21,416 research outputs found

    Maximal Entanglement - A New Measure of Entanglement

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    Maximal correlation is a measure of correlation for bipartite distributions. This measure has two intriguing features: (1) it is monotone under local stochastic maps; (2) it gives the same number when computed on i.i.d. copies of a pair of random variables. This measure of correlation has recently been generalized for bipartite quantum states, for which the same properties have been proved. In this paper, based on maximal correlation, we define a new measure of entanglement which we call maximal entanglement. We show that this measure of entanglement is faithful (is zero on separable states and positive on entangled states), is monotone under local quantum operations, and gives the same number when computed on tensor powers of a bipartite state.Comment: 8 pages, presented at IWCIT 201

    Linking a distance measure of entanglement to its convex roof

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    An important problem in quantum information theory is the quantification of entanglement in multipartite mixed quantum states. In this work, a connection between the geometric measure of entanglement and a distance measure of entanglement is established. We present a new expression for the geometric measure of entanglement in terms of the maximal fidelity with a separable state. A direct application of this result provides a closed expression for the Bures measure of entanglement of two qubits. We also prove that the number of elements in an optimal decomposition w.r.t. the geometric measure of entanglement is bounded from above by the Caratheodory bound, and we find necessary conditions for the structure of an optimal decomposition.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Optimal Entanglement Enhancement for Mixed States

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    We consider the actions of protocols involving local quantum operations and classical communication (LQCC) on a single system consisting of two separated qubits. We give a complete description of the orbits of the space of states under LQCC and characterise the representatives with maximal entanglement of formation. We thus obtain a LQCC entanglement concentration protocol for a single given state (pure or mixed) of two qubits which is optimal in the sense that the protocol produces, with non-zero probability, a state of maximal possible entanglement of formation. This defines a new entanglement measure, the maximum extractable entanglement.Comment: Final version: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Operational one-to-one mapping between coherence and entanglement measures

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    We establish a general operational one-to-one mapping between coherence measures and entanglement measures: Any entanglement measure of bipartite pure states is the minimum of a suitable coherence measure over product bases. Any coherence measure of pure states, with extension to mixed states by convex roof, is the maximum entanglement generated by incoherent operations acting on the system and an incoherent ancilla. Remarkably, the generalized CNOT gate is the universal optimal incoherent operation. In this way, all convex-roof coherence measures, including the coherence of formation, are endowed with (additional) operational interpretations. By virtue of this connection, many results on entanglement can be translated to the coherence setting, and vice versa. As applications, we provide tight observable lower bounds for generalized entanglement concurrence and coherence concurrence, which enable experimentalists to quantify entanglement and coherence of the maximal dimension in real experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, new results added, published in PR

    Entanglement, quantum randomness, and complexity beyond scrambling

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    Scrambling is a process by which the state of a quantum system is effectively randomized due to the global entanglement that "hides" initially localized quantum information. In this work, we lay the mathematical foundations of studying randomness complexities beyond scrambling by entanglement properties. We do so by analyzing the generalized (in particular R\'enyi) entanglement entropies of designs, i.e. ensembles of unitary channels or pure states that mimic the uniformly random distribution (given by the Haar measure) up to certain moments. A main collective conclusion is that the R\'enyi entanglement entropies averaged over designs of the same order are almost maximal. This links the orders of entropy and design, and therefore suggests R\'enyi entanglement entropies as diagnostics of the randomness complexity of corresponding designs. Such complexities form a hierarchy between information scrambling and Haar randomness. As a strong separation result, we prove the existence of (state) 2-designs such that the R\'enyi entanglement entropies of higher orders can be bounded away from the maximum. However, we also show that the min entanglement entropy is maximized by designs of order only logarithmic in the dimension of the system. In other words, logarithmic-designs already achieve the complexity of Haar in terms of entanglement, which we also call max-scrambling. This result leads to a generalization of the fast scrambling conjecture, that max-scrambling can be achieved by physical dynamics in time roughly linear in the number of degrees of freedom.Comment: 72 pages, 4 figures. Rewritten version with new title. v3: published versio

    Analysis of entanglement measures and LOCC maximized quantum fisher information of general two qubit systems

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    PubMed ID: 24957694Entanglement has been studied extensively for unveiling the mysteries of non-classical correlations between quantum systems. In the bipartite case, there are well known measures for quantifying entanglement such as concurrence, relative entropy of entanglement (REE) and negativity, which cannot be increased via local operations. It was found that for sets of non-maximally entangled states of two qubits, comparing these entanglement measures may lead to different entanglement orderings of the states. On the other hand, although it is not an entanglement measure and not monotonic under local operations, due to its ability of detecting multipartite entanglement, quantum Fisher information (QFI) has recently received an intense attraction generally with entanglement in the focus. In this work, we revisit the state ordering problem of general two qubit states. Generating a thousand random quantum states and performing an optimization based on local general rotations of each qubit, we calculate the maximal QFI for each state. We analyze the maximized QFI in comparison with concurrence, REE and negativity and obtain new state orderings. We show that there are pairs of states having equal maximized QFI but different values for concurrence, REE and negativity and vice versa.Publisher's Versio