47 research outputs found

    Breast Cancer: Modelling and Detection

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    This paper reviews a number of the mathematical models used in cancer modelling and then chooses a specific cancer, breast carcinoma, to illustrate how the modelling can be used in aiding detection. We then discuss mathematical models that underpin mammographic image analysis, which complements models of tumour growth and facilitates diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Mammographic images are notoriously difficult to interpret, and we give an overview of the primary image enhancement technologies that have been introduced, before focusing on a more detailed description of some of our own recent work on the use of physics-based modelling in mammography. This theoretical approach to image analysis yields a wealth of information that could be incorporated into the mathematical models, and we conclude by describing how current mathematical models might be enhanced by use of this information, and how these models in turn will help to meet some of the major challenges in cancer detection

    A comparative evaluation of two algorithms of detection of masses on mammograms

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    In this paper, we implement and carry out the comparison of two methods of computer-aided-detection of masses on mammograms. The two algorithms basically consist of 3 steps each: segmentation, binarization and noise suppression using different techniques for each step. A database of 60 images was used to compare the performance of the two algorithms in terms of general detection efficiency, conservation of size and shape of detected masses.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, Vol.3, No.1, February 2012,pp19-27; Signal & Image Processing : An International Journal (SIPIJ),201

    Enhancing the image quality of digital breast tomosynthesis

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    A novel imaging technology, digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), is a technique that overcomes the tissue superposition limitation of conventional mammography by acquiring a limited number of X-ray projections from a narrow angular range, and combining these projections to reconstruct a pseudo-3D image. The emergence of DBT as a potential replacement or adjunct to mammographic screening mandates that solutions be found to two of its major limitations, namely X-ray scatter and mono-energetic reconstruction methods. A multi-faceted software-based approach to enhance the image quality of DBT imaging has the potential to increase the sensitivity and specificity of breast cancer detection and diagnosis. A scatter correction (SC) algorithm and a spectral reconstruction (SR) algorithm are both ready for implementation and clinical evaluation in a DBT system and exhibit the potential to improve image quality. A principal component analysis (PCA) based model of breast shape and a PCA model of X-ray scatter optimize the SC algorithm for the clinical realm. In addition, a comprehensive dosimetric characterization of a FDA approved DBT system has also been performed, and the feasibility of a new dual-spectrum, single-acquisition DBT imaging technique has also been evaluated.Ph.D


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    Breast cancer is a leading cause of death among women worldwide. Early detection is the key for improving breast cancer prognosis. Digital mammography remains one of the most suitable tools for early detection of breast cancer. Hence, there are strong needs for the development of computer aided diagnosis (CAD) systems which have the capability to help radiologists in decision making. The main goal is to increase the diagnostic accuracy rate. In this thesis we developed a computer aided system for the diagnosis and detection of breast cancer using curvelet transform. Curvelet is a multiscale transform which possess directionality and anisotropy, and it breaks some inherent limitations of wavelet in representing edges in images. We started this study by developing a diagnosis system. Five feature extraction methods were developed with curvelet and wavelet coefficients to differentiate between different breast cancer classes. The results with curvelet and wavelet were compared. The experimental results show a high performance of the proposed methods and classification accuracy rate achieved 97.30%. The thesis then provides an automatic system for breast cancer detection. An automatic thresholding algorithm was used to separate the area composed of the breast and the pectoral muscle from the background of the image. Subsequently, a region growing algorithm was used to locate the pectoral muscle and suppress it from the breast. Then, the work concentrates on the segmentation of region of interest (ROI). Two methods are suggested to accomplish the segmentation stage: an adaptive thresholding method and a pattern matching method. Once the ROI has been identified, an automatic cropping is performed to extract it from the original mammogram. Subsequently, the suggested feature extraction methods were applied to the segmented ROIs. Finally, the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers were used to determine whether the region is abnormal or normal. At this level, the study focuses on two abnormality types (mammographic masses and architectural distortion). Experimental results show that the introduced methods have very high detection accuracies. The effectiveness of the proposed methods has been tested with Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) dataset. Throughout the thesis all proposed methods and algorithms have been applied with both curvelet and wavelet for comparison and statistical tests were also performed. The overall results show that curvelet transform performs better than wavelet and the difference is statistically significant

    Towards an in-plane methodology to track breast lesions using mammograms and patient-specific finite-element simulations

