381 research outputs found

    Hierarchy Composition GAN for High-fidelity Image Synthesis

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    Despite the rapid progress of generative adversarial networks (GANs) in image synthesis in recent years, the existing image synthesis approaches work in either geometry domain or appearance domain alone which often introduces various synthesis artifacts. This paper presents an innovative Hierarchical Composition GAN (HIC-GAN) that incorporates image synthesis in geometry and appearance domains into an end-to-end trainable network and achieves superior synthesis realism in both domains simultaneously. We design an innovative hierarchical composition mechanism that is capable of learning realistic composition geometry and handling occlusions while multiple foreground objects are involved in image composition. In addition, we introduce a novel attention mask mechanism that guides to adapt the appearance of foreground objects which also helps to provide better training reference for learning in geometry domain. Extensive experiments on scene text image synthesis, portrait editing and indoor rendering tasks show that the proposed HIC-GAN achieves superior synthesis performance qualitatively and quantitatively.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    3DPortraitGAN: Learning One-Quarter Headshot 3D GANs from a Single-View Portrait Dataset with Diverse Body Poses

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    3D-aware face generators are typically trained on 2D real-life face image datasets that primarily consist of near-frontal face data, and as such, they are unable to construct one-quarter headshot 3D portraits with complete head, neck, and shoulder geometry. Two reasons account for this issue: First, existing facial recognition methods struggle with extracting facial data captured from large camera angles or back views. Second, it is challenging to learn a distribution of 3D portraits covering the one-quarter headshot region from single-view data due to significant geometric deformation caused by diverse body poses. To this end, we first create the dataset 360{\deg}-Portrait-HQ (360{\deg}PHQ for short) which consists of high-quality single-view real portraits annotated with a variety of camera parameters (the yaw angles span the entire 360{\deg} range) and body poses. We then propose 3DPortraitGAN, the first 3D-aware one-quarter headshot portrait generator that learns a canonical 3D avatar distribution from the 360{\deg}PHQ dataset with body pose self-learning. Our model can generate view-consistent portrait images from all camera angles with a canonical one-quarter headshot 3D representation. Our experiments show that the proposed framework can accurately predict portrait body poses and generate view-consistent, realistic portrait images with complete geometry from all camera angles

    SEAN: Image Synthesis with Semantic Region-Adaptive Normalization

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    We propose semantic region-adaptive normalization (SEAN), a simple but effective building block for Generative Adversarial Networks conditioned on segmentation masks that describe the semantic regions in the desired output image. Using SEAN normalization, we can build a network architecture that can control the style of each semantic region individually, e.g., we can specify one style reference image per region. SEAN is better suited to encode, transfer, and synthesize style than the best previous method in terms of reconstruction quality, variability, and visual quality. We evaluate SEAN on multiple datasets and report better quantitative metrics (e.g. FID, PSNR) than the current state of the art. SEAN also pushes the frontier of interactive image editing. We can interactively edit images by changing segmentation masks or the style for any given region. We can also interpolate styles from two reference images per region.Comment: Accepted as a CVPR 2020 oral paper. The interactive demo is available at https://youtu.be/0Vbj9xFgoU

    FaceShop: Deep Sketch-based Face Image Editing

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    We present a novel system for sketch-based face image editing, enabling users to edit images intuitively by sketching a few strokes on a region of interest. Our interface features tools to express a desired image manipulation by providing both geometry and color constraints as user-drawn strokes. As an alternative to the direct user input, our proposed system naturally supports a copy-paste mode, which allows users to edit a given image region by using parts of another exemplar image without the need of hand-drawn sketching at all. The proposed interface runs in real-time and facilitates an interactive and iterative workflow to quickly express the intended edits. Our system is based on a novel sketch domain and a convolutional neural network trained end-to-end to automatically learn to render image regions corresponding to the input strokes. To achieve high quality and semantically consistent results we train our neural network on two simultaneous tasks, namely image completion and image translation. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to combine these two tasks in a unified framework for interactive image editing. Our results show that the proposed sketch domain, network architecture, and training procedure generalize well to real user input and enable high quality synthesis results without additional post-processing.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figure