5 research outputs found

    Realistic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and Encounter-Delayed-Choice Experiment

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    A realistic interpretation(REIN) of wave function in quantum mechanics is briefly presented in this work. In REIN, the wave function of a microscopic object is just its real existence rather than a mere mathematical description. Quantum object can exist in disjoint regions of space which just as the wave function distributes, travels at a finite speed, and collapses instantly upon a measurement. The single photon interference in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer is analyzed using REIN. In particular, we proposed and experimentally implemented a generalized delayed-choice experiment, the encounter-delayed-choice(EDC) experiment, in which the second beam splitter is inserted at the encounter of the two sub-waves from the two arms. In the EDC experiment, the front parts of wave functions before the beam splitter insertion do not interfere and show the particle nature, and the back parts of the wave functions will interfere and show a wave nature. The predicted phenomenon is clearly demonstrated in the experiment, and supports the REIN idea.Comment: 7 pages 4 figure

    Optimizing a Polynomial Function on a Quantum Simulator

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    Gradient descent method, as one of the major methods in numerical optimization, is the key ingredient in many machine learning algorithms. As one of the most fundamental way to solve the optimization problems, it promises the function value to move along the direction of steepest descent. For the vast resource consumption when dealing with high-dimensional problems, a quantum version of this iterative optimization algorithm has been proposed recently[arXiv:1612.01789]. Here, we develop this protocol and implement it on a quantum simulator with limited resource. Moreover, a prototypical experiment was shown with a 4-qubit Nuclear Magnetic Resonance quantum processor, demonstrating a optimization process of polynomial function iteratively. In each iteration, we achieved an average fidelity of 94\% compared with theoretical calculation via full-state tomography. In particular, the iterative point gradually converged to the local minimum. We apply our method to multidimensional scaling problem, further showing the potentially capability to yields an exponentially improvement compared with classical counterparts. With the onrushing tendency of quantum information, our work could provide a subroutine for the application of future practical quantum computers.Comment: 6+4 pages, 8 figure

    Mathematical Theory of the Duality Computer in the Density Matrix Formalism

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    Mathematical theory of the duality computer in the density matrix formalism

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