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    In breast cancer screening or diagnosis, it is usual to combine different images in order to locate a lesion as accurately as possible. These images are generated using a single or several imaging techniques. As x-ray-based mammography is widely used, a breast lesion is located in the same plane of the image (mammogram), but tracking it across mammograms corresponding to different views is a challenging task for medical physicians. Accordingly, simulation tools and methodologies that use patient-specific numerical models can facilitate the task of fusing information from different images. Additionally, these tools need to be as straightforward as possible to facilitate their translation to the clinical area. This paper presents a patient-specific, finite-element-based and semi-automated simulation methodology to track breast lesions across mammograms. A realistic three-dimensional computer model of a patient''s breast was generated from magnetic resonance imaging to simulate mammographic compressions in cranio-caudal (CC, head-to-toe) and medio-lateral oblique (MLO, shoulder-to-opposite hip) directions. For each compression being simulated, a virtual mammogram was obtained and posteriorly superimposed to the corresponding real mammogram, by sharing the nipple as a common feature. Two-dimensional rigid-body transformations were applied, and the error distance measured between the centroids of the tumors previously located on each image was 3.84 mm and 2.41 mm for CC and MLO compression, respectively. Considering that the scope of this work is to conceive a methodology translatable to clinical practice, the results indicate that it could be helpful in supporting the tracking of breast lesions

    Segmentation, Super-resolution and Fusion for Digital Mammogram Classification

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    Mammography is one of the most common and effective techniques used by radiologists for the early detection of breast cancer. Recently, computer-aided detection/diagnosis (CAD) has become a major research topic in medical imaging and has been widely applied in clinical situations. According to statics, early detection of cancer can reduce the mortality rates by 30% to 70%, therefore detection and diagnosis in the early stage are very important. CAD systems are designed primarily to assist radiologists in detecting and classifying abnormalities in medical scan images, but the main challenges hindering their wider deployment is the difficulty in achieving accuracy rates that help improve radiologists’ performance. The detection and diagnosis of breast cancer face two main issues: the accuracy of the CAD system, and the radiologists’ performance in reading and diagnosing mammograms. This thesis focused on the accuracy of CAD systems. In particular, we investigated two main steps of CAD systems; pre-processing (enhancement and segmentation), feature extraction and classification. Through this investigation, we make five main contributions to the field of automatic mammogram analysis. In automated mammogram analysis, image segmentation techniques are employed in breast boundary or region-of-interest (ROI) extraction. In most Medio-Lateral Oblique (MLO) views of mammograms, the pectoral muscle represents a predominant density region and it is important to detect and segment out this muscle region during pre-processing because it could be bias to the detection of breast cancer. An important reason for the breast border extraction is that it will limit the search-zone for abnormalities in the region of the breast without undue influence from the background of the mammogram. Therefore, we propose a new scheme for breast border extraction, artifact removal and removal of annotations, which are found in the background of mammograms. This was achieved using an local adaptive threshold that creates a binary mask for the images, followed by the use of morphological operations. Furthermore, an adaptive algorithm is proposed to detect and remove the pectoral muscle automatically. Feature extraction is another important step of any image-based pattern classification system. The performance of the corresponding classification depends very much on how well the extracted features represent the object of interest. We investigated a range of different texture feature sets such as Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH), Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) descriptor, and Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). We propose the use of multi-scale features based on wavelet and local binary patterns for mammogram classification. We extract histograms of LBP codes from the original image as well as the wavelet sub-bands. Extracted features are combined into a single feature set. Experimental results show that our proposed method of combining LBPH features obtained from the original image and with LBPH features obtained from the wavelet domain increase the classification accuracy (sensitivity and specificity) when compared with LBPH extracted from the original image. The feature vector size could be large for some types of feature extraction schemes and they may contain redundant features that could have a negative effect on the performance of classification accuracy. Therefore, feature vector size reduction is needed to achieve higher accuracy as well as efficiency (processing and storage). We reduced the size of the features by applying principle component analysis (PCA) on the feature set and only chose a small number of eigen components to represent the features. Experimental results showed enhancement in the mammogram classification accuracy with a small set of features when compared with using original feature vector. Then we investigated and propose the use of the feature and decision fusion in mammogram classification. In feature-level fusion, two or more extracted feature sets of the same mammogram are concatenated into a single larger fused feature vector to represent the mammogram. Whereas in decision-level fusion, the results of individual classifiers based on distinct features extracted from the same mammogram are combined into a single decision. In this case the final decision is made by majority voting among the results of individual classifiers. Finally, we investigated the use of super resolution as a pre-processing step to enhance the mammograms prior to extracting features. From the preliminary experimental results we conclude that using enhanced mammograms have a positive effect on the performance of the system. Overall, our combination of proposals outperforms several existing schemes published in the literature


