1 research outputs found

    Max-Cost Discrete Function Evaluation Problem under a Budget

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    We propose novel methods for max-cost Discrete Function Evaluation Problem (DFEP) under budget constraints. We are motivated by applications such as clinical diagnosis where a patient is subjected to a sequence of (possibly expensive) tests before a decision is made. Our goal is to develop strategies for minimizing max-costs. The problem is known to be NP hard and greedy methods based on specialized impurity functions have been proposed. We develop a broad class of \emph{admissible} impurity functions that admit monomials, classes of polynomials, and hinge-loss functions that allow for flexible impurity design with provably optimal approximation bounds. This flexibility is important for datasets when max-cost can be overly sensitive to "outliers." Outliers bias max-cost to a few examples that require a large number of tests for classification. We design admissible functions that allow for accuracy-cost trade-off and result in O(logn)O(\log n) guarantees of the optimal cost among trees with corresponding classification accuracy levels