1,469 research outputs found

    Deep Adaptive Feature Embedding with Local Sample Distributions for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (re-id) aims to match pedestrians observed by disjoint camera views. It attracts increasing attention in computer vision due to its importance to surveillance system. To combat the major challenge of cross-view visual variations, deep embedding approaches are proposed by learning a compact feature space from images such that the Euclidean distances correspond to their cross-view similarity metric. However, the global Euclidean distance cannot faithfully characterize the ideal similarity in a complex visual feature space because features of pedestrian images exhibit unknown distributions due to large variations in poses, illumination and occlusion. Moreover, intra-personal training samples within a local range are robust to guide deep embedding against uncontrolled variations, which however, cannot be captured by a global Euclidean distance. In this paper, we study the problem of person re-id by proposing a novel sampling to mine suitable \textit{positives} (i.e. intra-class) within a local range to improve the deep embedding in the context of large intra-class variations. Our method is capable of learning a deep similarity metric adaptive to local sample structure by minimizing each sample's local distances while propagating through the relationship between samples to attain the whole intra-class minimization. To this end, a novel objective function is proposed to jointly optimize similarity metric learning, local positive mining and robust deep embedding. This yields local discriminations by selecting local-ranged positive samples, and the learned features are robust to dramatic intra-class variations. Experiments on benchmarks show state-of-the-art results achieved by our method.Comment: Published on Pattern Recognitio

    RWTH ASR Systems for LibriSpeech: Hybrid vs Attention -- w/o Data Augmentation

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    We present state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems employing a standard hybrid DNN/HMM architecture compared to an attention-based encoder-decoder design for the LibriSpeech task. Detailed descriptions of the system development, including model design, pretraining schemes, training schedules, and optimization approaches are provided for both system architectures. Both hybrid DNN/HMM and attention-based systems employ bi-directional LSTMs for acoustic modeling/encoding. For language modeling, we employ both LSTM and Transformer based architectures. All our systems are built using RWTHs open-source toolkits RASR and RETURNN. To the best knowledge of the authors, the results obtained when training on the full LibriSpeech training set, are the best published currently, both for the hybrid DNN/HMM and the attention-based systems. Our single hybrid system even outperforms previous results obtained from combining eight single systems. Our comparison shows that on the LibriSpeech 960h task, the hybrid DNN/HMM system outperforms the attention-based system by 15% relative on the clean and 40% relative on the other test sets in terms of word error rate. Moreover, experiments on a reduced 100h-subset of the LibriSpeech training corpus even show a more pronounced margin between the hybrid DNN/HMM and attention-based architectures.Comment: Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 201
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