3 research outputs found

    Rate-Splitting Multiple Access: The First Prototype and Experimental Validation of its Superiority over SDMA and NOMA

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    In multi-user multi-antenna communications, it is well-known in theory that Rate-Splitting Multiple Access (RSMA) can achieve a higher spectral efficiency than both Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA). However, an experimental evaluation of RSMA's performance, relative to SDMA and NOMA, is missing in the literature, which is essential to address the ongoing debate between RSMA and NOMA over which is better suited to handle most efficiently the available resources and interference in 6G. In this paper, we address this critical knowledge gap by realizing the first-ever RSMA prototype using software-defined radios. Through measurements using our prototype, we empirically solve the modulation and coding scheme limited sum throughput maximization problem for RSMA, SDMA and NOMA for the two-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) scenario over (a) different pairs of line-of-sight channels that vary in terms of their relative pathloss and spatial correlation, and with (b) different channel state information quality. We observe that RSMA achieves the highest sum throughput across all these cases, whereas SDMA and NOMA are effective only in some cases. Furthermore, RSMA also achieves better fairness at a higher sum throughput than both SDMA and NOMA.Comment: major revisions of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Energy efficient design of an adaptive switching algorithm for the iterative-MIMO receiver

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    An efficient design dedicated for iterative-multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) receiver systems is now imperative in our world since data demands are increasing tremendously in wireless networks. This puts a massive burden on the signal processing power especially in small receiver systems where power sources are often shared or limited. This thesis proposes an attractive solution to both the wireless signal processing and the architectural implementation design sides of the problem. A novel algorithm, dubbed the Adaptive Switching Algorithm, is proven to not only save more than a third of the energy consumption in the algorithmic design, but is also able to achieve an energy reduction of more than 50% in terms of processing power when the design is mapped onto state-of-the-art programmable hardware. Simulations are based in MatlabTM using the Monte Carlo approach, where multiple additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh fading channels for both fast and slow fading environments were investigated. The software selects the appropriate detection algorithm depending on the current channel conditions. The design for the hardware is based on the latest field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) hardware from Xilinx R , specifically the Virtex-5 and Virtex-7 chipsets. They were chosen during the experimental phase to verify the results in order to examine trends for energy consumption in the proposed algorithm design. Savings come from dynamic allocation of the hardware resources by implementing power minimization techniques depending on the processing requirements of the system. Having demonstrated the feasibility of the algorithm in controlled environments, realistic channel conditions were simulated using spatially correlated MIMO channels to test the algorithm’s readiness for real-world deployment. The proposed algorithm is placed in both the MIMO detector and the iterative-decoder blocks of the receiver. When the final full receiver design setup is implemented, it shows that the key to energy saving lies in the fact that both software and hardware components of the Adaptive Switching Algorithm adopt adaptivity in the respective designs. The detector saves energy by selecting suitable detection schemes while the decoder provides adaptivity by limiting the number of decoding iterations, both of which are updated in real-time. The overall receiver can achieve more than 70% energy savings in comparison to state-of-the-art iterative-MIMO receivers and thus it can be concluded that this level of ‘intelligence’ is an important direction towards a more efficient iterative-MIMO receiver designs in the future

    Allocation of Communication and Computation Resources in Mobile Networks

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    Konvergence komunikačních a výpočetních technologií vedlo k vzniku Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC). MEC poskytuje výpočetní výkon na tzv. hraně mobilních sítí (základnové stanice, jádro mobilní sítě), který lze využít pro optimalizaci mobilních sítí v reálném čase. Optimalizacev reálném čase je umožněna díky nízkému komunikačnímu zpoždění například v porovnání s Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). Optimalizace mobilních sítí vyžaduje informace o mobilní síti od uživatelských zařízeních, avšak sběr těchto informací využívá komunikační prostředky, které jsou využívány i pro přenos uživatelských dat. Zvyšující se počet uživatelských zařízení, senzorů a taktéž komunikace vozidel tvoří překážku pro sběr informací o mobilních sítích z důvodu omezeného množství komunikačních prostředků. Tudíž je nutné navrhnout řešení, která umožní sběr těchto informací pro potřeby optimalizace mobilních sítí. V této práci je navrženo řešení pro komunikaci vysokého počtu zařízeních, které je postaveno na využití přímé komunikace mezi zařízeními. Pro motivování uživatelů, pro využití přeposílání dat pomocí přímé komunikace mezi uživateli je navrženo přidělování komunikačních prostředků jenž vede na přirozenou spolupráci uživatelů. Dále je provedena analýza spotřeby energie při využití přeposílání dat pomocí přímé komunikace mezi uživateli pro ukázání jejích výhod z pohledu spotřeby energie. Pro další zvýšení počtu komunikujících zařízení je využito mobilních létajících základových stanic (FlyBS). Pro nasazení FlyBS je navržen algoritmus, který hledá pozici FlyBS a asociaci uživatel k FlyBS pro zvýšení spokojenosti uživatelů s poskytovanými datovými propustnostmi. MEC lze využít nejen pro optimalizaci mobilních sítí z pohledu mobilních operátorů, ale taktéž uživateli mobilních sítí. Tito uživatelé mohou využít MEC pro přenost výpočetně náročných úloh z jejich mobilních zařízeních do MEC. Z důvodu mobility uživatel je nutné nalézt vhodně přidělení komunikačních a výpočetních prostředků pro uspokojení uživatelských požadavků. Tudíž je navržen algorithmus pro výběr komunikační cesty mezi uživatelem a MEC, jenž je posléze rozšířen o přidělování výpočetných prostředků společně s komunikačními prostředky. Navržené řešení vede k snížení komunikačního zpoždění o desítky procent.The convergence of communication and computing in the mobile networks has led to an introduction of the Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC). The MEC combines communication and computing resources at the edge of the mobile network and provides an option to optimize the mobile network in real-time. This is possible due to close proximity of the computation resources in terms of communication delay, in comparison to the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC). The optimization of the mobile networks requires information about the mobile network and User Equipment (UE). Such information, however, consumes a significant amount of communication resources. The finite communication resources along with the ever increasing number of the UEs and other devices, such as sensors, vehicles pose an obstacle for collecting the required information. Therefore, it is necessary to provide solutions to enable the collection of the required mobile network information from the UEs for the purposes of the mobile network optimization. In this thesis, a solution to enable communication of a large number of devices, exploiting Device-to-Device (D2D) communication for data relaying, is proposed. To motivate the UEs to relay data of other UEs, we propose a resource allocation algorithm that leads to a natural cooperation of the UEs. To show, that the relaying is not only beneficial from the perspective of an increased number of UEs, we provide an analysis of the energy consumed by the D2D communication. To further increase the number of the UEs we exploit a recent concept of the flying base stations (FlyBSs), and we develop a joint algorithm for a positioning of the FlyBS and an association of the UEs to increase the UEs satisfaction with the provided data rates. The MEC can be exploited not only for processing of the collected data to optimize the mobile networks, but also by the mobile users. The mobile users can exploit the MEC for the computation offloading, i.e., transferring the computation from their UEs to the MEC. However, due to the inherent mobility of the UEs, it is necessary to determine communication and computation resource allocation in order to satisfy the UEs requirements. Therefore, we first propose a solution for a selection of the communication path between the UEs and the MEC (communication resource allocation). Then, we also design an algorithm for joint communication and computation resource allocation. The proposed solution then lead to a reduction in the computation offloading delay by tens of percent