176 research outputs found

    Matching with PROSAC – Progressive Sample Consensus

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    A new robust matching method is proposed. The progressive sample consensus (PROSAC) algorithm exploits the linear ordering defined on the set of correspondences by a similarity function used in establishing tentative correspondences. Unlike RANSAC, which treats all correspondences equally and draws random samples uniformly from the full set, PROSAC samples are drawn from progressively larger sets of top-ranked correspondences. Under the mild assumption that the similarity measure predicts correctness of a match better than random guessing, we show that PROSAC achieves large computational savings. Experiments demonstrate it is often significantly faster (up to more than hundred times) than RANSAC. For the derived size of the sampled set of correspondences as a function of the number of samples already drawn, PROSAC converges towards RANSAC in the worst case. The power of the method is demonstrated on wide-baseline matching problems

    Real-time 3D Tracking of Articulated Tools for Robotic Surgery

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    In robotic surgery, tool tracking is important for providing safe tool-tissue interaction and facilitating surgical skills assessment. Despite recent advances in tool tracking, existing approaches are faced with major difficulties in real-time tracking of articulated tools. Most algorithms are tailored for offline processing with pre-recorded videos. In this paper, we propose a real-time 3D tracking method for articulated tools in robotic surgery. The proposed method is based on the CAD model of the tools as well as robot kinematics to generate online part-based templates for efficient 2D matching and 3D pose estimation. A robust verification approach is incorporated to reject outliers in 2D detections, which is then followed by fusing inliers with robot kinematic readings for 3D pose estimation of the tool. The proposed method has been validated with phantom data, as well as ex vivo and in vivo experiments. The results derived clearly demonstrate the performance advantage of the proposed method when compared to the state-of-the-art.Comment: This paper was presented in MICCAI 2016 conference, and a DOI was linked to the publisher's versio

    Visual SLAM for flying vehicles

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    The ability to learn a map of the environment is important for numerous types of robotic vehicles. In this paper, we address the problem of learning a visual map of the ground using flying vehicles. We assume that the vehicles are equipped with one or two low-cost downlooking cameras in combination with an attitude sensor. Our approach is able to construct a visual map that can later on be used for navigation. Key advantages of our approach are that it is comparably easy to implement, can robustly deal with noisy camera images, and can operate either with a monocular camera or a stereo camera system. Our technique uses visual features and estimates the correspondences between features using a variant of the progressive sample consensus (PROSAC) algorithm. This allows our approach to extract spatial constraints between camera poses that can then be used to address the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem by applying graph methods. Furthermore, we address the problem of efficiently identifying loop closures. We performed several experiments with flying vehicles that demonstrate that our method is able to construct maps of large outdoor and indoor environments. © 2008 IEEE

    CLUSAC: Clustering Sample Consensus for Fundamental Matrix Estimation

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    In the process of model fitting for fundamental matrix estimation, RANSAC and its variants disregard and fail to reduce the interference of outliers. These methods select correspondences and calculate the model scores from the original dataset. In this work, we propose an inlier filtering method that can filter inliers from the original dataset. Using the filtered inliers can substantially reduce the interference of outliers. Based on the filtered inliers, we propose a new algorithm called CLUSAC, which calculates model quality scores on all filtered inliers. Our approach is evaluated through estimating the fundamental matrix in the dataset kusvod2, and it shows superior performance to other compared RANSAC variants in terms of precision