3 research outputs found

    Maximizing the Probability of Delivery of Multipoint Relay Broadcast Protocol in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with a Realistic Physical Layer

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    It is now commonly accepted that the unit disk graph used to model the physical layer in wireless networks does not reflect real radio transmissions, and that the lognormal shadowing model better suits to experimental simulations. Previous work on realistic scenarios focused on unicast, while broadcast requirements are fundamentally different and cannot be derived from unicast case. Therefore, broadcast protocols must be adapted in order to still be efficient under realistic assumptions. In this paper, we study the well-known multipoint relay protocol (MPR). In the latter, each node has to choose a set of neighbors to act as relays in order to cover the whole 2-hop neighborhood. We give experimental results showing that the original method provided to select the set of relays does not give good results with the realistic model. We also provide three new heuristics in replacement and their performances which demonstrate that they better suit to the considered model. The first one maximizes the probability of correct reception between the node and the considered relays multiplied by their coverage in the 2-hop neighborhood. The second one replaces the coverage by the average of the probabilities of correct reception between the considered neighbor and the 2-hop neighbors it covers. Finally, the third heuristic keeps the same concept as the second one, but tries to maximize the coverage level of the 2-hop neighborhood: 2-hop neighbors are still being considered as uncovered while their coverage level is not higher than a given coverage threshold, many neighbors may thus be selected to cover the same 2-hop neighbors

    An analysis of the lifetime of OLSR networks

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    The Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol is a well-known route discovery protocol for ad-hoc networks. OLSR optimizes the flooding of link state information through the network using multipoint relays (MPRs). Only nodes selected as MPRs are responsible for forwarding control traffic. Many research papers aim to optimize the selection of MPRs with a specific purpose in mind: e.g., to minimize their number, to keep paths with high Quality of Service or to maximize the network lifetime (the time until the first node runs out of energy). In such analyzes often the effects of the network structure on the MPR selection are not taken into account. In this paper we show that the structure of the network can have a large impact on the MPR selection. In highly regular structures (such as grids) there is even no variation in the MPR sets that result from various MPR selection mechanisms. Furthermore, we study the influence of the network structure on the network lifetime problem in a setting where at regular intervals messages are broadcasted using MPRs. We introduce the ’maximum forcedness ratio’, as a key parameter of the network to describe how much variation there is in the lifetime results of various MPR selection heuristics. Although we focus our attention to OLSR, being a widely implemented protocol, on a more abstract level our results describe the structure of connected sets dominating the 2-hop neighborhood of a node