burden on the utility is reduced for optimal scheduling of grid-integrated microgrid to extract maximum power by maintaining network voltage profile.The National Key R&D Program of China.https://www.elsevier.com/locate/apenergyhj2024Electrical, Electronic and Computer EngineeringSDG-07:Affordable and clean energ

    The New AC/DC Hybrid Microgrid Paradigm: Analysis and Operational Control

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    AC/DC hybrid microgrids (HMGs) represent a promising architecture that allows the hosting of innovative dc energy resources, such as renewables, and modern dc loads, such as electric vehicles, thereby reducing the number of conversion stages and offering other technical and cost benefits. Such advantages have prompted power distribution planners to begin investigating the possibility of hybridizing existing ac grids and designing new ac/dc hybrid clusters, referred to as microgrids, as a step toward an envisioned smart grid that incorporates multiple ac/dc microgrids characterized by "plug-and-play" features. Despite their potential, when either islanded or interfaced with the main grid, HMGs create challenges with respect to system operation and control, such as difficulties related to precise power sharing, voltage stability during a contingency, the control and management of power transfer through the interlinking converters (ICs), and the coordination of local distributed energy resources (DERs) with the hosting main grid. An understanding of HMGs and their operational philosophy during islanding will assuredly pave the way toward the realization of a future smart grid that includes a plug-and-play feature and will alleviate any operational challenges. However, the planning and operation of such islanded and hybrid systems are reliant on a powerful and efficient power flow analysis tool. To this end, this thesis introduces a novel unified, generic, flexible power flow algorithm for islanded/isolated HMGs. The developed algorithm is generic in the sense that it includes consideration of the unique characteristics of islanded HMGs: a variety of possible topologies, droop controllability of the DERs and bidirectionality of the power flow in the ICs. The new power flow formulation is flexible and permits the easy incorporation of any changes in the DER operating modes and the IC control schemes. The developed algorithm was validated against a detailed time-domain model and applied for the analysis of a variety of operational and control aspects in islanded HMGs, including the problem of imprecise power sharing and droop control of the ICs. The proposed load flow program can form the basis of and provide direction for further studies of islanded HMGs. This thesis also presents a deeper look at the problem of inaccurate active and reactive power sharing in islanded droop-based HMGs and proposes a unified and universal power sharing scheme that can simultaneously ensure precise power sharing in both ac and dc subgrids. Test results demonstrate the capability of the developed scheme with respect to achieving exact power sharing not only among DERs in proportion to their ratings but also among ICs that interface adjacent ac and dc microgrids. The developed unified power sharing scheme would assist system planners with the effective design of droop characteristics for DERs and ICs, which would result in enhancements such as the avoidance of converter overloading and the achievement of precise load sharing. Another operational aspect that was thoroughly investigated for this thesis is the possibility of voltage instability/collapse in islanded HMGs during contingencies. This research unveiled the possibility of voltage instability in HMGs that include constant power loads and a mix of synchronous-based and converter-based generating units. As indicated by the voltage stability analysis presented here, despite the fact that healthy microgrids have far-reaching loadability boundaries, the voltage at some ac/dc load buses can unexpectedly collapse during abnormal conditions. The analysis also revealed that fine tuning the droop characteristics of DERs and ICs can enlarge the voltage stability margin and safeguard the entire microgrid against collapse during contingencies, all without the sacrifice of a single load. A final component of this thesis is the proposal of a two-stage stochastic centralized dispatch scheme for ac/dc hybrid distribution systems. The developed dispatch scheme coordinates the operation of a variety of DERs, such as distributed generators and energy storage systems. It also ensures the coordinated charging of electric vehicles and models the degradation of their batteries that occurs due to the vehicle-to-grid action. The energy coordination problem has been formulated as a two-stage day-ahead resource scheduling problem: the intermittent supply; the variable demand, which includes electric vehicles; and the fluctuating real-time energy price are all modelled as random variables. The first stage produces day-ahead dispatch decisions for the dispatchable DG units. For a set of possible scenarios over the next 24 h, the second stage determines appropriate corrective decisions with respect to the import/export schedule, storage charging/discharging cycles, and electric vehicle charging/discharging patterns. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed scheme for optimally coordinating the various components of future ac/dc hybrid smart grids. Despite its substantial merits and value as a host for ac and dc technologies, a smart grid with HMGs creates previously unexperienced operational challenges for system planners and operators. The work completed for this thesis could help pave the way for the realization of ac/dc hybrid smart grids in years to come

