140,343 research outputs found

    Disentanglement for Discriminative Visual Recognition

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    Recent successes of deep learning-based recognition rely on maintaining the content related to the main-task label. However, how to explicitly dispel the noisy signals for better generalization in a controllable manner remains an open issue. For instance, various factors such as identity-specific attributes, pose, illumination and expression affect the appearance of face images. Disentangling the identity-specific factors is potentially beneficial for facial expression recognition (FER). This chapter systematically summarize the detrimental factors as task-relevant/irrelevant semantic variations and unspecified latent variation. In this chapter, these problems are casted as either a deep metric learning problem or an adversarial minimax game in the latent space. For the former choice, a generalized adaptive (N+M)-tuplet clusters loss function together with the identity-aware hard-negative mining and online positive mining scheme can be used for identity-invariant FER. The better FER performance can be achieved by combining the deep metric loss and softmax loss in a unified two fully connected layer branches framework via joint optimization. For the latter solution, it is possible to equipping an end-to-end conditional adversarial network with the ability to decompose an input sample into three complementary parts. The discriminative representation inherits the desired invariance property guided by prior knowledge of the task, which is marginal independent to the task-relevant/irrelevant semantic and latent variations. The framework achieves top performance on a serial of tasks, including lighting, makeup, disguise-tolerant face recognition and facial attributes recognition. This chapter systematically summarize the popular and practical solution for disentanglement to achieve more discriminative visual recognition.Comment: Manuscript for book "Recognition and perception of images" Will

    A Deeper Look at Facial Expression Dataset Bias

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    Datasets play an important role in the progress of facial expression recognition algorithms, but they may suffer from obvious biases caused by different cultures and collection conditions. To look deeper into this bias, we first conduct comprehensive experiments on dataset recognition and crossdataset generalization tasks, and for the first time explore the intrinsic causes of the dataset discrepancy. The results quantitatively verify that current datasets have a strong buildin bias and corresponding analyses indicate that the conditional probability distributions between source and target datasets are different. However, previous researches are mainly based on shallow features with limited discriminative ability under the assumption that the conditional distribution remains unchanged across domains. To address these issues, we further propose a novel deep Emotion-Conditional Adaption Network (ECAN) to learn domain-invariant and discriminative feature representations, which can match both the marginal and the conditional distributions across domains simultaneously. In addition, the largely ignored expression class distribution bias is also addressed by a learnable re-weighting parameter, so that the training and testing domains can share similar class distribution. Extensive cross-database experiments on both lab-controlled datasets (CK+, JAFFE, MMI and Oulu-CASIA) and real-world databases (AffectNet, FER2013, RAF-DB 2.0 and SFEW 2.0) demonstrate that our ECAN can yield competitive performances across various facial expression transfer tasks and outperform the state-of-theart methods

    GroupFace: Learning Latent Groups and Constructing Group-based Representations for Face Recognition

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    In the field of face recognition, a model learns to distinguish millions of face images with fewer dimensional embedding features, and such vast information may not be properly encoded in the conventional model with a single branch. We propose a novel face-recognition-specialized architecture called GroupFace that utilizes multiple group-aware representations, simultaneously, to improve the quality of the embedding feature. The proposed method provides self-distributed labels that balance the number of samples belonging to each group without additional human annotations, and learns the group-aware representations that can narrow down the search space of the target identity. We prove the effectiveness of the proposed method by showing extensive ablation studies and visualizations. All the components of the proposed method can be trained in an end-to-end manner with a marginal increase of computational complexity. Finally, the proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art results with significant improvements in 1:1 face verification and 1:N face identification tasks on the following public datasets: LFW, YTF, CALFW, CPLFW, CFP, AgeDB-30, MegaFace, IJB-B and IJB-C.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 202

    Transfer Adaptation Learning: A Decade Survey

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    The world we see is ever-changing and it always changes with people, things, and the environment. Domain is referred to as the state of the world at a certain moment. A research problem is characterized as transfer adaptation learning (TAL) when it needs knowledge correspondence between different moments/domains. Conventional machine learning aims to find a model with the minimum expected risk on test data by minimizing the regularized empirical risk on the training data, which, however, supposes that the training and test data share similar joint probability distribution. TAL aims to build models that can perform tasks of target domain by learning knowledge from a semantic related but distribution different source domain. It is an energetic research filed of increasing influence and importance, which is presenting a blowout publication trend. This paper surveys the advances of TAL methodologies in the past decade, and the technical challenges and essential problems of TAL have been observed and discussed with deep insights and new perspectives. Broader solutions of transfer adaptation learning being created by researchers are identified, i.e., instance re-weighting adaptation, feature adaptation, classifier adaptation, deep network adaptation and adversarial adaptation, which are beyond the early semi-supervised and unsupervised split. The survey helps researchers rapidly but comprehensively understand and identify the research foundation, research status, theoretical limitations, future challenges and under-studied issues (universality, interpretability, and credibility) to be broken in the field toward universal representation and safe applications in open-world scenarios.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Neural Architecture Search for Deep Face Recognition