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    Breast cancer is a leading cause of death among women worldwide. Early detection is the key for improving breast cancer prognosis. Digital mammography remains one of the most suitable tools for early detection of breast cancer. Hence, there are strong needs for the development of computer aided diagnosis (CAD) systems which have the capability to help radiologists in decision making. The main goal is to increase the diagnostic accuracy rate. In this thesis we developed a computer aided system for the diagnosis and detection of breast cancer using curvelet transform. Curvelet is a multiscale transform which possess directionality and anisotropy, and it breaks some inherent limitations of wavelet in representing edges in images. We started this study by developing a diagnosis system. Five feature extraction methods were developed with curvelet and wavelet coefficients to differentiate between different breast cancer classes. The results with curvelet and wavelet were compared. The experimental results show a high performance of the proposed methods and classification accuracy rate achieved 97.30%. The thesis then provides an automatic system for breast cancer detection. An automatic thresholding algorithm was used to separate the area composed of the breast and the pectoral muscle from the background of the image. Subsequently, a region growing algorithm was used to locate the pectoral muscle and suppress it from the breast. Then, the work concentrates on the segmentation of region of interest (ROI). Two methods are suggested to accomplish the segmentation stage: an adaptive thresholding method and a pattern matching method. Once the ROI has been identified, an automatic cropping is performed to extract it from the original mammogram. Subsequently, the suggested feature extraction methods were applied to the segmented ROIs. Finally, the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers were used to determine whether the region is abnormal or normal. At this level, the study focuses on two abnormality types (mammographic masses and architectural distortion). Experimental results show that the introduced methods have very high detection accuracies. The effectiveness of the proposed methods has been tested with Mammographic Image Analysis Society (MIAS) dataset. Throughout the thesis all proposed methods and algorithms have been applied with both curvelet and wavelet for comparison and statistical tests were also performed. The overall results show that curvelet transform performs better than wavelet and the difference is statistically significant

    Global parenchymal texture features based on histograms of oriented gradients improve cancer development risk estimation from healthy breasts

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    [EN] Background The breast dense tissue percentage on digital mammograms is one of the most commonly used markers for breast cancer risk estimation. Geometric features of dense tissue over the breast and the presence of texture structures contained in sliding windows that scan the mammograms may improve the predictive ability when combined with the breast dense tissue percentage. Methods A case/control study nested within a screening program covering 1563 women with craniocaudal and mediolateral-oblique mammograms (755 controls and the contralateral breast mammograms at the closest screening visit before cancer diagnostic for 808 cases) aging 45 to 70 from Comunitat Valenciana (Spain) was used to extract geometric and texture features. The dense tissue segmentation was performed using DMScan and validated by two experienced radiologists. A model based on Random Forests was trained several times varying the set of variables. A training dataset of 1172 patients was evaluated with a 10-stratified-fold cross-validation scheme. The area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC) was the metric for the predictive ability. The results were assessed by only considering the output after applying the model to the test set, which was composed of the remaining 391 patients. Results The AUC score obtained by the dense tissue percentage (0.55) was compared to a machine learning-based classifier results. The classifier, apart from the percentage of dense tissue of both views, firstly included global geometric features such as the distance of dense tissue to the pectoral muscle, dense tissue eccentricity or the dense tissue perimeter, obtaining an accuracy of 0.56. By the inclusion of a global feature based on local histograms of oriented gradients, the accuracy of the classifier was significantly improved (0.61). The number of well-classified patients was improved up to 236 when it was 208. Conclusion Relative geometric features of dense tissue over the breast and histograms of standardized local texture features based on sliding windows scanning the whole breast improve risk prediction beyond the dense tissue percentage adjusted by geometrical variables. Other classifiers could improve the results obtained by the conventional Random Forests used in this study.This work was partially funded by Generalitat Valenciana through I+D IVACE (Valencian Institute of Business Competitiviness) and GVA (European Regional Development Fund) supports under the project IMAMCN/2018/1, and by Carlos III Institute of Health under the project DTS15/00080Pérez-Benito, FJ.; Signol, F.; Perez-Cortes, J.; Pollán, M.; Perez-Gómez, B.; Salas-Trejo, D.; Casals, M.... (2019). Global parenchymal texture features based on histograms of oriented gradients improve cancer development risk estimation from healthy breasts. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 177:123-132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.05.022S12313217

