44,748 research outputs found

    Matching of large images through coupled decomposition

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    In this paper, we address the problem of fast and accurate extraction of points that correspond to the same location (named tie-points) from pairs of large-sized images. First, we conduct a theoretical analysis of the performance of the full-image matching approach, demonstrating its limitations when applied to large images. Subsequently, we introduce a novel technique to impose spatial constraints on the matching process without employing subsampled versions of the reference and the target image, which we name coupled image decomposition. This technique splits images into corresponding subimages through a process that is theoretically invariant to geometric transformations, additive noise, and global radiometric differences, as well as being robust to local changes. After presenting it, we demonstrate how coupled image decomposition can be used both for image registration and for automatic estimation of epipolar geometry. Finally, coupled image decomposition is tested on a data set consisting of several planetary images of different size, varying from less than one megapixel to several hundreds of megapixels. The reported experimental results, which includes comparison with full-image matching and state-of-the-art techniques, demonstrate the substantial computational cost reduction that can be achieved when matching large images through coupled decomposition, without at the same time compromising the overall matching accuracy

    How Does the Low-Rank Matrix Decomposition Help Internal and External Learnings for Super-Resolution

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    Wisely utilizing the internal and external learning methods is a new challenge in super-resolution problem. To address this issue, we analyze the attributes of two methodologies and find two observations of their recovered details: 1) they are complementary in both feature space and image plane, 2) they distribute sparsely in the spatial space. These inspire us to propose a low-rank solution which effectively integrates two learning methods and then achieves a superior result. To fit this solution, the internal learning method and the external learning method are tailored to produce multiple preliminary results. Our theoretical analysis and experiment prove that the proposed low-rank solution does not require massive inputs to guarantee the performance, and thereby simplifying the design of two learning methods for the solution. Intensive experiments show the proposed solution improves the single learning method in both qualitative and quantitative assessments. Surprisingly, it shows more superior capability on noisy images and outperforms state-of-the-art methods

    Multi-modal dictionary learning for image separation with application in art investigation

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    In support of art investigation, we propose a new source separation method that unmixes a single X-ray scan acquired from double-sided paintings. In this problem, the X-ray signals to be separated have similar morphological characteristics, which brings previous source separation methods to their limits. Our solution is to use photographs taken from the front and back-side of the panel to drive the separation process. The crux of our approach relies on the coupling of the two imaging modalities (photographs and X-rays) using a novel coupled dictionary learning framework able to capture both common and disparate features across the modalities using parsimonious representations; the common component models features shared by the multi-modal images, whereas the innovation component captures modality-specific information. As such, our model enables the formulation of appropriately regularized convex optimization procedures that lead to the accurate separation of the X-rays. Our dictionary learning framework can be tailored both to a single- and a multi-scale framework, with the latter leading to a significant performance improvement. Moreover, to improve further on the visual quality of the separated images, we propose to train coupled dictionaries that ignore certain parts of the painting corresponding to craquelure. Experimentation on synthetic and real data - taken from digital acquisition of the Ghent Altarpiece (1432) - confirms the superiority of our method against the state-of-the-art morphological component analysis technique that uses either fixed or trained dictionaries to perform image separation.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Images Processin

    A statistical multiresolution approach for face recognition using structural hidden Markov models

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    This paper introduces a novel methodology that combines the multiresolution feature of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) with the local interactions of the facial structures expressed through the structural hidden Markov model (SHMM). A range of wavelet filters such as Haar, biorthogonal 9/7, and Coiflet, as well as Gabor, have been implemented in order to search for the best performance. SHMMs perform a thorough probabilistic analysis of any sequential pattern by revealing both its inner and outer structures simultaneously. Unlike traditional HMMs, the SHMMs do not perform the state conditional independence of the visible observation sequence assumption. This is achieved via the concept of local structures introduced by the SHMMs. Therefore, the long-range dependency problem inherent to traditional HMMs has been drastically reduced. SHMMs have not previously been applied to the problem of face identification. The results reported in this application have shown that SHMM outperforms the traditional hidden Markov model with a 73% increase in accuracy

    Estimation of vector fields in unconstrained and inequality constrained variational problems for segmentation and registration

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    Vector fields arise in many problems of computer vision, particularly in non-rigid registration. In this paper, we develop coupled partial differential equations (PDEs) to estimate vector fields that define the deformation between objects, and the contour or surface that defines the segmentation of the objects as well.We also explore the utility of inequality constraints applied to variational problems in vision such as estimation of deformation fields in non-rigid registration and tracking. To solve inequality constrained vector field estimation problems, we apply tools from the Kuhn-Tucker theorem in optimization theory. Our technique differs from recently popular joint segmentation and registration algorithms, particularly in its coupled set of PDEs derived from the same set of energy terms for registration and segmentation. We present both the theory and results that demonstrate our approach