1,909 research outputs found

    Curriculum Learning in Job Shop Scheduling using Reinforcement Learning

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    Solving job shop scheduling problems (JSSPs) with a fixed strategy, such as a priority dispatching rule, may yield satisfactory results for several problem instances but, nevertheless, insufficient results for others. From this single-strategy perspective finding a near optimal solution to a specific JSSP varies in difficulty even if the machine setup remains the same. A recent intensively researched and promising method to deal with difficulty variability is Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), which dynamically adjusts an agent's planning strategy in response to difficult instances not only during training, but also when applied to new situations. In this paper, we further improve DLR as an underlying method by actively incorporating the variability of difficulty within the same problem size into the design of the learning process. We base our approach on a state-of-the-art methodology that solves JSSP by means of DRL and graph neural network embeddings. Our work supplements the training routine of the agent by a curriculum learning strategy that ranks the problem instances shown during training by a new metric of problem instance difficulty. Our results show that certain curricula lead to significantly better performances of the DRL solutions. Agents trained on these curricula beat the top performance of those trained on randomly distributed training data, reaching 3.2% shorter average makespans

    Adaptive Order Dispatching based on Reinforcement Learning: Application in a Complex Job Shop in the Semiconductor Industry

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    Heutige Produktionssysteme tendieren durch die Marktanforderungen getrieben zu immer kleineren Losgrößen, höherer Produktvielfalt und größerer Komplexität der Materialflusssysteme. Diese Entwicklungen stellen bestehende Produktionssteuerungsmethoden in Frage. Im Zuge der Digitalisierung bieten datenbasierte Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens einen alternativen Ansatz zur Optimierung von Produktionsabläufen. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zeigen eine hohe Leistungsfähigkeit von Verfahren des Reinforcement Learning (RL) in einem breiten Anwendungsspektrum. Im Bereich der Produktionssteuerung haben sich jedoch bisher nur wenige Autoren damit befasst. Eine umfassende Untersuchung verschiedener RL-Ansätze sowie eine Anwendung in der Praxis wurden noch nicht durchgeführt. Unter den Aufgaben der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung gewährleistet die Auftragssteuerung (order dispatching) eine hohe Leistungsfähigkeit und Flexibilität der Produktionsabläufe, um eine hohe Kapazitätsauslastung und kurze Durchlaufzeiten zu erreichen. Motiviert durch komplexe Werkstattfertigungssysteme, wie sie in der Halbleiterindustrie zu finden sind, schließt diese Arbeit die Forschungslücke und befasst sich mit der Anwendung von RL für eine adaptive Auftragssteuerung. Die Einbeziehung realer Systemdaten ermöglicht eine genauere Erfassung des Systemverhaltens als statische Heuristiken oder mathematische Optimierungsverfahren. Zusätzlich wird der manuelle Aufwand reduziert, indem auf die Inferenzfähigkeiten des RL zurückgegriffen wird. Die vorgestellte Methodik fokussiert die Modellierung und Implementierung von RL-Agenten als Dispatching-Entscheidungseinheit. Bekannte Herausforderungen der RL-Modellierung in Bezug auf Zustand, Aktion und Belohnungsfunktion werden untersucht. Die Modellierungsalternativen werden auf der Grundlage von zwei realen Produktionsszenarien eines Halbleiterherstellers analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass RL-Agenten adaptive Steuerungsstrategien erlernen können und bestehende regelbasierte Benchmarkheuristiken übertreffen. Die Erweiterung der Zustandsrepräsentation verbessert die Leistung deutlich, wenn ein Zusammenhang mit den Belohnungszielen besteht. Die Belohnung kann so gestaltet werden, dass sie die Optimierung mehrerer Zielgrößen ermöglicht. Schließlich erreichen spezifische RL-Agenten-Konfigurationen nicht nur eine hohe Leistung in einem Szenario, sondern weisen eine Robustheit bei sich ändernden Systemeigenschaften auf. Damit stellt die Forschungsarbeit einen wesentlichen Beitrag in Richtung selbstoptimierender und autonomer Produktionssysteme dar. Produktionsingenieure müssen das Potenzial datenbasierter, lernender Verfahren bewerten, um in Bezug auf Flexibilität wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben und gleichzeitig den Aufwand für den Entwurf, den Betrieb und die Überwachung von Produktionssteuerungssystemen in einem vernünftigen Gleichgewicht zu halten

    Application of Reinforcement Learning to Multi-Agent Production Scheduling

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) has received attention in recent years from agent-based researchers because it can be applied to problems where autonomous agents learn to select proper actions for achieving their goals based on interactions with their environment. Each time an agent performs an action, the environment¡Šs response, as indicated by its new state, is used by the agent to reward or penalize its action. The agent¡Šs goal is to maximize the total amount of reward it receives over the long run. Although there have been several successful examples demonstrating the usefulness of RL, its application to manufacturing systems has not been fully explored. The objective of this research is to develop a set of guidelines for applying the Q-learning algorithm to enable an individual agent to develop a decision making policy for use in agent-based production scheduling applications such as dispatching rule selection and job routing. For the dispatching rule selection problem, a single machine agent employs the Q-learning algorithm to develop a decision-making policy on selecting the appropriate dispatching rule from among three given dispatching rules. In the job routing problem, a simulated job shop system is used for examining the implementation of the Q-learning algorithm for use by job agents when making routing decisions in such an environment. Two factorial experiment designs for studying the settings used to apply Q-learning to the single machine dispatching rule selection problem and the job routing problem are carried out. This study not only investigates the main effects of this Q-learning application but also provides recommendations for factor settings and useful guidelines for future applications of Q-learning to agent-based production scheduling

    Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning for an Adaptive Order Dispatching in Job Shop Manufacturing Systems

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    Modern production systems tend to have smaller batch sizes, a larger product variety and more complex material flow systems. Since a human oftentimes can no longer act in a sufficient manner as a decision maker under these circumstances, the demand for efficient and adaptive control systems is rising. This paper introduces a methodical approach as well as guideline for the design, implementation and evaluation of Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms for an adaptive order dispatching. Thereby, it addresses production engineers willing to apply RL. Moreover, a real-world use case shows the successful application of the method and remarkable results supporting real-time decision-making. These findings comprehensively illustrate and extend the knowledge on RL

    Constrained Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Material Handling

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    As one of the core parts of flexible manufacturing systems, material handling involves storage and transportation of materials between workstations with automated vehicles. The improvement in material handling can impulse the overall efficiency of the manufacturing system. However, the occurrence of dynamic events during the optimisation of task arrangements poses a challenge that requires adaptability and effectiveness. In this paper, we aim at the scheduling of automated guided vehicles for dynamic material handling. Motivated by some real-world scenarios, unknown new tasks and unexpected vehicle breakdowns are regarded as dynamic events in our problem. We formulate the problem as a constrained Markov decision process which takes into account tardiness and available vehicles as cumulative and instantaneous constraints, respectively. An adaptive constrained reinforcement learning algorithm that combines Lagrangian relaxation and invalid action masking, named RCPOM, is proposed to address the problem with two hybrid constraints. Moreover, a gym-like dynamic material handling simulator, named DMH-GYM, is developed and equipped with diverse problem instances, which can be used as benchmarks for dynamic material handling. Experimental results on the problem instances demonstrate the outstanding performance of our proposed approach compared with eight state-of-the-art constrained and non-constrained reinforcement learning algorithms, and widely used dispatching rules for material handling.Comment: accepted by the 2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN

    On static vs dynamic (switching of) operational policies in aircraft turnaround team allocation and management

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    Aircraft turnaround operations represent the fulcrum of airport operations. They include all services to be provided to an aircraft between two consecutive flights. These services are executed by human operators, often organised in teams, who employ some related equipment and vehicles (e.g. conveyor belts, trolleys and tugs for baggage loading/unloading and transportation). In this paper, we focus on the real-time management of turnaround operations, and assess the relative merits and limitations of so-called dispatching rules that originate from the manufacturing literature. More precisely, we focus on the real-time allocation, on the day of operation, of teams of ground handling operators to aircraft turnarounds. This is pursued from the viewpoint of third-party service providers. We employ simulation, in conjunction with deep reinforcement learning, and work on the case of a real airport and the entirety of its turnaround operations involving multiple service providers

    Reinforcement Learning Based Production Control of Semi-automated Manufacturing Systems

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    In an environment which is marked by an increasing speed of changes, industrial companies have to be able to quickly adapt to new market demands and innovative technologies. This leads to a need for continuous adaption of existing production systems and the optimization of their production control. To tackle this problem digitalization of production systems has become essential for new and existing systems. Digital twins based on simulations of real production systems allow the simplification of analysis processes and, thus, a better understanding of the systems, which leads to broad optimization possibilities. In parallel, machine learning methods can be integrated to process the numerical data and discover new production control strategies. In this work, these two methods are combined to derive a production control logic in a semi-automated production system based on the chaku-chaku principle. A reinforcement learning method is integrated into the digital twin to autonomously learn a superior production control logic for the distribution of tasks between the different workers on a production line. By analyzing the influence of different reward shaping and hyper-parameter optimization on the quality and stability of the results obtained, the use of a well-configured policy-based algorithm enables an efficient management of the workers and the deduction of an optimal production control logic for the production system. The algorithm manages to define a control logic that leads to an increase in productivity while having a stable task assignment so that a transfer to daily business is possible. The approach is validated in the digital twin of a real assembly line of an automotive supplier. The results obtained suggest a new approach to optimizing production control in production lines. Production control shall be centered directly on the workers’ routines and controlled by artificial intelligence infused with a global overview of the entire production system

    Simulationsgestützte Lösung von Deadlocks bei fahrerlosen Transportsystemen mit Hilfe von Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    This paper discusses the use of deep reinforcement learning to resolve deadlocks in material flow systems with automated guided vehicles (AGVs). The paper proposes a strategy for dealing with deadlocks based on a single Agent reinforcement learning approach (SARL). The agent will find the optimal solution strategy in real time. The proposed approach is evaluated using a material flow simulation for a real use case in industry. The effectiveness in reducing the occurrence of deadlocks as well as the number of collisions in the system is demonstrated. This study highlights the potential of deep reinforcement learning for improving the performance and efficiency of material flow systems with AGVs

    Designing an adaptive production control system using reinforcement learning

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    Modern production systems face enormous challenges due to rising customer requirements resulting in complex production systems. The operational efficiency in the competitive industry is ensured by an adequate production control system that manages all operations in order to optimize key performance indicators. Currently, control systems are mostly based on static and model-based heuristics, requiring significant human domain knowledge and, hence, do not match the dynamic environment of manufacturing companies. Data-driven reinforcement learning (RL) showed compelling results in applications such as board and computer games as well as first production applications. This paper addresses the design of RL to create an adaptive production control system by the real-world example of order dispatching in a complex job shop. As RL algorithms are “black box” approaches, they inherently prohibit a comprehensive understanding. Furthermore, the experience with advanced RL algorithms is still limited to single successful applications, which limits the transferability of results. In this paper, we examine the performance of the state, action, and reward function RL design. When analyzing the results, we identify robust RL designs. This makes RL an advantageous control system for highly dynamic and complex production systems, mainly when domain knowledge is limited