3 research outputs found

    Prioritizing high-contact occupations raises effectiveness of vaccination campaigns

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    Published: 14 January 2022A twenty-year-old idea from network science is that vaccination campaigns would be more effective if high-contact individuals were preferentially targeted. Implementation is impeded by the ethical and practical problem of differentiating vaccine access based on a personal characteristic that is hard-to-measure and private. Here, we propose the use of occupational category as a proxy for connectedness in a contact network. Using survey data on occupation-specific contact frequencies, we calibrate a model of disease propagation in populations undergoing varying vaccination campaigns. We find that vaccination campaigns that prioritize high-contact occupational groups achieve similar infection levels with half the number of vaccines, while also reducing and delaying peaks. The paper thus identifies a concrete, operational strategy for dramatically improving vaccination efficiency in ongoing pandemics

    Prioritizing high-contact occupations raises effectiveness of vaccination campaigns

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    A twenty-year-old idea from network science is that vaccination campaigns would be more effective if high-contact individuals were preferentially targeted. Implementation is impeded by the ethical and practical problem of differentiating vaccine access based on a personal characteristic that is hard-to-measure and private. Here, we propose the use of occupational category as a proxy for connectedness in a contact network. Using survey data on occupation-specific contact frequencies, we calibrate a model of disease propagation in populations undergoing varying vaccination campaigns. We find that vaccination campaigns that prioritize high-contact occupational groups achieve similar infection levels with half the number of vaccines, while also reducing and delaying peaks. The paper thus identifies a concrete, operational strategy for dramatically improving vaccination efficiency in ongoing pandemics

    Markov-based solution for information diffusion on adaptive social networks

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    There is currently growing interest in modeling the information diffusion on social networks across multi-disciplines, including the prediction of the news popularity, the detection of the rumors and the influence of the epidemiological studies. Following the framework of the epidemic spreading, the information spreading models assume that information can be transmitted from the known individuals (infected) to the un-known individuals (susceptible) through the network interactions. During this process, individuals also always change their interactions which in turn will greatly influence the information spreading. In this work, we propose a mechanism considering the co-evolution between information states and network topology simultaneously, in which the information diffusion was executed as an SIS process and network topology evolved based on the adaptive assumption. The theoretical analyses based on the Markov approach were very consistent with simulation. Both simulation results and theoretical analyses indicated that the adaptive process, in which informed individuals would rewire the links between the informed neighbors to a random non-neighbor node, can enhance information diffusion (leading to much broader spreading). In addition, we obtained that two threshold values exist for the information diffusion on adaptive networks, i.e., if the information propagation probability is less than the first threshold, information cannot diffuse and dies out immediately; if the propagation probability is between the first and second threshold, information will spread to a finite range and die out gradually; and if the propagation probability is larger than the second threshold, information will diffuse to a certain size of population in the network. These results may shed some light on understanding the co-evolution between information diffusion and network topology.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Multimedia Computin