    Optimal allocation and operation of droop controlled islanded microgrids: a review

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    Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. This review paper provides a critical interpretation and analysis of almost 150 dedicated optimization research papers in the field of droop-controlled islanded microgrids. The significance of optimal microgrid allocation and operation studies comes from their importance for further deployment of renewable energy, reliable and stable autonomous operation on a larger scale, and the electrification of rural and isolated communities. Additionally, a comprehensive overview of islanded microgrids in terms of structure, type, and hierarchical control strategy was presented. Furthermore, a larger emphasis was given to the main optimization problems faced by droop-controlled islanded microgrids such as allocation, scheduling and dispatch, reconfiguration, control, and energy management systems. The main outcome of this review in relation to optimization problem components is the classification of objective functions, constraints, and decision variables into 10, 9 and 6 distinctive categories, respectively, taking into consideration the multi-criteria decision problems as well as the optimization with uncertainty problems in the classification criterion. Additionally, the optimization techniques used were investigated and identified as classical and artificial intelligence algorithms with the latter gaining popularity in recent years. Lastly, some future trends for research were put forward and explained based on the critical analysis of the selected papers

    Toward the Integration of DC Microgrids into a Hybrid AC/DC Paradigm

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    The recent penetration of distributed generation (DG) into existing electricity grids and the consequent development of active distribution networks (ADNs) have prompted an exploration of power distribution in a dc microgrid paradigm. Although dc power distribution has been implemented in aircraft, ships, and communication centres, the technology is still at an early stage and must be investigated with respect to technical feasibility when applied to distribution systems. In particular, the operation of a dc microgrid in both grid-connected and islanded modes and its integration into an existing ac infrastructure are subject to significant challenges that impede the practical realization of dc microgrids. On one hand, because the dc voltage profile is coupled with the injected active power at the system buses, it is seriously influenced by the intermittent nature of renewable resources such as solar and wind energy. In islanded operating mode, the presence of system resistance leads to a further trade-off between an appropriate system voltage profile and a precise power management scheme. On the other hand, the development of hybrid ac/dc microgrids introduces a fresh operational philosophy that enhances power sharing among ac and dc subgrids through the coupling of ac and dc steady-state variables. With these challenges as motivation, the primary goal of this thesis was to develop effective power management schemes and a steady-state analysis tool that can enable the reliable integration of dc microgrids into a smart hybrid ac/dc paradigm. Achieving this objective entailed the completion of three core studies: 1) the introduction of a robust control scheme for mitigating voltage regulation challenges associated with dc distribution systems (DCDSs) that are characterized by a high penetration of distributed and renewable generation, 2) the proposal of a supervisory control strategy for precise DG output power allocation that is based on DG rating and operational costs yet guarantees an appropriate voltage profile for islanded dc microgrids, 3) the development of an accurate and comprehensive power flow algorithm for analyzing the steady-state behaviour of islanded hybrid ac/dc microgrids, and 4) the optimization of hybrid ac/dc microgrids configuration. As the first research component, a novel multi-agent control scheme has been developed for regulating the voltage profile of DCDSs that incorporate a large number of intermittent energy sources. The proposed control scheme consists of two sequential stages. In the first stage, a distributed state estimation algorithm is implemented to estimate the voltage profile in DCDSs, thus enhancing the interlinking converter (IC) operation in regulating the system voltages within specified limits. If the IC alone fails to regulate the system voltages, a second control stage is activated and executed through either equal or optimum curtailment strategy of the DG output power. A variety of case studies have been conducted in order to demonstrate the effectiveness, robustness, and convergence characteristics of the control schemes that have been developed. The second element of this research is a multi-agent supervisory control that has been created in order to provide precise power management in isolated DC microgrids. Two aspects of power management have been considered: 1) equal power sharing, which has been realized via a proposed distributed equal power sharing (DEPS) algorithm, and 2) optimal power dispatch, which has been achieved through a proposed distributed equal incremental cost (DEIC) algorithm. Both algorithms offer the additional advantage of affording the ability to restore the average system voltage to its nominal value. Real-time OPAL-RT simulations have demonstrated the effectiveness of the developed algorithms in a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) application. The third part of the research has introduced a sequential power flow algorithm for hybrid ac/dc microgrids operating in islanded mode. In contrast to the conditions in grid-connected systems, variable rather than fixed ac frequencies and dc voltages are utilized for coordinating power between the ac and dc microgrids. The primary challenge is to solve the power flow problem in hybrid microgrids in a manner that includes consideration of both the absence of a slack bus and the coupling between the frequency and dc voltage though ICs. In the proposed algorithm, the ac power flow is solved using the Newton-Raphson (NR) method, thereby updating the ac variables and utilizing them accordingly in a proposed IC model for solving the dc problem. This sequential algorithm is iterated until convergence. The accuracy of the algorithm has been verified through detailed time-domain simulations using PSCAD/EMTDC, and its robustness and computational cost compare favourable with those of conventional algorithms. The final part highlights the implementation of the developed steady-state models in obtaining an optimum hybrid microgrid configuration. The system configuration could be manipulated by changing the DG droop settings as well as the network topological structure. The contribution of both approaches has been investigated, through an optimum power flow (OPF) formulation, in improving the system loadability as the primary measure of the hybrid microgrid performance

