29 research outputs found

    Reactive Planar Manipulation with Convex Hybrid MPC

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    This paper presents a reactive controller for planar manipulation tasks that leverages machine learning to achieve real-time performance. The approach is based on a Model Predictive Control (MPC) formulation, where the goal is to find an optimal sequence of robot motions to achieve a desired object motion. Due to the multiple contact modes associated with frictional interactions, the resulting optimization program suffers from combinatorial complexity when tasked with determining the optimal sequence of modes. To overcome this difficulty, we formulate the search for the optimal mode sequences offline, separately from the search for optimal control inputs online. Using tools from machine learning, this leads to a convex hybrid MPC program that can be solved in real-time. We validate our algorithm on a planar manipulation experimental setup where results show that the convex hybrid MPC formulation with learned modes achieves good closed-loop performance on a trajectory tracking problem

    More than a Million Ways to Be Pushed: A High-Fidelity Experimental Dataset of Planar Pushing

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    Pushing is a motion primitive useful to handle objects that are too large, too heavy, or too cluttered to be grasped. It is at the core of much of robotic manipulation, in particular when physical interaction is involved. It seems reasonable then to wish for robots to understand how pushed objects move. In reality, however, robots often rely on approximations which yield models that are computable, but also restricted and inaccurate. Just how close are those models? How reasonable are the assumptions they are based on? To help answer these questions, and to get a better experimental understanding of pushing, we present a comprehensive and high-fidelity dataset of planar pushing experiments. The dataset contains timestamped poses of a circular pusher and a pushed object, as well as forces at the interaction.We vary the push interaction in 6 dimensions: surface material, shape of the pushed object, contact position, pushing direction, pushing speed, and pushing acceleration. An industrial robot automates the data capturing along precisely controlled position-velocity-acceleration trajectories of the pusher, which give dense samples of positions and forces of uniform quality. We finish the paper by characterizing the variability of friction, and evaluating the most common assumptions and simplifications made by models of frictional pushing in robotics.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    A probabilistic data-driven model for planar pushing

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    This paper presents a data-driven approach to model planar pushing interaction to predict both the most likely outcome of a push and its expected variability. The learned models rely on a variation of Gaussian processes with input-dependent noise called Variational Heteroscedastic Gaussian processes (VHGP) that capture the mean and variance of a stochastic function. We show that we can learn accurate models that outperform analytical models after less than 100 samples and saturate in performance with less than 1000 samples. We validate the results against a collected dataset of repeated trajectories, and use the learned models to study questions such as the nature of the variability in pushing, and the validity of the quasi-static assumption.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, ICRA 201

    Realtime State Estimation with Tactile and Visual sensing. Application to Planar Manipulation

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    Accurate and robust object state estimation enables successful object manipulation. Visual sensing is widely used to estimate object poses. However, in a cluttered scene or in a tight workspace, the robot's end-effector often occludes the object from the visual sensor. The robot then loses visual feedback and must fall back on open-loop execution. In this paper, we integrate both tactile and visual input using a framework for solving the SLAM problem, incremental smoothing and mapping (iSAM), to provide a fast and flexible solution. Visual sensing provides global pose information but is noisy in general, whereas contact sensing is local, but its measurements are more accurate relative to the end-effector. By combining them, we aim to exploit their advantages and overcome their limitations. We explore the technique in the context of a pusher-slider system. We adapt iSAM's measurement cost and motion cost to the pushing scenario, and use an instrumented setup to evaluate the estimation quality with different object shapes, on different surface materials, and under different contact modes

    Real-Time Online Re-Planning for Grasping Under Clutter and Uncertainty

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    We consider the problem of grasping in clutter. While there have been motion planners developed to address this problem in recent years, these planners are mostly tailored for open-loop execution. Open-loop execution in this domain, however, is likely to fail, since it is not possible to model the dynamics of the multi-body multi-contact physical system with enough accuracy, neither is it reasonable to expect robots to know the exact physical properties of objects, such as frictional, inertial, and geometrical. Therefore, we propose an online re-planning approach for grasping through clutter. The main challenge is the long planning times this domain requires, which makes fast re-planning and fluent execution difficult to realize. In order to address this, we propose an easily parallelizable stochastic trajectory optimization based algorithm that generates a sequence of optimal controls. We show that by running this optimizer only for a small number of iterations, it is possible to perform real time re-planning cycles to achieve reactive manipulation under clutter and uncertainty.Comment: Published as a conference paper in IEEE Humanoids 201