74 research outputs found

    Enumerating Maximal Bicliques from a Large Graph using MapReduce

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    We consider the enumeration of maximal bipartite cliques (bicliques) from a large graph, a task central to many practical data mining problems in social network analysis and bioinformatics. We present novel parallel algorithms for the MapReduce platform, and an experimental evaluation using Hadoop MapReduce. Our algorithm is based on clustering the input graph into smaller sized subgraphs, followed by processing different subgraphs in parallel. Our algorithm uses two ideas that enable it to scale to large graphs: (1) the redundancy in work between different subgraph explorations is minimized through a careful pruning of the search space, and (2) the load on different reducers is balanced through the use of an appropriate total order among the vertices. Our evaluation shows that the algorithm scales to large graphs with millions of edges and tens of mil- lions of maximal bicliques. To our knowledge, this is the first work on maximal biclique enumeration for graphs of this scale.Comment: A preliminary version of the paper was accepted at the Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Congress on Big Data 201

    Mining maximal cliques from a large graph using MapReduce: Tackling highly uneven subproblem sizes

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    We consider Maximal Clique Enumeration (MCE) from a large graph. A maximal clique is perhaps the most fundamental dense substructure in a graph, and MCE is an important tool to discover densely connected subgraphs, with numerous applications to data mining on web graphs, social networks, and biological networks. While effective sequential methods for MCE are known, scalable parallel methods for MCE are still lacking. We present a new parallel algorithm for MCE, Parallel Enumeration of Cliques using Ordering (PECO role= presentation style= box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; line-height: normal; font-size: 14.4px; word-spacing: normal; word-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; position: relative; \u3ePECO), designed for the MapReduce framework. Unlike previous works, which required a post-processing step to remove duplicate and non-maximal cliques, PECO role= presentation style= box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; line-height: normal; font-size: 14.4px; word-spacing: normal; word-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; position: relative; \u3ePECOenumerates only maximal cliques with no duplicates. The key technical ingredient is a total ordering of the vertices of the graph which is used in a novel way to achieve a load balanced distribution of work, and to eliminate redundant work among processors. We implemented PECO role= presentation style= box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; line-height: normal; font-size: 14.4px; word-spacing: normal; word-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; padding: 0px; margin: 0px; position: relative; \u3ePECO on Hadoop MapReduce, and our experiments on a cluster show that the algorithm can effectively process a variety of large real-world graphs with millions of vertices and tens of millions of maximal cliques, and scales well with the degree of available parallelism

    Mining maximal cliques from large graphs using MapReduce

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    Maximal clique enumeration (MCE), a fundamental task in graph analysis, can help identify dense substructures within a graph, and has found applications in graphs arising in biological and chemical networks, and more. While MCE is well studied in the sequential case, a single machine can no longer process large graphs arising in today\u27s applications, and effective ways are needed for processing these in parallel. This work introduces PECO (Parallel Enumeration of Cliques using Ordering); a novel parallel MCE algorithm. Unlike previous works, which require a post-processing step to remove duplicate and non-maximal cliques, PECO enumerates maximal cliques with no duplicates while minimizing work redundancy and eliminating the need for an additional post-processing step. This is achieved by dividing the input graph into smaller overlapping subgraphs, and by inducing a total ordering among the vertices. Then, as a subgraph is processed, the ordering is used in tandem with a sequential MCE algorithm to reduce redundant work while only enumerating a clique if it satisfies a certain condition with respect to the ordering, ensuring that each maximal clique is output exactly once. It is well recognized that in enumerating maximal cliques, the sizes of different subproblems can be non-uniform, and load balancing among the subproblems is a significant issue. Our algorithm uses the above vertex ordering to greatly improve load balancing when compared with straightforward approaches to parallelization. PECO has been designed and implemented for the MapReduce framework, but this technique is applicable to other parallel frameworks as well. Our experiments on a variety of large real world graphs, using several ordering strategies, show that PECO can enumerate cliques in large graphs of well over a million vertices and tens of millions of edges, and that it scales well to at least 64 processors. A comparison of ordering strategies shows that an ordering based on vertex degree performs the best, improving load balance and reducing total work when compared to the other strategies

    Mining dense substructures from large deterministic and probabilistic graphs

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    Graphs represent relationships. Some relationships can be represented as a deterministic graph while others can only be represented by using probabilities. Mining dense structures from graphs help us to find useful patterns in these relationships having applications in wide areas like social network analysis, bioinformatics etc. Arguably the two most fundamental dense substructures are Maximal Cliques and Maximal Bicliques. The enumeration of both these structures are central to many data mining problems. With the advent of “big data”, real world graphs have become massive. Recently systems like MapReduce have evolved to process such large data. However using these systems to mine dense substrucures in massive graphs is an open question. In this thesis, we present novel parallel algorithms using MapReduce for the enumeration of Maximal Cliques / Bicliques in large graphs. We show that our algorithms are work optimal and load balanced. Further, we present a detailed evaluation which shows that the algorithm scales to large graphs with millions of edges and tens of millions of output structures. Finally we consider the problem of Maximal Clique Enumeration in an Uncertain Graph, which is a probability distribution on a set of deterministic graphs. We define the notion of a maximal clique for an uncertain graph, give matching upper and lower bounds on the number of such structures and present a near optimal algorithm to mine all maximal cliques

    High Performance Large Graph Analytics by Enhancing Locality

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    Graphs are widely used in a variety of domains for representing entities and their relationship to each other. Graph analytics helps to understand, detect, extract and visualize insightful relationships between different entities. Graph analytics has a wide range of applications in various domains including computational biology, commerce, intelligence, health care and transportation. The breadth of problems that require large graph analytics is growing rapidly resulting in a need for fast and efficient graph processing. One of the major challenges in graph processing is poor locality of reference. Locality of reference refers to the phenomenon of frequently accessing the same memory location or adjacent memory locations. Applications with poor data locality reduce the effectiveness of the cache memory. They result in large number of cache misses, requiring access to high latency main memory. Therefore, it is essential to have good locality for good performance. Most graph processing applications have highly random memory access patterns. Coupled with the current large sizes of the graphs, they result in poor cache utilization. Additionally, the computation to data access ratio in many graph processing applications is very low, making it difficult to cover the memory latency using computation. It is also challenging to efficiently parallelize most graph applications. Many graphs in real world have unbalanced degree distribution. It is difficult to achieve a balanced workload for such graphs. The parallelism in graph applications is generally fine-grained in nature. This calls for efficient synchronization and communication between the processing units. Techniques for enhancing locality have been well studied in the context of regular applications like linear algebra. Those techniques are in most cases not applicable to the graph problems. In this dissertation, we propose two techniques for enhancing locality in graph algorithms: access transformation and task-set reduction. Access transformation can be applied to algorithms to improve the spatial locality by changing the random access pattern to sequential access. It is applicable to iterative algorithms that process random vertices/edges in each iteration. The task-set reduction technique can be applied to enhance the temporal locality. It is applicable to algorithms which repeatedly access the same data to perform certain task. Using the two techniques, we propose novel algorithms for three graph problems: k-core decomposition, maximal clique enumeration and triangle listing. We have implemented the algorithms. The results show that these algorithms provide significant improvement in performance and also scale well

    Enumerating Maximal Bicliques from a Large Graph Using MapReduce

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    We consider the enumeration of maximal bipartite cliques (bicliques) from a large graph, a task central to many data mining problems arising in social network analysis and bioinformatics. We present novel parallel algorithms for the MapReduce framework, and an experimental evaluation using Hadoop MapReduce. Our algorithm is based on clustering the input graph into smaller subgraphs, followed by processing different subgraphs in parallel. Our algorithm uses two ideas that enable it to scale to large graphs: (1) the redundancy in work between different subgraph explorations is minimized through a careful pruning of the search space, and (2) the load on different reducers is balanced through a task assignment that is based on an appropriate total order among the vertices. We show theoretically that our algorithm is work optimal, i.e., it performs the same total work as its sequential counterpart. We present a detailed evaluation which shows that the algorithm scales to large graphs with millions of edges and tens of millions of maximal bicliques. To our knowledge, this is the first work on maximal biclique enumeration for graphs of this scale

    Truss Decomposition in Massive Networks

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    The k-truss is a type of cohesive subgraphs proposed recently for the study of networks. While the problem of computing most cohesive subgraphs is NP-hard, there exists a polynomial time algorithm for computing k-truss. Compared with k-core which is also efficient to compute, k-truss represents the "core" of a k-core that keeps the key information of, while filtering out less important information from, the k-core. However, existing algorithms for computing k-truss are inefficient for handling today's massive networks. We first improve the existing in-memory algorithm for computing k-truss in networks of moderate size. Then, we propose two I/O-efficient algorithms to handle massive networks that cannot fit in main memory. Our experiments on real datasets verify the efficiency of our algorithms and the value of k-truss.Comment: VLDB201