    Ancillary Services in Hybrid AC/DC Low Voltage Distribution Networks

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    In the last decade, distribution systems are experiencing a drastic transformation with the advent of new technologies. In fact, distribution networks are no longer passive systems, considering the current integration rates of new agents such as distributed generation, electrical vehicles and energy storage, which are greatly influencing the way these systems are operated. In addition, the intrinsic DC nature of these components, interfaced to the AC system through power electronics converters, is unlocking the possibility for new distribution topologies based on AC/DC networks. This paper analyzes the evolution of AC distribution systems, the advantages of AC/DC hybrid arrangements and the active role that the new distributed agents may play in the upcoming decarbonized paradigm by providing different ancillary services.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ENE2017-84813-RUnión Europea (Programa Horizonte 2020) 76409

    Optimal power routing scheme between and within interlinking converters in unbalanced hybrid AC–DC microgrids

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    An optimal power routing (OPR) scheme between and within interlinking converters (ICs) in unbalanced hybrid AC–DC microgrids to minimise the power imbalance factor at the point of common coupling, active power losses, and voltage deviation indices for microgrids in grid-connected operating mode is proposed in this study. These goals are achieved through a multi-objective optimisation model by optimal distributing of mobile loads between available charging stations and at the same time, OPR within three phases of three-phase four-lag AC/DC converters. Numerical results obtained from implementing the proposed method on the modified IEEE 13-bus system, as an unbalanced hybrid microgrid, and IEEE 34-bus test system, as an unbalanced distribution system, demonstrate that proposed OPR algorithm is successful to satisfy the optimisation goals. For this purpose, four case studies are defined and studied to demonstrate the unique features of the proposed OPR comparing with other power routing schemes. In addition to simulation results, the OPR scheme between ICs is realistically implemented at Florida International University smart grid testbed to show the effect of the power routing on energy losses reduction