1 research outputs found

    Matching a tone-based and tune-based approach to English Intonation For Concept-To-Speech Generation

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    The paper describes the results of a comparison of two ramoration systems for ild;onation, the tone-based ToBI al)proach and the tunebased apl)road proposed by Systemic Fun(> l,i(mal Grammar (SF). The goal of this compar- ison is to deline a mapping between the two syst, ems fi)r the purpose of (xmeept-to-speech genera [ion of English. Since ToBI is widely used in speech synthesis and SFC4 is widely used in nal, ural language general;ion and oftrs a linguistically motivated account, of intonat;ion, appears a promising step to coral)inc the t,wo approaches fi)r concept-to-spce(:h. A. corpus of English utt;cranccs has been analysed with both ToBI and SFG categories; eoml)arison of the an:fi. ysis results has lead to the ideni;ifical,ion of some basic cquivalcnl;s 1)etw(cn [he l,wo systems on which a mapping can be based