23 research outputs found

    Many non-equivalent realizations of the associahedron

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    Hohlweg and Lange (2007) and Santos (2004, unpublished) have found two different ways of constructing exponential families of realizations of the n-dimensional associahedron with normal vectors in {0,1,-1}^n, generalizing the constructions of Loday (2004) and Chapoton-Fomin-Zelevinsky (2002). We classify the associahedra obtained by these constructions modulo linear equivalence of their normal fans and show, in particular, that the only realization that can be obtained with both methods is the Chapoton-Fomin-Zelevinsky (2002) associahedron. For the Hohlweg-Lange associahedra our classification is a priori coarser than the classification up to isometry of normal fans, by Bergeron-Hohlweg-Lange-Thomas (2009). However, both yield the same classes. As a consequence, we get that two Hohlweg-Lange associahedra have linearly equivalent normal fans if and only if they are isometric. The Santos construction, which produces an even larger family of associahedra, appears here in print for the first time. Apart of describing it in detail we relate it with the c-cluster complexes and the denominator fans in cluster algebras of type A. A third classical construction of the associahedron, as the secondary polytope of a convex n-gon (Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky, 1990), is shown to never produce a normal fan linearly equivalent to any of the other two constructions.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figure

    Cohomological invariants of representations of 3-manifold groups

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    Suppose Γ\Gamma is a discrete group, and αZ3(BΓ;A)\alpha\in Z^3(B\Gamma;A), with AA an abelian group. Given a representation ρ:π1(M)Γ\rho:\pi_1(M)\to\Gamma, with MM a closed 3-manifold, put F(M,ρ)=(Bρ)[α],[M]F(M,\rho)=\langle(B\rho)^\ast[\alpha],[M]\rangle, where Bρ:MBΓB\rho:M\to B\Gamma is a continuous map inducing ρ\rho which is unique up to homotopy, and ,:H3(M;A)×H3(M;Z)A\langle-,-\rangle:H^3(M;A)\times H_3(M;\mathbb{Z})\to A is the pairing. We extend the definition of F(M,ρ)F(M,\rho) to manifolds with corners, and establish a gluing law. Based on these, we present a practical method for computing F(M,ρ)F(M,\rho) when MM is given by a surgery along a link LS3L\subset S^3. In particular, the Chern-Simons invariant can be computed this way.Comment: 18 pages, 19 figure