    An Anisotropic Diffusion Approach for Early Detection of Breast Cancer

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    International audienceThe prevalence of breast cancer in the modern world has motivated the development of new tools to assist radiologists in their quest to detect malignancy as early as possible. Following the successful introduction of the screening programmes, science must provide effective clinical methods to detect cancer and improve life expectancy. Considerable research has been undertaken to this end, but the results still lack the robustness necessary for routine clinical applications. Mammographic images are difficult to interpret even by radiologists and this makes their task error prone. This paper presents a new approach to filtering breast images, which highlights the structures of anatomical interest. A method to detect calcifications has been explored. The approach is based on an edge preserving filtering with anisotropic diffusion. The algorithm makes use of the advantages offered by the hint images, a normalised physical-based representation of the breast. The results are promising with excellent true positive rates in both detection of isolated coarse calcifications and microcalcifications with a very low number of false positives per image

    Intelligent computing applications based on eye gaze : their role in mammographic interpretation training

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    Early breast cancer in women is best identified through high quality mammographic screening. This is achieved by well trained health professionals and appropriate imaging. Traditionally this has used X-ray film but is rapidly changing to utilise digital imaging with the resultant mammograms visually examined on high resolution clinical workstations. These digital images can also be viewed on a range of display devices, such as standard computer monitors or PDAs. In this thesis the potential of using such non-clinical workstation display devices for training purposes in breast screening has been investigated. The research introduces and reviews breast screening both in the UK and internationally where it concentrates upon China which is beginning screening. Various imaging technologies used to examine the breast are described, concentrating upon the move from using X-ray film to digital mammograms. Training in screening in the UK is detailed and it is argued that there is a need to extend this. Initially, a national survey of all UK mammography screeners within the National Health Breast Screening Programme (NHSBSP) was undertaken. This highlighted the current main difficulties of mammographic (film) interpretation training being tied to the device for inspecting these images. The screeners perceived the need for future digital imaging training that could be outside the breast screening centre; namely 3W training (Whatever training required, Whenever and Wherever). This is largely because the clinical workstations would logistically not be available for training purposes due to the daily screening demand. Whilst these workstations must be used for screening and diagnostic purposes to allow visualisation of very small detail in the images, it is argued here that training to identify such features can be undertaken on other devices where there is not the time constraints that exist during breast screening. A series of small pilot studies were then undertaken, trialling experienced radiologists with potential displays (PDAs and laptops) for mammographic image examination. These studies demonstrated that even on a PDA small mammographic features could be identified, albeit with difficulty, even with a very limited HCI manipulation tool. For training purposes the laptop, studied here with no HCI tool, was supported. Such promising results of display acceptability led to an investigation of mammographic inspection on displays of various sizes and resolutions. This study employed radiography students, potentially eventual screeners, who were eye tracked as they examined images on various sized displays. This showed that it could be possible to use a small PDA to deliver training. A detailed study then investigated whether aspects of an expert radiologist s visual inspection behaviour could be used to develop various training approaches. Four approaches were developed and examined using naĂŻve observers who were eye tracked as they were trained and tested. The approaches were found to be all feasible to implement but of variable usefulness for delivering mammographic interpretation training; this was confirmed by opinions from a focus group of screeners. On the basis of the previous studies, over a period of eight months, a large scale study involving 15 film readers from major breast screening centres was conducted where they examined series of digital mammograms on a clinical workstation, monitor and an iPhone. Overall results on individuals performance, image manipulation behaviour and visual search data indicated that a standard monitor could be employed successfully as an alternative for the digital workstation to deliver on-demand mammographic interpretation training using the full mammographic case images. The small iPhone, elicited poor performance, and was therefore judged not suitable for delivering training with the software employed here. However, future software developments may well overcome its shortcomings. The potential to implement training in China was examined by studying the current skill level of some practicing radiologists and an examination of how they responded to the developed training approaches. Results suggest that such an approach would be also applicable in other countries with different levels of screening skills. On-going further work is also discussed: the improvement of performance evaluation in mammography; new visual research on other breast imaging modalities and using visual search with computer aided detection to assist mammographic interpretation training.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo