34,144 research outputs found

    Maxmin convolutional neural networks for image classification

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNN) are widely used in computer vision, especially in image classification. However, the way in which information and invariance properties are encoded through in deep CNN architectures is still an open question. In this paper, we propose to modify the standard convo- lutional block of CNN in order to transfer more information layer after layer while keeping some invariance within the net- work. Our main idea is to exploit both positive and negative high scores obtained in the convolution maps. This behav- ior is obtained by modifying the traditional activation func- tion step before pooling. We are doubling the maps with spe- cific activations functions, called MaxMin strategy, in order to achieve our pipeline. Extensive experiments on two classical datasets, MNIST and CIFAR-10, show that our deep MaxMin convolutional net outperforms standard CNN

    Best Practices in Convolutional Networks for Forward-Looking Sonar Image Recognition

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have revolutionized perception for color images, and their application to sonar images has also obtained good results. But in general CNNs are difficult to train without a large dataset, need manual tuning of a considerable number of hyperparameters, and require many careful decisions by a designer. In this work, we evaluate three common decisions that need to be made by a CNN designer, namely the performance of transfer learning, the effect of object/image size and the relation between training set size. We evaluate three CNN models, namely one based on LeNet, and two based on the Fire module from SqueezeNet. Our findings are: Transfer learning with an SVM works very well, even when the train and transfer sets have no classes in common, and high classification performance can be obtained even when the target dataset is small. The ADAM optimizer combined with Batch Normalization can make a high accuracy CNN classifier, even with small image sizes (16 pixels). At least 50 samples per class are required to obtain 90%90\% test accuracy, and using Dropout with a small dataset helps improve performance, but Batch Normalization is better when a large dataset is available.Comment: Author version; IEEE/MTS Oceans 2017 Aberdee

    Deep Dictionary Learning: A PARametric NETwork Approach

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    Deep dictionary learning seeks multiple dictionaries at different image scales to capture complementary coherent characteristics. We propose a method for learning a hierarchy of synthesis dictionaries with an image classification goal. The dictionaries and classification parameters are trained by a classification objective, and the sparse features are extracted by reducing a reconstruction loss in each layer. The reconstruction objectives in some sense regularize the classification problem and inject source signal information in the extracted features. The performance of the proposed hierarchical method increases by adding more layers, which consequently makes this model easier to tune and adapt. The proposed algorithm furthermore, shows remarkably lower fooling rate in presence of adversarial perturbation. The validation of the proposed approach is based on its classification performance using four benchmark datasets and is compared to a CNN of similar size