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    By the widespread popularity of electronic devices, the emergence of biometric technology has brought significant convenience to user authentication compared with the traditional password and mode unlocking. Among many biological characteristics, the face is a universal and irreplaceable feature that does not need too much cooperation and can significantly improve the user's experience at the same time. Face recognition is one of the main functions of electronic equipment propaganda. Hence it's virtually worth researching in computer vision. Previous work in this field has focused on two directions: converting loss function to improve recognition accuracy in traditional deep convolution neural networks (Resnet); combining the latest loss function with the lightweight system (MobileNet) to reduce network size at the minimal expense of accuracy. But none of these has changed the network structure. With the development of AutoML, neural architecture search (NAS) has shown excellent performance in the benchmark of image classification. In this paper, we integrate NAS technology into face recognition to customize a more suitable network. We quote the framework of neural architecture search which trains child and controller network alternately. At the same time, we mutate NAS by incorporating evaluation latency into rewards of reinforcement learning and utilize policy gradient algorithm to search the architecture automatically with the most classical cross-entropy loss. The network architectures we searched out have got state-of-the-art accuracy in the large-scale face dataset, which achieves 98.77% top-1 in MS-Celeb-1M and 99.89% in LFW with relatively small network size. To the best of our knowledge, this proposal is the first attempt to use NAS to solve the problem of Deep Face Recognition and achieve the best results in this domain

    Probabilistic Attribute Tree in Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition

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    In this paper, we proposed a novel Probabilistic Attribute Tree-CNN (PAT-CNN) to explicitly deal with the large intra-class variations caused by identity-related attributes, e.g., age, race, and gender. Specifically, a novel PAT module with an associated PAT loss was proposed to learn features in a hierarchical tree structure organized according to attributes, where the final features are less affected by the attributes. Then, expression-related features are extracted from leaf nodes. Samples are probabilistically assigned to tree nodes at different levels such that expression-related features can be learned from all samples weighted by probabilities. We further proposed a semi-supervised strategy to learn the PAT-CNN from limited attribute-annotated samples to make the best use of available data. Experimental results on five facial expression datasets have demonstrated that the proposed PAT-CNN outperforms the baseline models by explicitly modeling attributes. More impressively, the PAT-CNN using a single model achieves the best performance for faces in the wild on the SFEW dataset, compared with the state-of-the-art methods using an ensemble of hundreds of CNNs.Comment: 10 page

    InclusiveFaceNet: Improving Face Attribute Detection with Race and Gender Diversity

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    We demonstrate an approach to face attribute detection that retains or improves attribute detection accuracy across gender and race subgroups by learning demographic information prior to learning the attribute detection task. The system, which we call InclusiveFaceNet, detects face attributes by transferring race and gender representations learned from a held-out dataset of public race and gender identities. Leveraging learned demographic representations while withholding demographic inference from the downstream face attribute detection task preserves potential users' demographic privacy while resulting in some of the best reported numbers to date on attribute detection in the Faces of the World and CelebA datasets.Comment: Presented as a talk at the 2018 Workshop on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning (FAT/ML 2018

    End-to-end learning potentials for structured attribute prediction

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    We present a structured inference approach in deep neural networks for multiple attribute prediction. In attribute prediction, a common approach is to learn independent classifiers on top of a good feature representation. However, such classifiers assume conditional independence on features and do not explicitly consider the dependency between attributes in the inference process. We propose to formulate attribute prediction in terms of marginal inference in the conditional random field. We model potential functions by deep neural networks and apply the sum-product algorithm to solve for the approximate marginal distribution in feed-forward networks. Our message passing layer implements sparse pairwise potentials by a softplus-linear function that is equivalent to a higher-order classifier, and learns all the model parameters by end-to-end back propagation. The experimental results using SUN attributes and CelebA datasets suggest that the structured inference improves the attribute prediction performance, and possibly uncovers the hidden relationship between attributes

    NormFace: L2 Hypersphere Embedding for Face Verification

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    Thanks to the recent developments of Convolutional Neural Networks, the performance of face verification methods has increased rapidly. In a typical face verification method, feature normalization is a critical step for boosting performance. This motivates us to introduce and study the effect of normalization during training. But we find this is non-trivial, despite normalization being differentiable. We identify and study four issues related to normalization through mathematical analysis, which yields understanding and helps with parameter settings. Based on this analysis we propose two strategies for training using normalized features. The first is a modification of softmax loss, which optimizes cosine similarity instead of inner-product. The second is a reformulation of metric learning by introducing an agent vector for each class. We show that both strategies, and small variants, consistently improve performance by between 0.2% to 0.4% on the LFW dataset based on two models. This is significant because the performance of the two models on LFW dataset is close to saturation at over 98%. Codes and models are released on https://github.com/happynear/NormFaceComment: camera-ready versio

    Large Margin Learning in Set to Set Similarity Comparison for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (Re-ID) aims at matching images of the same person across disjoint camera views, which is a challenging problem in multimedia analysis, multimedia editing and content-based media retrieval communities. The major challenge lies in how to preserve similarity of the same person across video footages with large appearance variations, while discriminating different individuals. To address this problem, conventional methods usually consider the pairwise similarity between persons by only measuring the point to point (P2P) distance. In this paper, we propose to use deep learning technique to model a novel set to set (S2S) distance, in which the underline objective focuses on preserving the compactness of intra-class samples for each camera view, while maximizing the margin between the intra-class set and inter-class set. The S2S distance metric is consisted of three terms, namely the class-identity term, the relative distance term and the regularization term. The class-identity term keeps the intra-class samples within each camera view gathering together, the relative distance term maximizes the distance between the intra-class class set and inter-class set across different camera views, and the regularization term smoothness the parameters of deep convolutional neural network (CNN). As a result, the final learned deep model can effectively find out the matched target to the probe object among various candidates in the video gallery by learning discriminative and stable feature representations. Using the CUHK01, CUHK03, PRID2011 and Market1501 benchmark datasets, we extensively conducted comparative evaluations to demonstrate the advantages of our method over the state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedi
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