9,223 research outputs found

    Hierarchical relational models for document networks

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    We develop the relational topic model (RTM), a hierarchical model of both network structure and node attributes. We focus on document networks, where the attributes of each document are its words, that is, discrete observations taken from a fixed vocabulary. For each pair of documents, the RTM models their link as a binary random variable that is conditioned on their contents. The model can be used to summarize a network of documents, predict links between them, and predict words within them. We derive efficient inference and estimation algorithms based on variational methods that take advantage of sparsity and scale with the number of links. We evaluate the predictive performance of the RTM for large networks of scientific abstracts, web documents, and geographically tagged news.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOAS309 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Bayesian Parameter Estimation for Latent Markov Random Fields and Social Networks

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    Undirected graphical models are widely used in statistics, physics and machine vision. However Bayesian parameter estimation for undirected models is extremely challenging, since evaluation of the posterior typically involves the calculation of an intractable normalising constant. This problem has received much attention, but very little of this has focussed on the important practical case where the data consists of noisy or incomplete observations of the underlying hidden structure. This paper specifically addresses this problem, comparing two alternative methodologies. In the first of these approaches particle Markov chain Monte Carlo (Andrieu et al., 2010) is used to efficiently explore the parameter space, combined with the exchange algorithm (Murray et al., 2006) for avoiding the calculation of the intractable normalising constant (a proof showing that this combination targets the correct distribution in found in a supplementary appendix online). This approach is compared with approximate Bayesian computation (Pritchard et al., 1999). Applications to estimating the parameters of Ising models and exponential random graphs from noisy data are presented. Each algorithm used in the paper targets an approximation to the true posterior due to the use of MCMC to simulate from the latent graphical model, in lieu of being able to do this exactly in general. The supplementary appendix also describes the nature of the resulting approximation.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figures, accepted in Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (http://www.amstat.org/publications/jcgs.cfm

    Network Inference from Co-Occurrences

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    The recovery of network structure from experimental data is a basic and fundamental problem. Unfortunately, experimental data often do not directly reveal structure due to inherent limitations such as imprecision in timing or other observation mechanisms. We consider the problem of inferring network structure in the form of a directed graph from co-occurrence observations. Each observation arises from a transmission made over the network and indicates which vertices carry the transmission without explicitly conveying their order in the path. Without order information, there are an exponential number of feasible graphs which agree with the observed data equally well. Yet, the basic physical principles underlying most networks strongly suggest that all feasible graphs are not equally likely. In particular, vertices that co-occur in many observations are probably closely connected. Previous approaches to this problem are based on ad hoc heuristics. We model the experimental observations as independent realizations of a random walk on the underlying graph, subjected to a random permutation which accounts for the lack of order information. Treating the permutations as missing data, we derive an exact expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm for estimating the random walk parameters. For long transmission paths the exact E-step may be computationally intractable, so we also describe an efficient Monte Carlo EM (MCEM) algorithm and derive conditions which ensure convergence of the MCEM algorithm with high probability. Simulations and experiments with Internet measurements demonstrate the promise of this approach.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. An extended version is available as University of Wisconsin Technical Report ECE-06-

    Bayesian computation for statistical models with intractable normalizing constants

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    This paper deals with some computational aspects in the Bayesian analysis of statistical models with intractable normalizing constants. In the presence of intractable normalizing constants in the likelihood function, traditional MCMC methods cannot be applied. We propose an approach to sample from such posterior distributions. The method can be thought as a Bayesian version of the MCMC-MLE approach of Geyer and Thompson (1992). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first general and asymptotically consistent Monte Carlo method for such problems. We illustrate the method with examples from image segmentation and social network modeling. We study as well the asymptotic behavior of the algorithm and obtain a strong law of large numbers for empirical averages.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Bayesian Structure Learning for Markov Random Fields with a Spike and Slab Prior

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    In recent years a number of methods have been developed for automatically learning the (sparse) connectivity structure of Markov Random Fields. These methods are mostly based on L1-regularized optimization which has a number of disadvantages such as the inability to assess model uncertainty and expensive cross-validation to find the optimal regularization parameter. Moreover, the model's predictive performance may degrade dramatically with a suboptimal value of the regularization parameter (which is sometimes desirable to induce sparseness). We propose a fully Bayesian approach based on a "spike and slab" prior (similar to L0 regularization) that does not suffer from these shortcomings. We develop an approximate MCMC method combining Langevin dynamics and reversible jump MCMC to conduct inference in this model. Experiments show that the proposed model learns a good combination of the structure and parameter values without the need for separate hyper-parameter tuning. Moreover, the model's predictive performance is much more robust than L1-based methods with hyper-parameter settings that induce highly sparse model structures.Comment: Accepted in the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 201
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