1 research outputs found

    Maximizing Credibility-based Network Utility via Power Allocation

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    Abstract—We consider Quality-of-Information (QoI)-based resource allocation in a scenario where multiple reporter nodes send information on an event of interest to a sink node. We express credibility of each reporter, an attribute of quality of information, as a function of both the proximity to the event and the type of information gathered. While a reporter close to the event using an advanced format as video may have high credibility, it might also need excessive network resources to transmit the information if it is far from the sink. To address this trade-off, we consider a network utility which depends on both information credibility and timeliness, and yields the timely and credible operational information content capacity (OICC) of this setting. We consider a network with a fixed transmission cost budget per event. Optimal power allocation among reporters is found that maximizes the utility. The constraint on network cost budget results in coupling among resources allocated to reporters. We demonstrate that power allocated to each reporter balances contrasting parameters associated with reporter location and type of information used. Overall, this work produces design insight bringing us one step closer to information quality aware wireless networking